Dota 2
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Effective Communication in Twitch Chat
От Cavendish
An encyclopedic explanation of what Twitch chat is all about, relative to DOTA 2
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Inspired by other guides such as "How To Be One With Pasterino" and " chat Etiquette" (RIP), this guide aims to serve as an updated resource for anybody wanting to learn the intricacies of Twitch Chat.

This guide will:

  • Explain what "emotes" and "copypasta" are
  • Explain the history and usage behind significant Twitch emotes
  • Explain how to some emotes correlate to copypastas
  • Explain some other stuff I can't think of right now

This guide will not:

  • Provide a library of copypastas. That's what "How To Be One With Pasterino" and numerous other resources are for
  • Advise you on what streams to visit or pastas to spam. That's something you find out yourself.
  • Encourage excessive use of memes. Last time somebody tried that they OD'd on and nobody in chat knew. Meme in moderation.

If you're not here for a thorough run-down of how chat works from the ground up, just search what you want to know with Control+F.

Without further ado,
Welcome to Twitch Chat, you suck!

What is Twitch Chat? is a website for gaming livestreams. All livestreams are accompanied by a chatroom beside it, free for anybody with a Twitch account to speak their mind.

  • In streams with a viewer count under 100, chat usually a large room of simultaneous conversations.
  • In streams with a viewer count around 1000, civil discussion can be had and is still 100% readable.
  • In streams with a viewer count of several thousand, in the words of chat itself:
    chat moves so fast that nobody will know im gay
  • In streams with a viewer count above 10,000 or more, chat becomes an anarchy of mostly unmoderated yelling, full of ripe dank memes ready for the copying and pasting.'s own guide to Chat Basics[]

That so-called "official" guide to chat basics doesn't even tell you to spam Kappa!

That's why this guide exists; to educate plebs like you in the ways of true Twitch Chat.
What to say
Depends on the situation. If chat is dead/slow, treat it like a standard IRC. If not, unleash the emotes/copypastas and hope somebody else in chat reposts.

Warning: Not all streamers/chats might appreciate the finesse of good emote/pasta use. Use in moderation.

What are emotes?

Emotes are pictures in chat. Examples of this are , and

They can also be used to enhance a message.


How to use emotes

They enjoy being spammed. Constantly if possible.
Hello, my name is Keepo and I want to ask you something. My friend Kappa needs your help. He wants to find some more Kappa friends. So please, spam Kappa as much as possible in the chat, so that my friend Kappa could find more of his Kappa friends. It makes a big difference, thank you!

Use them as they become relevant.
  • Say when you're joking.
  • Say when something sad happens.
  • Spam when RTZ does something stupid

If the streamer / somebody in game chat explicitly says an emote, it is YOUR duty to spam chat together as a collective brain tumour

What is copypasta?

A block of text copied and pasted around by multiple people. They range from simple text messages to large walls of ASCII art.

ʕ ͡·ᴥ ͡· ʔ You've been visited by Hellbear Smasher of fortune. Clap your paws and copy paste this message 5 times without getting banned by mods and luck be with you for the next year ʕ ͡·ᴥ ͡· ʔ


They can be found in many places on the internet, not just in Twitch chat. One of the most infamous copypastas is the Navy Seal copypasta[]

Where to get copypastas

For starters, something else that is already being spammed is easily repostable. But for a larger library of pastas, consult resources such as

How to make copypasta / How to type in that copypasta font

If you're brave and willing to lose a few IQ points in exchange for making your own copypasta, you can use special font by visiting sites like

Don't say I didn't warn you.
When to say it
Warning: If you see another person get timed out because of copypasta, hold your fire until chat starts moving faster. Faster chat makes it harder for moderators to get to you, unless you spam every 3 seconds as if you were asking to be banned.

Smaller channels with a low viewcount and slow chat will probably be unappreciative of any sort of pasta, let alone respond.

The longer and more disruptive of "muh chat experience " the pasta is, the more likely mods will take action. Unless their leader died in World War II

When chat only allows unique messages, spamming the same message repeatedly becomes prohibited, but can be easily circumvented by adding a few characters like numbers after your pasta.
GO STREAM ♥♥♥♥♥♥
GO STREAM ♥♥♥♥♥♥ 1
GO STREAM ♥♥♥♥♥♥ 2
do like above, that's , just don't do like below.
GO STREAM ♥♥♥♥♥♥
GO STREAM ♥♥♥♥♥♥
or you'll get
Your message was not sent because it is identical to the previous one you sent, less than 30 seconds ago.

