Hotline Miami

Hotline Miami

205 Bewertungen
A+ grade requirements
Von ghost
This guide explains how to get A+ grades in Hotline Miami
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Obtaining an A+ score in Hotline Miami can be done in several ways, but of course, it will take lots of trial and error to figure out which method suits you best.

Here are a few tricks that might help you out:

- Use doors as frequently as possible, especially against groups of enemies.

- If you can't use doors, try to punch / throw weapons at enemies while in plain sight. You will get exposure bonuses upon finishing a level.

- Constantly change weapons so that you're not always using the same ones.

- Be quick, as you can obtain time bonuses from finishing levels quickly.

- Try to perform executions in plain sight when possible, as these will also give you exposure bonuses when you finish a level.

- Try to keep combos to a maximum.

- Alternate between the above tips for best results.


If you must, use the following masks to help yourself: Louie (hard to spot) , Peter (quiet gunshots) , Carl (starts with drill) , Rami (extra ammo) , Zack (longer combo window) , Richter (starts with silenced uzi) , Willem (rip and steal) , Charlie (more melee weapons) .

* Louie comes in handy as enemies will not notice you as quickly, allowing you to move around windows more easily, in chapters like ''push it'' or ''hot & heavy'', for example.

* Zack is probably your best bet if you're looking to complete the chapters quickly by trial & error.

* Richter and Peter are a good option if you want to alternate between guns and melee.

* Willem and Rami both come in handy in ''last-second'' situations.

* Charlie will enable maps to have more melee weapons, giving you more chances to perform executions for some more points.

* Carl is a good option to consider if you're looking for an easy way to get extra points. However, the drill execution is quite slow, which might prevent you from getting a combo sometimes.
The Metro (prelude)
30000 - 35000 +
No Talk (1)
15000 - 20000 +
Overdose (2)
45000 - 50000 +
Decadence (3)
45000 - 50000 +
Tension (4)
55000 - 60000 +
Full House (5)
60000 - 70000 +
Clean Hit (6)
35000 - 40000 +
Neighbors (7)
50000 - 60000 +
Push It (8)
70000 - 75000 +
Crackdown (9)
70000 - 80000 +
Hot & Heavy (10)
150000 - 155000 +
Deadline (11)
70000 - 75000 +
Trauma (12)
This is the ''hospital level'' of the game, which is more stealth / story-oriented. No need to worry about points for this chapter.
Assault (13)
125000 - 130000 +
Vengeance (14)
80000 - 85000 +
Showdown (boss)
Pretty self-explanatory, in this level all you have to do is defeat the boss. There is no bonus to be gained.

If you don't know how to do this, grab the trophy to your right, take cover behind the pillar and lure out the panthers.

Then, quickly throw the trophy at the ''pirate-eyed'' girl and move over to her.

Once this is done, quicky grab a knife laying on the ground and go back to hide behind the pillar.

Wait until the final boss is reloading before throwing the knife at him, and repeat this process twice !

Good luck !
Safehouse (16)
20000 - 30000 +
Fun & Games (17)
50000 - 75000 +
Prank Call (18)
This is another story-oriented chapter, so don't worry about points for this one.
Resolution (19)
Again, another story-oriented chapter.
Highball (bonus)
50000 - 55000 +
Exposed (special)
50000 - 55000 +
* Please note that the scores in this guide are approximate - Feel free to help make them more accurate.

* The scores in this guide are scores compiled upon finishing levels. While playing the game, you will not see these exact scores at the top right corner, but rather when you finish a level.

* It's very possible to obtain A+ grades using any mask you want.

* It will take patience, so don't expect to get A+ from your first try. Persistence is key !

* Some maps such as ''Decadence'' or ''Full House'' have random weapon spawns. You can use this to your advantage and get more points that way.

* If you stand on the same spot as an enemy that has a gun, the bullets will not harm you - you can also use this to your advantage.

* You don't need to have A+ on all stages in order to get the ''Get A Life'' achievement.

* This is an old guide by now, so it might not be up to date / accurate anymore.

Thanks to everyone !

Your comments / feedback are appreciated.

Hope this helps, and good luck !
54 Kommentare
дкдудэдпв эщ эщ 26. Dez. 2024 um 11:24 
10 chapter 139361 A+
Lahcim 12. Nov. 2024 um 5:04 
I have 68454 points in chapter 9 Crackdown and still got A+
The Shark Shaman 29. Sep. 2024 um 3:05 
Guide sucks, doesn't give any tips for individual levels
dan240011 10. Aug. 2024 um 6:35 
Tension (Chapter 4) 51.335 points A+
vima297297 7. Apr. 2024 um 11:49 
Need 3 levels on A+ for 100%

Chapter 9,10 and the 14th I guess ?!

I have 120k on chapter 9 and still got a B- f it
piss goblin 30. März 2024 um 14:12 
this guide is eight and a half years old at this point, but hot n heavy (chapter ten) can be a+'d with 140,000 points
MeliodasDragneel 10. März 2024 um 22:41 
Chapter 13 109.000 A+
FlinkeFlasche 21. Feb. 2024 um 13:36 
vengeance the point between A and A+ is somewhere between 73,4k and 78,1k
FlinkeFlasche 21. Feb. 2024 um 13:18 
can confirm crackdown 70k
FlinkeFlasche 21. Feb. 2024 um 10:34 
afaik youll have to get 55 in the flat alone. best to use zach to get a full combo each