Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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all traffic stuff and railway
Articles (173)
[Current] High Density Industry Grid (Train, Harbor, Airport) v1.2
Créé par Barthory
This Workshop Item is inspired by the--dud 's Highway Intersection to Grid (Full) . The Asset connects a low traffic street grid with a highway with sound barriers and is rarely plagued by the error message "Slope too steep" The goal was to create a grid t...
Residential Pattern (VFG-D Big)
Créé par DANi
Description: Residential street pattern (big version) for good traffic-efficiency and looks. Actually inspired by real world study of residential street pattern design: - Link: - Figure 7: ...
Residential Pattern (VFG-D Small)
Créé par DANi
Description: Residential street pattern (small version) for good traffic-efficiency and looks. Actually inspired by real world study of residential street pattern design: - Link: - "Figure 7: Buildable a...
Semi Circular Residential
Créé par Odd Ball
Semi Circular Residential by Czechman. Designed to be used singularly but they can be in groups. If you join them together in groups of 4 or more. They will create great residential patterns. Do not rotate when grouping them. Please give a rating or leave ...
Quartier Modulable 8 / Flexible district 8
Créé par BassinPizza1
Quartier Modulable 8 / Flexible district 8 Petit quartier optimisée et stylé modulable / Small district optimized and stylish flexible N'hésitez pas à vous abonner / Do not hesitate to subscribe...
Ultor Logo
Créé par Loup-Gaeru
The logo of the Ultor Corporation mining company from the game Red Faction Guerilla, which is the same company present in the Saints Row series....
5 Points Star
Créé par Loup-Gaeru
5 Points Star by Loup-Gaeru...
Crop Circle Area
Créé par Pulsaria
Roundabouts ( one-way )...
Residential Block 2
Créé par Sherban
Residential Block 2 by Sherban...
Quarter Roundabout Grid
Créé par Jerunn
Quarter Roundabout Grid by Jerunn A quarter roundabout grid to build easily round neighborhoods. Take a look at my 5x5 parks for the inner roundabout. Pls visit my collections for more useful stuff as well. Pls thumbs up if u like it. Thx Ein viertelkreis ...
Circular Town Modular v2
Créé par Katalepsis
Please watch the linked video for a quick tutorial on how to assemble it. Have you ever wanted to build a circular town or neighbourhood but just can't get those circles right? Then this is for you! This asset allows you to create a perfectly circular road...
Circular Town Modular v1
Créé par Katalepsis
Have you ever wanted to build a circular town or neighbourhood but just can't get those circles right? Then this is for you! This asset allows you to create a nearly perfectly circular road layout with a few clicks of your mouse. Simply plop the four quadr...
Large Circle Neighborhood
Créé par yitzchakhorowitz
The Large Circle Neighborhood features one way streets with connecting 4 lane streets. Traffic flow is smooth and fast due to a minimal number of left turns and no traffic lights. Works for both high and low densities. Best used for residential and commerc...
Small Circle Neighborhood
Créé par yitzchakhorowitz
The Small Circle Neighborhood features one way streets with connecting 4 lane streets. Traffic flow is smooth and fast due to no left turns or traffic lights. Works for both high and low densities. Best used for residential and commercial. Can be used for ...
Small Square Neighborhood
Créé par yitzchakhorowitz
The Small Square Neighborhood features one way streets with connecting 4 lane streets. It maximizes the zonable area. Traffic flow is smooth and fast due to a minimal number of left turns and no traffic lights. Best used for low density residential or comm...
Medium Square Neighborhood
Créé par yitzchakhorowitz
The Medium Square Neighborhood features one way streets with connecting 4 lane streets. It maximizes the zonable area. Traffic flow is smooth and fast due to a minimal number of left turns and no traffic lights. Can be used for either high or low density. ...
Large Square Neighborhood
Créé par yitzchakhorowitz
The Large Square Neighborhood features one way streets with connecting 4 lane streets. It maximizes the zonable area. Traffic flow is smooth and fast due to a minimal number of left turns and no traffic lights. Works for both high and low densities. Best u...
XL Square Neighborhood
Créé par yitzchakhorowitz
The Extra Large Square Neighborhood features one way streets with connecting 4 lane streets. It maximizes the zonable area. Traffic flow is smooth and fast due to a minimal number of left turns and no traffic lights. Works for both high and low densities. ...
Green City-Center #4
Créé par Cherubim
Green City-Center #4 by Cherubim...
Green City-Center #5
Créé par Cherubim
Green City-Center #5 by Cherubim...