When moobot is activated in chat (which it almost always is) you can be timed out for CAPSLOCK spam, which could be collateral for spamming emotes with lots of capital letters like ANELE. Spam wisely.

If somebody else reposts your pasta, you have succeeded! Well done! //
Warnings for your own safety
Don't click on suspicious links.
This is a well known rule on the Internet but since you're looking at a guide on Twitch chat I presume you didn't already know. Some strawpoll links are also fake, they could be screamers so be wary before you click one.

Don't feed the trolls
Another rule of the Internet. If someone is seriously threatening the streamer/somebody else in chat just mute him and forget the lowlife ever existed. Please don't encourage any more toxicity than we already have.

Don't "one man spam" in chat every 2 seconds
It just makes you look like a huge d-bag and idiot. It's not a copypasta if only one person uses it. Nobody appreciates this, as pointed out by the standard reply of "one man spam " and high chance of being timed out or even banned from the channel
Default Emotes, Part 1
A list of all default emotes is available here[]

This following list won't cover every single emote, just the ones that are significant enough in the average chat to be worth mentioning.

  • 4Head

    Description: This is the face of a popular Twitch streamer.

    Laughing face. Spammed whenever somebody lets out an infectious laugh. Coupled with other laughing faces like EleGiggle and SoBayed for maximum kek.


    Description: This is the face of Twitch Partnerships Lead Anele.

    Looks like it's wearing a turban, therefore it's associated with anything to do with Middle Eastern people (eg. Suma1l or Techies)

  • BabyRage

    A raging baby. Spammed when there is a squeaking noise that sounds like a baby.

    Mostly used to describe Arteezy

    or in conjunction with PJSalt to describe immature salty rage

  • BibleThump

    The face of Isaac, the titular character in the original Binding of Isaac

    Essentially used as a crying face, BibleThump can apply to any sort of emotional situation.

    Examples include:

    muh chat experience
    jia you

  • BloodTrail

    Super Meat Boy, from Super Meat Boy.

    A thumbs up emote. Sometimes used when Bloodseeker gets picked but hardly ever gets used because it's not good enough

  • BrokeBack

    Description: This is the face of streamer Alan.

    Derpface. I'd say it's used together with stupid messages, but that statement applies to everything in chat

  • CoolCat

    It's a cool cat. Spammed whenever somebody is wearing sunglasses. Otherwise it's a general use emote.

  • DansGame

    Description: This is the face of Dan.

    Used to express disgust or identify yourself as a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ who likes AdmiralBulldog

  • DatSheffy

    Description: This is the face of Twitch staff member Sheffy.

    Cool guy. Cooler than CoolCat, even.
    Sheffy is known to watch some DOTA 2 streamerrs and chat will spam his face if they notice him.

    / \

  • deIlluminati

    Description: This is a promotional emote for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

    The Eye of Providence[] known most as the logo for the obviously existent Illuminati. Occassionally used as a replacement for the letter "A" like in RV

  • DendiFace
    Description: This is the face of Danil "Dendi" Ishutin a professional Dota2 player. The emote is a temporary prize given to the winner of the Twitch Doube Trouble tournament. Although Dendi's team didn't actually win the tournament, the prize was graciously(?) given to Dendi by the winner. . The code itself is reference to what trolls use for the WinWaker emote.

    Little copypasta history: "WinWaker = Dendi Face (no space)" used to be one of the most spammed pastas on any Dota 2 stream. This emote is a nod to that old joke.

    There is never a bad time to use DendiFace. Pairs extremely well with PuppeyFace

    / \

    The best times are when Dendi himself is in the game, or there is a pudge in the game (but what's the difference am I right? )


  • DogFace
    Description: DogFace is the face of Kyle Pulver, an indie game developer that added :dogface: to Steam.

    In the same vein as WinWaker-DendiFace, "FrankerZ = Dog Face (no space)".
    Also looks like Zyori.

  • duDudu

    Darude Sandstorm visualisation

  • EleGiggle
    Description: This is the face of Twitch streamer Elegy of Games.

    Extreme laughing, harder than 4Head. Usually added to the end of a hilarious joke to further emphasise how hilarious it was.

  • FailFish
    Description: This is the face of streamer SpamFish.

