Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

160 人が評価
Roundabout Helix 8x8
Assets: Park
1.358 MB
2015年7月15日 15時38分
2015年12月15日 16時07分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Roundabout Helix 8x8

Elias 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Roundabout Decoration / Kreisel Dekorationen
28 アイテム
The Base-Model for this Roundabout-Park is the ingame Unique Building "Fountain of Life and Death".
You will still be able to use this Unique Building, but you can place my Park as often as you like.

As you can see in the pictures, you can plop this roundabout-park everywhere. It doesn't need to be attached to a road and that's why I kept it from producing garbage and it can't burn, so it won't cause any trouble.
It is just for optical purposes and has no entertainment effect nor will it attract tourists:



Das Modell für diesen Kreisel-Park ist das einzigartige Gebäude "Quelle von Leben und Tod", das von vornherein zum Spiel gehört und nicht aus dem Steam-Workshop ist. Dieses Gebäude könnt ihr auch weiterhin ganz normal verwenden, egal wie oft ihr meinen Park in eurer Stadt verwendet.

Wie man auf den Bildern sehen kann, kann man den Park überall platzieren und er muss keine Straße berühren. Daher habe ich die Werte so gesetzt, dass kein Müll produziert wird und kein Feuer ausbrechen kann, denn Müllwagen/Feuerwehr könnten den Park nicht erreichen. Der Park dient nur der Optik, d.h. ALLE WERTE SIND AUF NULL (AUSSER DEM PREIS VON 2000) und es werden weder Besucher noch Touristen angezogen.
10 件のコメント
Exsosus|Cryo| 2021年4月20日 11時11分 
I want to comment for myself a bit here, most people call Assets MODs in this game, so you know what? You're right anyway.

You are right and I am right. hehe
Exsosus|Cryo| 2021年4月20日 8時53分 
I really like this asset. Thank you very much. P.S. Alek: This is not a MOD, this is called an Asset. The difference is, a MOD will change the way the game functions. An asset will add looks and sometimes slighting more (for example) parking slots in a park.
alek 2020年3月27日 8時11分 
a really great mod, nice roundabout with this !
Elias  [作成者] 2016年8月19日 16時47分 
it lights up, but it still needs to be connected to electricity. if it is placed at a remote part of the city and you don't want place ugly powerlines close to it, have a look at this useful asset:
itsrafa 2016年8月19日 16時39分 
Love the Helix and the fact that it can be placed anywhere. Just not lighting up during the night cicle with AD :(
Bella 亗 Nova 2016年2月28日 13時18分 
love al the roundabouts, good job
Elias  [作成者] 2015年7月15日 16時48分 
@ templeofdoom
I am not an expert... I am just very accurate ;)
But nice to read that you like my work... that's why I am uploading objects to the workshop. Most players can't really estimate how much time and effort it takes to only redecorate stuff... not to talk about creating assets like you are doing.
templeofdoom 2015年7月15日 16時30分 
Thanks Elias! I'm very familiar with modtools and how to dump the .OBJ's I just don't have the patience. :D

I'd rather let an expert like yourself do it and I can reap the sweet sweet assets you upload - in exchange for ratings and praise in the comments. :D
Elias  [作成者] 2015年7月15日 16時22分 
@ templeofdoom I use this mod (Mod Tools: to change the models, so they can be plopped anywhere. If you like, I can give you a small instruction on how to do that (the mod itself can do EVERYTHING and on first look it is overwhelming).
templeofdoom 2015年7月15日 16時04分 
I got a chance to try your re-mod's of other authors models and boy am I glad you decided to leave out the roads! I really like how they are just the asset in a circular format - I've been using them in other areas outside of roundabouts!