Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

72 rating
Real Containers Prop 5
Batalkan favorit
Assets: Prop
Ukuran File
3.679 MB
21 Jul 2015 @ 6:12am
24 Jul 2015 @ 1:37am
2 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

Berlangganan untuk mengunduh
Real Containers Prop 5

Dalam koleksi 1 dari Leo Mystic Magic
Prop Library
Item 497
Real Containers Prop 5 by Shroomblaze

Total Tris = 366
2048 x 1024 Maps

Lod Tris = 113
128 x 128 Maps

1 Komentar
Leo Mystic Magic  [pembuat] 24 Jul 2015 @ 1:46am 
Sorry to those that have created a bunch of assets using these props. I have recently updated them to be shorter in length so that they function better as a modular system. Before containers would be too long and sit just past the grid lines making it very hard to make a good system that could be repeated when placing lots of parks next to each other. Now you can create truly modular parks with these props. Enjoy!