    Not exclusive to fails, it can also suit other embarrassing situations such as cringe.

  • FrankerZ

    Most popular with the speedrunning community.

    In Dota 2 streams, it represents Puppey ( who has his own emote just like Dendi ). Gets spammed frequently during pauses, making reference to the notorious "Puppey Pause/Paws"

  • HeyGuys

    Description: This is the face of Selen, director of recruiting at Twitch.

    Represents greeting. Chat gets flooded with these when somebody on stream or in chat says hi.
    Also applies to situations where a girl visible on stream.


    Description: This is a promotional emote for the game Infinite Crisis.

    Onomatopoeia. Rarely used alone, it is almost always complemented by text.
    Examples include, but are not exclusive to:
Default Emotes, Part 2
  • Kappa

    Description: This is the face of Josh, a former employee. Kappa is generally used to indicate sarcasm or trolling.

    The defining Twitch emote. Never wrong to use/spam. The man this was modeled after also seems to enjoy the attention.[]

    Kappa variations
    • KappaPride

      Description: On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that same-sex couples can marry nationwide. You can read the full decision at: The rainbow coloring is a symbol of the LGBT pride movement.

      Kappa's older gay brother. Spammed whenever a suggestively homosexual interaction occurs.

    • KappaRoss

      Description: In honor of the late Bob Ross's 73rd birthday and the official launch of the Creative directory, Twitch created this emote - a mashup of Kappa and Bob's distinctive hair. Twitch also ran a non-stop marathon of all 403 episodes of "The Joy of Painting" on

      Another royal memeber of the Kappa dynasty. Its addition allows for creative pasta.

      Kappa My hair is a mess Let me fix it NotLikeThis That's better KappaRoss

    • Keepo

      Description: Keepo is Kappa stylized as the hero Meepo from DotA/DotA 2.

      Kappa's cheeky younger brother. Obviously spammed when there's a Meepo in the game.
      Occasionally, KOTL is called "Keepo of the Light"

  • KevinTurtle

    Description: This is the face of Klutch, part of the Twitch moderation team.

    Black guy emote number 1.

  • Kippa

    Kappa's distant cousin? Nobody really knows.

  • Kreygasm

    Description: This is the face of streamer Kreyg.

    Reaction when something sexual/shocking happens, like a clutch play or a hot grill.

  • Mau5

    Description: The Mau5 emote belongs to music producer Deadmau5.

    Sighted when a streamer plays the 4 minute edit of Strobe because he's too big of a scrub to sit through the whole 8 minutes like a real man.

    In Dota 2, killing a tower while the other team is occupied, then fleeing as soon as they react to defend is known as "ratting". Most prominent in TI3, where the strategy shaped the outcome of the finals. Rat = Mouse, so chat spams when somebody is ratting.

    Also there was that drama about deadmau5 "ruining TI5" so it's probably more common now.

  • MingLee

    Description: The face of Chris Mead, the Director of Partnerships EMEA at Twitch.

    Used to express sass, similar to Kappa and SoBayed.
    For future reference - during the first few days of MingLee's existence, chats everywhere were flooded with it, completely eclipsing any other emote (including Kappa).

    You'd see ♥♥♥♥ like


    and nothing else.

    It has since then (thankfully) declined in popularity

    "The MingLee - Kappa wars were a series of conflicts which took place on Twitch channels toward later-2015. The belligerents were the new King's men of MingLee fighting against the revoltists of former King Kappa.

  • MrDestructoid

    Description: This is the mascot of the gaming website Destructoid.

    Associated with anything electronic/robotic, especially heavy electronic music or faulty microphones.

  • NotATK

    This guy

    Looks like Hao and Blitz, but can be used to represent any bespectacled Asian.

  • NotLikeThis

    No source, just another facepalm/cringe emote.

  • OneHand

    Description: This is the face of streamer EdwardStarcraft.

    Represents asians, or more specifically related to Dota 2, Merlini.

  • OpieOP

    Description: This is the face of Jason Babo. Strategic Partnerships at TwitchTV and a Web Developer.

    Represents fat people in general.

    Looks like XBOCT. May also be used to describe s4 because of the "4" meme (see below)

  • OSfrog

    Description: This is a promotional emote for the Old Spice Nature Adventure where Twitch chat controlled a man's adventures in nature.

    Icefrog works on balancing Dota 2. Icefrog = frog = OSfrog.
    Spammed when somebody complains about OP/imbalanced things in-game.

