Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Extra Landscaping Tools
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19 AGO 2015 a las 11:17
22 MAR 2023 a las 4:38
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Extra Landscaping Tools

En 1 colección creada por BloodyPenguin
Penguin's Eye Candy
29 artículos
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool.

Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available through a main toolbar icon (see screenshots). This mod also provides its own tree brush which can be customized via 'Brush Options' toolbar. Tree density ('Strength') can be customized as well as brush size and shape. To use tree pencil mode hold left mouse button pressed and move mouse in single tree mode. It's handy for painting lines of trees or filling tighter areas like roundabouts. In tree pencil mode tree dencity depends on strength slider.

Another tool is Water Tool which is available through a main toolbar icon and can be configured from 'Water Options' toolbar. Use manual input field to set capacity values smaller than 0.01 (0.0001 minimum).

In addition to that this mod extends Terrain Tool which is almost the same as rollo's Terraform Tool, but uses vanilla tool and has slightly different implementation of ditch tool. Pros: it's configurable and free, and allows undoing terrain modification. These two mods are compatible so you can use both at the same time though I don't see any reason to use rollo's mod now.

All tools work exactly like their Map Editor counterparts and use the same keyboard keys and mouse buttons (+,- to zoom, right mouse button to erase).

This mod provides 'Options' button. You can configure which tools will be available in-game via options entry.

If you want to plant trees or place water sources anywhere on the map use my Cross The Line mod.

Known conflicts:
- Find It!'s 'Enhance all panels' feature makes this mod's surface selection panel blank. You don't have to turn off the entire Find It! to make it compatible with this mod and Extra Landscaping Tools. Just go to Find It!'s options and disable 'Enhance all menus' option there.
- Because this mod provides its own tree brush, it's incompatible with Tree Brush mod by Destroyer. This mod doesn't reuse any of Tree Brush source code.

Possible future features:
- wildlife spawn points
- Prop pencil
- brush rotation
- random trees placement (if it's possible)

This mod doesn't provide any custom brushes. To get custom brushes, check out this discussion.

Feel free to comment.

You can find more of my mods in my workshop.

Note: if you have any errors/exceptions, please, don't paste them or output_log.txt into comments. Use pastebin, dropbox or whatever.

Thanks GitHub user martinrlilja for the code that loads Map Editor icons in-game. Thanks SamsamTS for his UI elements examples. Thanks reddit user thebigeasy67 for inspiring me to do tree pencil mode.

This mod uses awesome detours C# library[] by cope. Without it, this mod would've been impossible to make.

Latest update:

UPDATE 1.19.1 (3/21/2023)

Fixed: Re-compiled to work with Financial Districts

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Discusiones populares Ver todo (50)
28 JUN 2024 a las 15:37
Menu and Tool not working
5 DIC 2023 a las 7:51
error when loading a game
10 ABR 2023 a las 6:10
Water Tool gone crazy
2.383 comentarios
tokmakçıbehlül 9 MAR a las 7:51 
iltihabıl yusuf 🪦 16 FEB a las 6:14 
update getir la
Onyx 9 FEB a las 22:57 
This still works kind of, FYI Cities Skylines Community, Put in the comments of your favorite mods to say it still works, and make sure to pure for updates from the creators! Keep Cities Skylines 1 great!
Zowie GSR-SE 28 DIC 2024 a las 19:29 
i love you so fucking much
Zowie GSR-SE 28 DIC 2024 a las 19:29 
i love you
Augenstern 23 DIC 2024 a las 23:36 
G.G.Bond 23 DIC 2024 a las 6:58 
so gooooooooooooood
Totenschlächter 16 DIC 2024 a las 14:27 
I got a Problem with the policies when using this mod. The settings for policies are not shown. If i try to open, there only appears a closing x on the bottom right corner.

I would love, if u could fix it :).
2544552192 14 DIC 2024 a las 6:11 
numbat 10 DIC 2024 a las 14:04 
@harambe, thanks for the tip. I need to lower it to around 0.04 before it becomes usable but at least I can use it now.