Pedestrian City Module
Créé par flutsch
Pedestrian City Module by fƖυтѕcн This is the third and probably final version of my pedestrian city module. Features: - Elevated pavement paths all over the place -> keep the Cims off the streets & greatly reduce traffic volume - Easily connectable with e...
Bad Zone 1 - SQUARE
Créé par wsciekly
Bad Zone 1 by wsciekly...
Moonglow Village (120+ instant house spots)
Créé par Kuggar
Moonglow Village (120+ instant house spots) is the first of many "Straight out of the box" road placements which can support housing, commercial or industrial. + The screenshot is the only residential on the map, and it's housing nearly 1200 people! + Near...
Simple Residential Pattern (VFGD)
Créé par Benjinx
This residential pattern design uses beginner level streets. Useful for when you're first starting your city and better street options are not....
LT's Fused Grid 03
Créé par LumberingTroll
Another stnadard fused grid pattern...
LT's Fused Grid 02
Créé par LumberingTroll
Standard Fused grid pattern but with medium outside roads to further support traffic flow. To use this simply place it, when you want to duplicate the pattern bulldoze the roads on one side then add the pattern in that place. It is suggested that you make ...
LT's Fused Grid 01
Créé par LumberingTroll
THis is a standard fused grid pattern for urban development To use this simply place it, when you want to duplicate the pattern bulldoze the roads on one side then add the pattern in that place. It is suggested that you make a 2x2 patter with express ways ...
GBX City 2x3
Créé par littlenewbie
Tileable city block with pedestrian walkways. Can be used to create a city with minimal traffic. This is a 2x3 tiled version of
Rosabout V5
Créé par DizziDrop
Rosabout V5 by DizziDrop 2 lane 1-way version of the Roseabout inspired by /u/MyPipboy3000 's post to /r/CitiesSkylines. NOT DIRECTLY UPGRADABLE TO HIGHWAYS - The small lane leading INTO the 6 lane road will tell you that the space is already occupied. You...
B - Zone
Créé par Zorbi32
Parcelle de routes préconstruite. Se connecte a d'autre parcelle"B". PRECONSTRUCTED PLOT OF ROADS. CONNECTS WITH OTHER "B" PLOTS Taille: 36x36 Size: 36x36 <form action="" method="post" target="_top"> <input type="hidden...
The Roundabout
Créé par Tigger
Roundabout without roads for easier placement....
Verybest Roundabout
Créé par Rigedi
Verybest Roundabout by Rigedi Fast and no waiting. Eliminates traffic problems on high-traffic intersections. - Update 2015-04-05 Small walkways added between the exits. Updated Images. ----------------------------------------------------------------------...
Road - Roundabout I
Créé par MolleMadsen
UI info: The thumbnail is custom made using photoshop, as I don't think the automically generated thumbnail looks as good as the original thumbnails....
Road - Roundabout II
Créé par MolleMadsen
UI info: The thumbnail is custom made using photoshop, as I don't think the automically generated thumbnail looks as good as the original thumbnails....
Small Green Roundabout
Créé par Joge
Small Green Roundabout by Calle...
Elevated Pedestrian Roundabout
Créé par Xcell Miguel
Elevated pedestrian path roundabout over a highway roundabout. You can add a park (5x3) in the middle, just place a road, then a park, and delete the road :)...
Perseco's Large Roundabout [NEP]
Créé par Perseco
This is a large roundabout based on one I made in one of my cities. It includes paths from the avenues to the center, allowing pedestrians to cross over to other avenues. There is plenty of space in the center to build a park or place a monument or large d...
Kreisverkehr (Gross) 12 x 12
Créé par core79
Kreisverkehr (Gross) 12 x 12 by core79 Kosten/Costs : 800 Unterhalt/Maintenance :19 Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle m...
6 Lane Road to 6 Lane One Way Road Interchange
Créé par agusingnavy
6 Lane Road to 6 Lane One Way Road Interchange by agusingnavy Ideal for industrial districts (entrance/exit). You can make a loop to get a constant traffic flow. Works for me, of course. It depends on your route layout. (The video is a simple made fast exa...
The Turtle - Highway Exit Traffic Management System
Créé par Katalepsis
The turtle is a traffic management solution for highway exits. It consists of an asset and an idea. The idea is to divide the traffic into three main flows through an advanced highway roundabout and traffic distribution system. Advanced to me, at least. Un...
Tight Motorway Crossing
Créé par ToRyanSe
Tight Motorway Crossing by Ryan...
Timboh's Diverging Diamond Interchange
Créé par Timboh
Placeholder Description...
Timboh's A-4 Parclo Interchange
Créé par Timboh
Here's my first proper service interchange in my collection, the A-4 Parclo! Now, as a road geek, it pains me to tell you that I actually had to look up the meaning of "A-4". As far as I've understood it, the A means that the ramps are located before the d...