    Update 20/1/2016: Twitch removed it saying that promotions expired

    Update 21/1/2016: Twitch added it back

  • panicBasket

    Description: This emote was voted into existence by the Twitch Townhall attendees during PAX Prime 2014. It is inspired by the phrase "PICNIC" (based on PANIC) spammed in chat when a stream goes offline during a broadcast.

  • PipeHype

    Description: The PipeHype emote is of Pipe, part of the Twitch moderation team. It also looks a bit like Wil Wheaton.

    More importantly it also looks like Kuroky

  • PJSalt

    Description: PJ stands for PeacefulJay, a Fighting Game Community (FGC) stream: and Salt is a term used in the FGC to describe someone who is upset.

    Sodium, atomic number 11, was first isolated by Peter Dager in 1807. A chemical component of salt, he named it Na in honor of the saltiest region on earth, North America.

    More on the origin of salty[]
Default Emotes, Part 3
  • PMSTwin

    Description: This is the face of Twitch staff member & PMS clan founder Amber Dalton.

    Another grill emote.
    Also looks like Sheever or Zai.

  • PogChamp

    Description: This is the face of streamer Gootecks.

    These days, it seems like the humble PogChamp has completely forgotten its conception and is instead used to denote excitement or surprise.

    Also used to express intrigue with a little shock, like


    Use together with and to step up your emote game

  • PraiseIt

    Description: This is the icon for the Helix Fossil item in Pokemon games. It became a meme as part of the TwitchPlaysPokemon streams.

  • PuppeyFace

    Description: This is the face of Clement "Puppey" Ivanov a professional Dota2 player.

    Essentially the new FrankerZ, it is sometimes seen high fiving DendiFace. RIP Old Navi BibleThump.

    / \

  • RalpherZ

    Description: This is the face of Ralph the dog of Twitch staff member Ernest Le. Brother of FrankerZ.

    RalpherZ is to FrankerZ as Keepo is to Kappa.
    Literally the underdog. Hardly sees as much use as his brother.

  • ResidentSleeper

    Description: This is the face of Oddler. Oddler was doing a 72 hour Resident Evil marathon when he fell asleep about 66 hours into it. His stream with him sleeping became massively popular and at one point the viewer count even reached 13,000.

    Used when the stream gets boring, or continues late enough into the night that people get sleepy.

  • RuleFive

    Description: This is the face of streamer Chuk.

    Also the face of Fear

  • shazamicon (removed)

    Description: This is a promotional emote for the game Infinite Crisis.

    Spammed heavily whenever a Zeus is picked or gets a kill.
    Complements OneHand because Merlini is famous for his Zeus plays.

    \ /

  • ShibeZ

    Description: This is a Dogecoin.

  • SMOrc

    Description: This is an icon from the game Space Marine.

    Most prominent in chat when Ogre Magi was part of the meta. Otherwise spammed when people are making references to other games.

  • SoBayed

    Description: This is the face of SONOS, Twitch staff member and streamer.

    Part of the holy trinity of sassy faces that are 4Head EleGiggle SoBayed.

  • SwiftRage

    Description: This is the face of streamer Swiftor.

    Shouting Face. Used to denote loud noises or cheering.
    (Note) Remember to put it in front of your message for extra style points

  • TriHard

    Description: This is the face of speed runner Trihex.

    The preferred alternative to KevinTurtle. Black guy emote number 2

  • TTours

    Twitch camera.

    Spammed during pro games when the cameraman misses some action.
    Also part of r V

  • UncleNox

    Description: This is the face of Nox, part of the Twitch moderation team. Rumor is that he does not wear pants.

    Looks like Loda.

  • VaultBoy

    Description: This is a promotional emote for Bethesda's Fallout franchise. Vault Boy is the mascot for the fictional corporation known as Vault-Tec within the Fallout universe.

    Somewhat niche use. Chances are if you spot one outside of a Fallout stream, it's a Fallout reference.

  • WinWaker

    Description: This is the face of speed runner CosmoWright.

    A real talent in his own right, but got overshadowed when the "WinWaker = Dendi Face (no space)" pasta caught on. However, after the addition of a real DendiFace, this emote saw more consistent use in Zelda related speedruns, which Cosmo is known for, and GDQ streams, which he has attended in the past.

  • WutFace

    Description: This is the face of Twitch staff member Alex Mendez.

