Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Double Decker Bus - Left Side Driving
Assets: Vehicle
611.949 KB
2015年8月5日 11時46分
2015年9月26日 1時47分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Double Decker Bus - Left Side Driving

The default bus turned into a double decker. This one is for left side driving cities. It changes colour depending on the route colour. It has the same passenger capacity as the default bus to keep the game balanced. This does not remove the default bus, use the Advanced Vehicle Options mod to do that.

Updated for After Dark, with working headlights and improved LOD.
3 件のコメント
Stallorama 2018年1月28日 7時27分 
Looks like an ADL Enviro 400/500.
BrowncoatTrekky 2016年6月10日 23時41分 
Hey. Not bad. But any chance you can mod the skin for MegaBus?
Sparky66  [作成者] 2015年9月30日 7時32分 
The problem with increasing bus capacity is it actually decreases the amount of buses spawned by the bus depot. It seems to randomly spawn buses until a certain total capacity is reached. So if the total capacity on a line is, say, 300, could end up with 10 30 capacity buses or 5 60 capacity buses, although a random mix of both types is more likely. This could unbalance the game so I have kept my modded vehicles purely cosmetic with the same values as the default vehicles.