Grols - Highwayramp + Roundabout
Créé par Drendal
Highwayramp + Roundabout + ingame Thumbnail...
The Exchanger
Créé par agusingnavy
The Exchanger by agusingnavy I AM LEGEND Size: 64x26 cells "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. - agusingnavy -...
The Exchanger II
Créé par agusingnavy
The Exchanger II by agusingnavy Thanks Skye !!! (12:47 minutes) Freeway-Urban Interchange - Measures: 62x26 cells - Max height: 12 mts - Highway height: 9 mts (if you want to continue the highway with 9 mts height use Fine Road Heights or Enhanced Road Hei...
DCMI (Compact)
Créé par agusingnavy
DCMI (Compact) by agusingnavy I AM LEGEND "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. "@Theprinceofgaming1 29 May 2015 @ 7:03pm ... will u upload a compacted version?" So , here it is. Does it...
3 Way Interchange + Urban Entrance/Exit
Créé par agusingnavy
3 Way Interchange + Urban Entrance/Exit by agusingnavy Currently I increased the distance between the two highways to 10/12 cells instead of 4 because this way I have more options to add on/off ramps and make larger and more complex interchanges in-game, a...
Flower Intersection
Créé par Killusions
Have a look at all assets and maps I’ve created! -> ^^^In my collection^^^ ————— An intersection that looks like a flower. ————— It should of handle a lot of traffic pretty well. ————— --> The price is higher in some places and in water! <-- Important Stat...
Arrowhead Junction
Créé par Nilipi
This aesthetically pleasing interchange offers a solution to those times when you need to connect 3 highways at wonky angles....
3 Way Stack
Créé par agusingnavy
3 Way Stack by agusingnavy - UI Priority. -1231 Comments, likes and rates­ are always welcome :). And if you want check out my other custom assets. - @agusingnavy -...
Timboh's Y-Stack Interchange
Créé par Timboh
Let's make some more three-ways! This right here is a Y-Stack, or specifically, one of the many ways to make a Y-Stack. This specific design is roughly based on the "twins of Copenhagen" as I use to call them; two almost completely inseperable interchanges...
Threeway Interchange
Créé par HorizonBC
Threeway Interchange by HorizonBC...
Timboh's T-Bone Interchange
Créé par Timboh
Placeholder Description...
Timboh's A-Trumpet Interchange
Créé par Timboh
Mirrored Version: Let's take a break from all the 4-ways and move on to some 3-way interchanges, and is there any better way to start then with a trumpet interchange. In real life, this is by ...
Timboh's B-Trumpet Interchange
Créé par Timboh
Mirrored Version: Let's take a break from all the 4-ways and move on to some 3-way interchanges, and is there any better way to start then with a trumpet interchange. In real life, this is by ...
Timboh's Semi-Directional A-Trumpet Interchange
Créé par Timboh
Mirrored Version: More trumpets, Timboh? Do we really need more of these things? I'd say we do indeed need more of them. See, the semi-directional variant of the trumpet actually adds quite al...
Timboh's Semi-Directional B-Trumpet Interchange
Créé par Timboh
Mirrored Version: More trumpets, Timboh? Do we really need more of these things? I'd say we do indeed need more of them. See, the semi-directional variant of the trumpet actually adds quite al...
Compact Elevated Interchange
Créé par Thalassicus
Tightly-compacted elevated highway interchange for dense urban environments. - Takes up very little land area. - Elevated design allows roads to pass underneath. - Gradual turns prevent light traffic from slowing down. - Low slopes ease placement on uneven...
Timboh's Clovermill Interchange
Créé par Timboh
Clovermill? Cloverleafmill? Windleaf? Two-level Cloverleaf Windmill Hybrid... thingy... Meh, I'll go with Clovermill. It doesn't seem like this interchange has a specific name except being a cloverleaf/windmill hybrid, so I just made one up! These intercha...
Timboh's Windmill Interchange
Créé par Timboh
There's something about the shape of this interchange that makes me giggle. I don't know what it is, but it looks awesome anyway! Windmill Interchanges seem to be completely forgotten by the world; I've honestly never seen one that still exist. Wikipedia l...
stackinterchange forunevenground
Créé par Atomgott
I got tired of not having a high capacity highway interchange that can be placed on moderately uneven ground. This simple elevated stack interchange has extra long slopes and can tolerate some terrain....
4-Way with Roundabout
Créé par Addersting
4-Way with Roundabout by shainze based upon 4-way stack interchange by Agusingnavy. I added the roundabout so I didn't have so far to go to a highway onramp. These intersections take so much room that with nearby highways, there isn't always room to add a ...