    Denotes confusion and fear, or "wut?". Can also apply to sudden or strange things happening.
BTTV (Better Twitch TV)
Main site:

BTTV is an add-on installed within your browser, designed to enhance your stream viewing chat spamming experience

I can't say enough about the staggering number of improvements it makes. It has everything from a more readable chat to its own custom emotes. You know you want this.

  1. Night mode chat that is actually readable
  2. Ability to keep removed messages (that are most of the time safe links that bots remove)
  3. Emote menu that allows a whole emote's syntax to be typed at once, also reveals emote syntax for newbs so no more looking like a pleb by typing GreyFace in chat

  4. Blacklisted / Highlighted Keywords: to remove less desirable spam or notify you of your username being mentioned in chat
BTTV Emotes
A list of BTTV emotes is available here.[] However, be warned that most of them are terrible and thankfully will never see the light of day.

Also some Halloween emotes were added in late October 2015 and removed after Halloween was over, but I'm too lazy to document them.

  • CiGrip

    - Smoking/Blazing it.

  • HailHelix

    - The Helix Fossil from the first TwitchPlaysPokemon run.
    - Better quality than PraiseIt

  • KKona

    - idk it's just funny

  • ConcernDoge

    - Doge meme.

  • SourPls

    - Dancing. Always spammed when a good song comes on.
    - (Note) This may not show up if you do not have gif emotes enabled under BTTV settings.

  • AngelThump

    - The custom antithesis to BibleThump

  • haHAA

    - Shy Ronnie
    - An extreme version of EleGiggle / 4Head. Used in place of laughing emotes or when somebody laughs like Shy Ronnie

  • GabeN

    - The face of the legendary Gabe Newell[].

  • bUrself

    - "be(e) yourself"
    - A niche pepe. Only spammed when there are bees or somebody on stream mentions this emote by name.

  • FeelsBadMan

    - The most common pepe of all. Still valuable enough to spam in chat when needed, though.
    - A grown up BibleThump for times that are too horrible to just cry.

    more on pepes:

  • FeelsGoodMan

    - The antithesis to FeelsBadMan, although its use rarely means the opposite of FeelsBadMan.
    Its relationship is similar to that of Kappa and Keepo, being the slightly more obscure but still loved emote.

  • FeelsBirthdayMan

    - Tiny and underappreciated pepe

  • KaRappa

    Visual parody of PaRappa
    PaRappa the Rapper is a rhythm video game for the original PlayStation created by Masaya Matsuura and his NanaOn-Sha company. The game is remembered for its unique graphic design, its quirky soundtrack and its bizarre plot.

  • KappaCool

    - Similar to DatSheffy and CoolCat, but it's also a Kappa

  • Zappa

    - Zombie Kappa, not to be confused with Frank Zappa
Sub emotes / Subscribing to a streamer
wasting your money by Subscribing to a streamer gives you access to several mediocre at best chat features like the ability to talk in chat during nazi sub-only mode and use special sub emotes that can be used in any chat

Are you going to talk about sub emotes like you did about the normal ones?

Hell no, there are hundreds and each have their individual uses apart from the dozens of "krippW"s and the like. It's impossible to talk about every single one. Majority of them can be substituted with the default emotes and most of them barely see any use anyway so it'd be a waste of everybody's time to even discuss it.

But you literally just discussed it

On a serious note, if you actually want to support a streamer, follow them on Twitch and their social media or consider donating to them directly rather than subscribing to them. Subscription money goes through Twitch, which means the streamer ultimately ends up with a fraction of the money spent by the viewer.
Tips on using emotes
Making sure to use proper syntax

When typing emotes out manually, ensure that they are spaced out properly, like

shazamicon \ OneHand / shazamicon

so it shows up properly as

\ /

If it were instead typed as


it wouldn't parse properly and show up in chat looking exactly the way you typed it, bringing shame to your ancestors.

Thankfully BTTV's emote menu automatically adds spacing so you'll never look like an idiot again!

Using multiple emotes

Combine several emotes in a single message for dankimum memeficieny, like



General Text Memes, Part 1
  • grill

    Corrupted spelling of "girl". Ironic joke about immature men on the internet who drool at the first sight of a girl.

  • dongers

    As hilarious as it is, its origin lies in League of Peasants so I'm not going to bother explaining it myself.

