Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

221 arvostelua
Hurt Enterprise Headquarters
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3.887 MB
9.9.2015 klo 20.20
7.10.2015 klo 19.11
5 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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Hurt Enterprise Headquarters

Hurt Enterprise Headquarters by

This version is a 1-1 scale of the commerzbank tower. It's a slightly changed model from the growable version found at

A building inspired by simcity 4, which was based off the Commerzbank Tower in Frankfurt, Germany. Completely custom model, textures and lods.

4143 tris on the base model
1024 texture resolution,
LOD texture res at 512
Custom LOD is 110 tris

Please Rate it you like it!
30 kommenttia
Cool hedgehog 18.5.2024 klo 17.27 
TechiCat 29.10.2016 klo 10.40 
Yay thank you!!!  [tekijä] 27.10.2016 klo 10.38 
@Erin8226 absolutely you can! its located here in my workshop. It's not going to be as big as this one. but its still large.
TechiCat 27.10.2016 klo 10.33 
Any chance you can make this growable? Call me weird, but I don't like plopping.
Faris 18.10.2016 klo 20.46 
fuck man glad to see you still modeling Great work bud! :steamhappy:
AJHodster 1.4.2016 klo 22.00 
This looked great in SC4, and looks even better in CS!!! Thanks!!!! :steamhappy:
Philibe [GER] 25.12.2015 klo 6.13 
Germany / Frankfurt am Main / Commerz Bank Tower (y)
ProBert 12.12.2015 klo 15.54 
Looks greate ingame, thx!!
Yud 30.11.2015 klo 11.25 
I think it is Gula's Kingdom Tower
AlperAga 14.11.2015 klo 18.14 
subscribed, thanks ^^
What's the tallest one on the first screenshot ?