The Flow Interchange
Créé par agusingnavy
The Flow Interchange by agusingnavy ...
Fully connected 6-Way Interchange
Créé par euvier
A fully connected 6-way (or hexagonal) interchange. NOTE: I ran out of bridge pieces in the asset editor, so the asset you will download is only 80% finished. You need to add the outer most connectors yourself (marked red in picture 3), which fortunately i...
Double-Paperclip Interchange
Créé par Scotland Tom
Here's what I like to call the 'Double-Paperclip' Interchange. Why? Well, isn't that what it looks like? This was used as the main starting connection in my Boulder Rapids map. This is a very large interchange that takes up almost as much room as it can in...
Timboh's Turbine-Stack Interchange
Créé par Timboh
"Wait a minute!? A new upload from that Timboh guy. I thought that selfish scrub had abandoned us! Oh, is it time to return now?" That's hopefully not your reaction when you see this, but I can understand why. I've been gone for a loooong time. Real life c...
4 way interchange #1
Créé par 3nƒ0я¢3я
4 way interchange #1 (four level) Cost: 92,550 Upkeep: 1,087 / week...
Timboh's Turbine Interchange
Créé par Timboh
Looking for a turbine with U-turns? Check out grimarchangel's version: The first interchange in my collection, and my favorite! I mean, just look at it! The spiral ramp pattern is almost mesme...
Fluxtrance 5 Way
Créé par agusingnavy
Fluxtrance 5 Way by agusingnavy To those who like Fluxtrance. UI Priority: -1217 Mods used: - Advanced Road Anarchy - NoPillars - Precision Engineering None are required to use this asset. Comments, likes and rates­ are always welcome :). And if you want c...
5 leaf clover Interchange!
Créé par Eclipsechris
Hello again city builders. I have been busy at work creating another junction. This time its a fantastic 5 leaf clover interchange. Hope you enjoy it. You will need to connect the outer most roads in game as the editor didnt give me enough space. It will r...
Motorway service area
Créé par Froderik
DESCRIPTION With this modular service area you are able to create your own individualized motorway service areas. This modular service area contains assets from four different categories: M -> Motorway section with service area in the category intersection...
Timboh's Motorway Rest Area
Créé par Timboh
Here's a bit of an experiment for you. A rest area! See, in the modern era, humans require access to basic necessities 24/7, such as lead-free petrol, chocolate bars and "fresh" wrapped sandwiches. Now you can provide those services with the Motorway Rest ...
Parallel Highway
Créé par Tinteex in Taiwan
Parallel Highway by Tinteex. A section of two highways, one way each for you to easily plot down. Arrows are not included, just for you to make sure they go each way. Dont forget to rate so more people can see this!...
90 Degree Highway Turn
Créé par WoodMan
90 Degree Highway Turn by WoodMan...
45 Degree Highway Turn
Créé par WoodMan
It may seem stupidly simple, maybe I missed something, but I found it extremely annoying that I couldn't draw both highway directions as a single brush, because they would always end up wonky and seperating when it came to corners. This was especially anno...
Bus Exchange Station
Créé par V
For when you want to hook up multiple lines to relatively near spots. Helps keep congestion off your main roads as well. To shorten, just delete the necessary roads and paths....
24x24 8-line bus stop
Créé par smartpaulyip
What is it for? - It is a 8-line bus stop for any district (R/C/I). - The concept is to allow cims to travel to this bus stop by metro, then travel by bus within a district. Why should I use that? - More efficient public transport: let's take a city with 3...
Train/Metro/Bus Hub
Créé par Kallie92
Trainstation, several Metrostations and a huge Busstation all in one place. I recommend putting the Busstops where the small trees are, the Metrostations where the large trees are, the Busdepot where the small bushes are while the bushes mark the front of ...
Public transport place / Nahverkehrsplatz
Créé par Freme
This place unite bus, train and subway in one area. The brown small ways shows you where to build which building. top left: Bus depot middle: Subway station below: Train station. The Cims uses really the Pedestrian bridge to go to another Bus stop or to th...
Grid for 8-Track-Station
Créé par Elias
The purpose of this grid is to give you the opportunity to build 2 stations (16x8 footprint) into one large station. You can use it the way you like, of course, but try it with my "MY SPECIAL STATION" (originally designed by SoJiro). But be aware that you ...
3 rails cross over point
Créé par BBB
3rails cross over point by BBB...
raised 3 rails cross over point
Créé par BBB
raised 3 rails cross over point by BBB...
4 rails cross over point
Créé par BBB
4 rails cross over point by BBB...
raised 4 rails cross over point
Créé par BBB
raised 4 rails cross over point by BBB...