  • muh chat experience

    Usually said by a lone survivor of large amounts of spam

  • Darude - Sandstorm a.k.a DUDUDUDUDU

    Far more than simply a Twitch chat joke, let alone a meme. It's a culutral phenomenon that has found its way into everything from gaming livestreams to modern electronic dance music.

    But if you don't really care about it the same way I do, Sandstorm is a meme simply because it's old as ♥♥♥♥[] and apparently it's the only answer when people ask "song name?" even when it's obviously not Sandstorm.

    Darude is also well aware of his impact on eSports and has attended some gaming events to play an mp3 of Sandstorm live as well.

    How Darude feels making the only song in eSports[]

    For DreamHack 2013 SC2 a.k.a dead gaem :

    For TI4:

    It's also worthy to note that it shares its name with the completely unrelated DOTA2 hero Sand King's ability, Sand Storm[]

  • ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ take my energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    There's a japanese cartoon called Dragon Ball Z, where the main character, Goku, beats up a bunch of aliens, androids and genetic monstrosities. One of Goku's special moves for beating up the bad guys is the spirit bomb, which requires Goku to gather energy from every living thing, and then throw at the bad guy.
    In one of the final episodes, Goku has to convince the whole universe to give him enough energy to beat the last bad guy, And they all raise their hands in the air to give their energy.

    - /u/YouOnlyLiveFOREVER

    only really used for EternalEnvy or Cloud 9, since it's anime-related and EE is a huge weaboo.


    Encouragement, simply meaning a complimentary "nice".

    "La" or "Lah" is a South-East Asian colloquialism used to bolster the tone in a sentence. In this instance, it is used to indicate the excited tone denoted by "nice", further emphasising its use as a form of encouragement.

  • KA LE

    Common phrase used by Chinese players to point out in-game lag.

  • jia you

    Chinese phrase meaning "come on!" or "go!".
    Popularised by rOtK's player profile video @ TI5:

  • WAOW

    LD's overexaggerated cast @ TI3

    WAOW sign at TI5

  • No one has ever done that in the history of DOTA

    Tobi hypes an old No Tidehunter play (RIP EE )
    Skip to 1m 32s for the quote


    Tobi being tobi @ the first International


    Beyond the Summit intro:

    Direct quotes from the BTS intro that plays before matches. Dammit LD.
General Text Memes, Part 2
  • WTF [number] MERLINI(s)

    During TI4 Group Stage, the analyst panel consisted of Chobra, Synderen, Merlini and Winter; a Dane and 3 Asians. The joke is that asians look alike, so it appeared to the casual observer that there were 3 Merlinis. More here


    arteezy makes some grill cry:

    her fake crying makes her sound like she's saying "ill eagle" instead of "illegal"

  • hey its me ur brother / sir its me ur brother


    the addition of "sir" to the original joke is a parody of pinoy/peruvian speaking, further emphasising how stupid they are

  • WWWWWWWWWWWW ( a lot of Ws )

    Some streamers have a text-to-speech program that reads out donation messages. People can abuse this by repeating a long and annoying character like "W" or "^" (carrot) to disturb the streamer.

  • ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE

    In late 2013, the DOTA 2 Halloween event Diretide got cancelled after a successful launch the previous year. Naturally, fans were outraged, and demanded for Valve/Volvo to "༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE".

    They may have taken the joke too far, however:

  • Addressing Valve as "Volvo"

    A corrupted spelling of Valve, used in a demanding tone usually begging Valve to get something done.

  • VAC

    Spammed when it looks as if cheats were used, implying somebody should be VAC banned
    More on VAC:

  • Easy bugattis / other expensive car brands

    Exaggeration of the "Thanks for easy rares" joke, which implies that a game is so heavily in favour of one team that betting on them would guarantee easy Rare items won. Expensive cars like bugattis being won imply that a large value was placed as a bet, and that the person is extremely confident in their team securing victory.
Non-English Memes
Stereotypically used by angry non-native English speakers who can't convey their emotions strongly enough in English.

You may encounter some of these anywhere on the Internet, from in in-game chat in your pubs to whiny forums using them ironically in order to joke about how stupid people who use these seriously actually are.

Note that some words are spaced out or censored manually by me so Steam's automatic censor doesn't cover up the entire word.

  • Peruvian

    Now you, too, can have your own meagre knowledge of a foreign language, just like the scumbags themselves!

