Dota 2
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"SOURCE (1) screenshot of genuine Ti5 autographs when it wasn't bugged"
5 commenti
HELLSING  [autore] 11 mag 2019, ore 0:16 
I don't sell items in a regular basis. Don't you think it's risky to sell dota 2 items with steam wallet code when I can simply sell it in the steam community market with almost zero risk? :/
SpecTacuLar 8 mag 2019, ore 0:55 
i buy dota2 items with a good price with steam wallet, if you are selling other items, just accept my friend request
HELLSING  [autore] 7 mag 2019, ore 23:14 
sold in steam community market within 3 hours (which i obviously didn't accept). Sorry, I needed steam wallet to buy compendium levels to reach 2k. I didn't need dota 2 items in trade @ReijuXx
SpecTacuLar 7 mag 2019, ore 18:20 
added for the Genuine Lava Baby Roshan
♠Pᵰⱱⱱỿ♠The Climb♠ 17 ago 2018, ore 8:39 