Créé par Morwo
This intersection is made of the original C:S T-intersection for highways. i added two railroad T-intersections to it. i like to have two seperated railroads each one for passenger and cargo trains so that they dont mess each other up with traffic. MorwoT-...
T-Intersection Highway & Rail
Créé par alphaprior
T-Intersection Highway & Rail by alphaprior...
4 Rail Turn - 90 degrees
Créé par NLPieter94
4 Rail Turn - 90 degrees by NLPieter94...
PinwheelGrid LowRes roundabout
Créé par Loup-Gaeru
PinwheelGrid LowRes roundabout by Loup-Gaeru...
AmRuKuo Logo
Créé par Loup-Gaeru
The logo of the AmRuKuo mining company from the game Red Faction Guerilla....
kaleos spiral roundabout
Créé par mikeyx
kaleos spiral roundabout...
Perseco's Roundabout Square [NEP]
Créé par Perseco
This roundabout has entrances/exits that connect to the outer square and avenues that extend from the corners. This offers greatly improved traffic flow for left turns while also offering space for landscaping and pedestrian paths. It is also large enough ...
zaipen's New Era Roundabout
Créé par zaipen
For massive traffic. This roundabout solves your traffic problem. - Definitely....
zaipen's New Era Interchange
Créé par zaipen
For massive traffic. This interchange solves your traffic problem. - Definitely....
Perseco's Expressway Exit w/Elevated Tram [NEP]
Créé par Perseco
This is a large freeway intersection. It includes service roads, avenue underpass, a regional railroad line between the freeway directions, and an elevated local/tram line overpass that runs between each direction of the avenue. Some room is left for you t...
DogBone Interchange
Créé par agusingnavy
DogBone Interchange by agusingnavy The Greatest Thanks to SamsamTS for the feature "intersections support" and the tunnel mode from his wonderful mod Fine Road Tool. When I built this asset the tunnel mode was not available, so in order to achieve the tunn...
Dumbbell Interchange
Créé par agusingnavy
Dumbbell Interchange by agusingnavy For the suburbs. Nothing fancy. - Size: 66x52 - UI Priority: -3001 Mods used: Network mods - Fine Road Tool (Required) - Network Extensions Project (Required) - NoPillars - Precision Engineering Amazing mods by Matt Crux...
Quartier Modulable 11
Créé par BassinPizza1
Quartier Modulable 11 / Flexible district 11 Petit quartier optimisée et stylé modulable / Small district optimized and stylish flexible N'hésitez pas à vous abonner / Do not hesitate to subscribe...
Quartier Modulable 13 with tram road
Créé par BassinPizza1
Le même quartier que le quartier modulable 11, ce qui change c'est 2 voies de tram au centre. Merci de bien vouloir mettre un jaime ou jaime pas même ci vous ne télécharger pas ce mod....
8-Way Roundabout
Créé par DeceasedFuture
8-Way Roundabout by david.w.martindale...
Turbo Roundabout
Créé par agusingnavy
Turbo Roundabout by agusingnavy - Size:42x42 cells - UI Priority. -3008 Mods used: Network mods - Fine Road Anarchy Required - Network Extensions Project Required - Precision Engineering Comments, likes and rates­ are always welcome :). And if you want che...
Stack Interchange (Big)
Créé par Rafe
Stack Interchange (Big) Uses 9 height differences, so requires very shallow slopes or terraforming to place. The center curves are 33-18 over 22u, so that was what I optimized around instead of better placement. Space for roads underneath, railways as an e...
Large Car/Tram Roundabout
Créé par Dredd
Large Car/Tram Roundabout by Dredd...
5-Way Interchange
Créé par Soruvisu
5-Way Interchange by Soruvisu...
Highway tunnel entrance (12u)
Créé par Are S.
Highway tunnel entrance (12u) by BornInNorway81...
Highway tunnel entrance (6u)
Créé par Are S.
Highway tunnel entrance (6u) by BornInNorway81...
3 Way Interchange + Rails - HT
Créé par Viesuliss
This is an Intersection, for heavy traffic. It's meant to be on Industrialzones, etc. Im not a photoshop professional, so leave me alone with the design, okay? HT - Heavy Traffic Mods used: - Advanced Road Anarchy - Precision Engineering Mods required: - N...
Créé par Sl4sh&D4sh
Archer by Sl4sh&D4sh...
The Golden Eye (Service Interchange)
Créé par Impact
My first in a new series of Service Interchanges (Highway to Urban Interchanges). Feel free to follow me or visit my profile every now and then for more new interchanges like this. It works perfect with medium traffic and not cause congestions. No traffic ...