    • smash es mi pastor

      translates to: "Smash is my shepard"

      used by Peruvians who worship their only representative in competitive DOTA 2

    • p u t a madre

      translates to: "motherf---er". In Spanish, "p u t a" means f--- and "madre" means mother

  • Russian

    With the worldwide takeover of the Communist regime, it's no surprise to see Cyrillic script anywhere on the Internet. Learn how to fight back in their native tongue with phrases like:

    • c y k a ♥♥♥♥♥

      pronounced "su-ka blee-ut"
      translates to: "b i t c h", "c y k a" holds meaning and "♥♥♥♥♥" exists to emphasise it

    • davai

      translates to: "lets go / come on / give it to me", depending on context

    • idi ♥♥♥♥♥

      translates to: "go f--- (yourself)"

    • ♥♥♥♥♥♥

      translates to: "f---ing", as in the English adjective

  • Filipino / Pinoy

  • Chinese

    This is where I'd explain Chinese phrases, but they rarely get typed out in character because most computers don't have Chinese keyboard input installed.

    • 卡了 (ka le)

      pronounced "kǎ le"
      see "General Text Memes" for more info.

    • 加油 (jia you)

      pronounced "jiā yóu"
      see "General Text Memes" for more info.
Text Memes with Numbers
  • 322

    On June 16th, 2013, Solo received a lifetime ban from Starladder for betting fraud against zRage.[1] On the 21st, Solo was officially removed from RoX after admitting his involvement.[2]. Later, the ban was commuted to one year.[3]

    The amount that Solo won from betting against his own team was $322, although he never received the money. Since then, Dota commentators and viewers frequently use the phrase "322" to mock particularly bad plays, implying that it almost appears that the player in question is attempting to throw the game.


    Sometimes referred to as "322 the dream".
    Also relevant when the score is 3-22

    this following one isn't exactly a 322 but still deserves a mention

  • 644, 966, 1288 etc.

    These are multiples of 322 (2 x 322, 3 x 322 etc.), meaning multiple 322s have happened in a row, usually back and forth between teams. Although most people in chat don't have the mental capacity to do basic multiplication or keep track of the consecutive throws, so this is much rarer than normal 322.

  • 4

    BTS aka Beyond the Summit rated XBOCT a 4/10 for his carry ability
    Means the same thing as

  • 17%

    Spirit Breaker's chance to bash. Most used when somebody skillfully gets multiple bashes in a row as Spirit Breaker or somebody unfortunately gets bashed multiple times in a row (and sometimes gets y over it)

  • -2

    The text that hovers over a dying hero corpse when killed in the vicinity of a Silencer. Chat spams this to haunt the player over the eternally lost intelligence.

  • +5 / -25

    Referencing MMR (matchmaking ranking) gain/loss, typically used like " -25 incoming " as a prediction of a loss.
Player-related Memes / Real People-related Memes

unsorted reddit things:

more player quotes:

basic streamer gimmicks explained:
Other Links
more on twitch etiquette: http://twitchetiquette[.]esy[.]es/
(can't post the link properly because steam thinks it's evil)

Emote per Minute tracker:

Basic guide to Twitch emotes in DotA:
in case it gets removed or whatever here's the image:

Discover new grills to watch on Twitch.:
I don't endorse this but the layout is great. Also don't forget to click

Kappa Everywhere - Global Twitch Emotes[]: Twitch emotes on any website in your Google Chrome. Also available for Firefox here[]

Warning: using Kappa everywhere will translate the text on this page into emotes so you won't be able to see the regular text.

ReChat for Twitch™
Adds chat messages from the past to your favorite Twitch VODs:

For other DOTA2 related funnies:
If there is a meme that is not covered above, feel free to request it in the comments.

If you don't want to ask, then Google it.
Комментариев: 8
26 мая. 2020 г. в 1:11 
Bruce U 22 янв. 2018 г. в 16:16 
normies REEEeee Clap forsenSleeper
Cavendish  [создатель] 2 фев. 2016 г. в 6:03 
choken 20 янв. 2016 г. в 13:05 
hugz 20 авг. 2015 г. в 5:18 
Cavendish  [создатель] 20 авг. 2015 г. в 5:15 
this shit is longer than how to be one with pasterino but nobody cares :steamsad:
the dark souls of the airlines 16 авг. 2015 г. в 8:33 
best guide xddddd
hugz 16 авг. 2015 г. в 0:41 
gr8 guide m8 Kappa