The Humble T-Bone (Service Interchange)
Créé par Impact
ATTENTION: Since the last patch, sometimes you can't plop the interchanges with the embankments / hills (like the pictures). If it does not plop it like in my pictures (it looks good with bridges as well), subscribe to Fine Road Tool in order to fix it. Th...
Highway Terminus
Créé par AutumnQueen🍂
Highway Terminus inspired by the end of the Korean War Veterans Memorial Parkway in Staten Island, New York Elevation is 0m to 9m....
I-310 / River Rd - New Orleans, La, US
Créé par agusingnavy
I-310 / River Rd - New Orleans, La, US by agusingnavy The real thing,-90.3778164,3415a,20y,90h/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en This is the southbound feeder. Northbound feeder by @Soruvisu
Diverging Diamond Interchange
Créé par agusingnavy
Diverging Diamond Interchange by agusingnavy The Greatest *Size: 84x62 cells *Heights: 3 & -6 mts *UI Priority. -1256 "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. Upgrade roads and add traffic ...
Bus, Train Hub with Tram
Créé par BIG C 90
Bus, Train Hub with Tram by ISL | Scottish Trucker | CEO...
6 Way Interchange (update: all directions connected)
Créé par Arisandi
old asset. slopes not move it,no fine road tool,no anarchy.just using mod no.pillar mods. just the past.this is my journey to become more better in making interchanges. i know i still nothimg but at list i am better than my past.never read guide i ...
Créé par agusingnavy
Songbird by agusingnavy The Greatest *Size: who cares *UI Priority. -1258 "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. Mods used: Network mods -Fine Road Anarchy (Required) -Fine Road Tool (Req...
Compact Interchange
Créé par Soruvisu
size 78x78 height -6 to 6 m ploppable with slope limiter on completely flat land...
Omega Intersection
Créé par Huribe
Three-way intersection in shape of a Omega. Just like the original Intersection in Gera, Germany this is a junction for two-lane one way roads. ...
Créé par 匿名
高速3路口 by 匿名...
Fork Diamond Interchange
Créé par Soruvisu
Size 73x50 Height -6 to 6 m Ploppable with slope limiter mod on a perfectly flat land Just as the previous interchange, it has a quite large space in the middle that you can use, and when I look at the space, all that I can think about is a slice of pizza ...
[DEPRECIATED] Road Underpass
Créé par creativeDEX
Road Underpass by Dexter Hi everyone, here is my Road Underpass. The build is inspirit by the Underpass Construction in Karlsruhe, Germany. Note: For better placement make sure that the ground are flat enough and don't forget to activate the required mods!...
Kansas Turnpike
Créé par agusingnavy
Kansas Turnpike by agusingnavy "I'm so twisted" Mass Transit DLC version >>>Click here<<< -Heights: -6, 3 & 6 mts *UI Priority: -1259 Mods used: Network mods -Fine Road Anarchy -Fine Road Tool (Required) -Network Extensions 2 (Required) -Precision Engineer...
Steinhäusl Interchange
Créé par Soruvisu
I have no idea what interchange to create at first, so what I did is go through wikipedia, search for list of every nation's capital in the world, open them one by one in the map, and trying to find some inspiration. I finally found them in Austria. Here i...
Créé par agusingnavy
Neufeld by agusingnavy The Greatest This item was all about bragging. *UI Priority. -1260 Mods used: Network mods -Fine Road Anarchy -Fine Road Tool (Required) -Network Extensions 2 (Required) -Move it -Precision Engineering - agusingnavy -...
Avenue Intersection
Créé par FLX
For you guys that, like me, are bored of using roundabouts everywhere, this is an alternative way of crossing two avenues, avoiding traffic lights as well. I highly recommend use of Traffic President Mod, in order to correct the turning permissions of one ...
Residential Pattern By DH1988
Créé par Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by DH1988 All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updated or pos...
SPUPCLO Interchange
Créé par Soruvisu
My version of SPUPCLO Interchange. As usual, 64x64 in size, slope is made as mild as possible. P.S. You need to set the traffic light phase by yourself. Because I can't do it in the asset editor. Just follow the phase in the video and you'll be alright...
45degree H'way Intersection By <{AU}>Medgineer
Créé par Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by <{AU}>Medgineer All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updat...
my city block
Créé par Keeper Of Dragons
my city block by big_dragon_man...
Toyotahigashi JCT
Créé par danuki313
Shin-Tomei expwy & Isewangan expwy / Tokai-Kanjo expwy, Toyotahigashi JCT by danuki313...
blackwiddow's Spiral Highway Exit
Créé par blackwiddow
Spiral Highway Exit by blackwiddow Left Hand Drive version here: All my assets can be found here: Designed to...
All Through The Night
Créé par agusingnavy
All Through The Night by agusingnavy The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. *UI Priority: -1262 Mods used: Network mods -Fine Road Anarchy (Required) -Fine Road Tool (Require...
Where The Streets Have No Name
Créé par agusingnavy
Where The Streets Have No Name by agusingnavy The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. Real location *UI Priority: -1261 Mods used: Network mods -Fine Road Anarchy -Fine Road T...
I Will Be
Créé par agusingnavy
I Will Be by agusingnavy The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. Real location *UI Priority: -1263 Mods used: Network mods -Fine Road Anarchy -Fine Road Tool (Required) -Move ...
blackwiddow's Simple Highway Exit
Créé par blackwiddow
Simple Highway Exit by blackwiddow All my assets can be found here: Designed to act as a roundabout highway exit. The actual asset itself is a road only and has no foliage s...
[DEPRECIATED] Airport Interchange
Créé par creativeDEX
Airport Interchange by Dexter Hi everyone, here is my Airport Interchange from my Lindblum International Airport. It is a 5 Ramp Partial Cloverleaf Interchange. A nice design highlight in this interchange are the circle roads in the loop ramp. You can use ...
[DEPRECIATED] Small International Airport Layout
Créé par creativeDEX
small International Airport Layout by Dexter Hi everyone, here is my International Airport Layout from my city Lindblum in a smaller version. This one is a little bit more compact for better handling. There is only one runway for two terminals. This is a r...
8 Way Highway Interchange
Créé par FightBiscuit
This is my new masterpiece. Place this Interchange in the middlel of your map and you`re basically done with the highway traffic (maybe add an outer ring at ~250k pop) The centre is stacked in 4 layers and consists of a double diamond interchange. You can ...
Actual Magic Roundabout
Créé par Mr.SelfDestruct
Actual Magic Roundabout by Mr.SelfDestruct made possible by using Move it! Works for Left hand traffic. High capacity version (3 lane)
Railway Crossing Post NVP
Créé par targa
The post of duty person on the railway crossing. Decorative building (does not affect the operation of barriers). For his work do not require electricity and water. Building placed in Roads/Road condition (are in the same place where the Road Maintenance D...
Large City Intersection + Exits
Créé par dodowvogel
This Intersection has exits in multiple directions, ideal as a main exit/intersection for a city. It is inspired by exit #37 of the dutch A59 in Waalwijk, The Netherlands....
Large Rural Intersection
Créé par dodowvogel
This intersection will work great in rural area's. It works best when you remove the traffic lights from the junctions. It is based on the Paalgraven intersection in Oss, The Netherlands....
I -110 California
Créé par Arisandi
Update: Remove Require Network Extension Mod....
Créé par Karl.KR
IC_Octopus(D4R6_Eco) by chseokuo...
Créé par creativeDEX
xjunction by Dexter Hi everyone, here is a rebuild from my City: Lindblum, the xJunction. Its a solution for a highway/freeway end and will handle medium traffic without optimizations. Cars will take the right ways and the traffic lights will support the f...
Bazz Squirrel Residential Area
Créé par Bazztard84
Bazz Squirrel Road Layout by Bazztard84...
High D
Créé par Swedish Fish
High D by Swedish Fish...
High D industry
Créé par Swedish Fish
High D industry by Swedish Fish...
High D train
Créé par Swedish Fish
High D train by Swedish Fish...
Bush roundabout
Créé par szprycha
Roundabout with red bushes....
Créé par Arisandi
i love to more small but slopes going bad if i shrink it ....
Tunnel Entrances
Créé par Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Rural Trumpet Interchange
Créé par Rex_Luminor
A small trumpet interchange leading a 1-lane highway onto a 3-lane highway (or vice versa). Perfectly suited for rural areas with little traffic. Cost Upkeep 24,150 293 Advantages: - No weaving - Major 3-lane highway has smooth elevation changes - Relative...
2 train tracks switch
Créé par Arasalka
2 train tracks switch Category : Intersection / Train Description : Allow train to switch lane after a double track train station You can choose by which side the train will stop, and be able to draw a better loop line Cost and maintenance : 1740 c 28 c/w ...
Stack Interchange I-75/I-696 (Detroit, Michigan)
Créé par Pamani
Stack Interchange I-75/I-696 (Detroit, Michigan) This stack interchange is found in Detroit, Michigan Real Life Location It connects two main highways : the I-75 and the I-696. That makes it the busiest interchange in the State of Michigan with more than 3...
4 Level Stack Interchange
Créé par Huzz
4 Level Stack Interchange...
5-Way Interchange (I-696, I-96, I-275 and US-5, Michigan)
Créé par Huzz
This is a 5-Way Interchange, made for fun. It is not designed for practical use. However, you can plan your highways according to this interchange. Please subscribe to Network Extensions 2 if you wish to use this Interchange. It contains 2-Lane Highways fr...
The smallest cloverleaf ever !!! (Mexico)
Créé par Pamani
Smallest cloverleaf !!! (Mexico) This super compact cloverleaf interchange is inspired by two found in Mexico City : Real life location 1 Real life location 2 With its double 4-lane avenues, it has a great capacity compared to other intersection of its siz...
All This & Heaven Too | Mass Transit DLC
Créé par agusingnavy
All This & Heaven Too | Mass Transit DLC by agusingnavy The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. Manchester *UI Priority: 9000007 Screenshots -Map: Owl's Anahita Pass -Map them...
AS Frankfurt-Eckenheim A661/L303 (Mass Transit)
Créé par Danoir_
AS Frankfurt-Eckenheim A661/L303, created by Danoir_. This is an Autobahn-exit in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It's a 5-ramp Parclo that allows traffic from the south to bypass the Parclo's traffic lights and merge directly on/off the Autobahn. This interse...
45-degree Trumpet INTC(L)
Créé par lime
A 45-degree 3-way trumpet interchange for highways(left, compact). This doesn't require mods, which means, it can be even used in Map Editor. It's recommended to place on flat ground. Full left version Full right version Made with help of: Move It! The ite...
Shanghai | Mass Transit DLC
Créé par agusingnavy
Shanghai | Mass Transit DLC by agusingnavy The Greatest "The asset editor is a flat surface". This means you need to flatten the ground before you place the asset. Shanghai *UI Priority: 9000001 Network Extensions 2 version »»CLICK HERE«« Screenshots - Map...
Diverging Interchange (DDI or DCMI) by Sapientia
Créé par Sapientia
Diverging Crossover Merging Interchange by Sapientia ========================================= note : It's half modular. ...
Mom's Spaghetti
Créé par D4NG3R15M
If you had one opportunity... one chance... to make the nuttiest but functional intersection... would you take the chance... or lose it all? After many hours of blood, sweat and tears, I have managed to invoke dark alchemy to merge the best of by two previ...
ELVIS 10 lane BRT
Créé par ELVIS
머리말 안녕하세요! 엘비스 게임즈 BRT의 2차 베타가 시작되었습니다. 베타는 계속 진행중이나 10차선의 BRT도로는 완성되었기 때문에 여러분께 이렇게 내놓게 되었습니다. 엘비스10차선 BRT 입니다! 엘비스 10차선 BRT는 10차선의 일반도로와 2개의 버스 중앙차선 도로로 많은 차량을 한번에 수용할 수 있는 무시무시한 도로입니다. 후에 추가될 8차선 중앙차로도로와 더불어 여러분의 도시의 교통을 씹어먹을 어마어마한 존재가 될 것입니다. 에셋정보 ● EL...
Niigata Chuo JCT (Elevated)
Créé par Arisandi
must be very flat before being placed....
Transport Hub XL
Créé par HyperionNL
Transport Hub XL with bus lanes , tram lanes, space for metro and train station and monorail. And a place to fit parking lots...
Transport Center XL
Créé par HyperionNL
Transport Center XL with bus lanes , tram lanes, space for metro and train station and monorail. And a place to fit parking lots...
QC 40/73 (4-Way Version)
Créé par mat1476
This is what it would probably look like if the QC-40 and QC-73 Interchange was built as a 4-way interchange. It was firstly designed to have the space for one day an highway extension, that still not exists today. French Description follows. _____________...
Expressway Pillars
Créé par Ronyx69
Pillar pack consisting of complete pillar props, and a prop pack of pieces to put your own pillars together for Expressway:
Vanilla Lake's Hi Speed Roundabout Exit
Créé par MrMiyagi
I'm not an intersection guy but I got a request for the beginner roundabout intersection used in Vanilla Lake's start square, so here you go! Vanilla Lake map is here: - No DLC, No Mods - Cus...
Collections liées (18)
Highways with traintracks
Contient 13 objets
Roundabout Islands
Contient 4 objets
Train Track Assets
Contient 6 objets
Meeting planning
Contient 8 objets
Interstate Ground Textures
Contient 24 objets
ALL of Impact
Contient 31 objets
Railway Junctions
Contient 4 objets
Fused Grids
Contient 9 objets
R69 Pillar Set
Contient 26 objets
Aenarion's Interchanges
Contient 21 objets