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[Hero Guide] Jin She, Handle with caution, might be hot
By Zoomy
A simple guide about Jin She, one of the heroes of Strife ! You will find here a description of her abilities, some advices on pets, or items, and some overall advices about how to play this lady of fire and embers !
Hey guys !

Today, I wanted to talk about probably my favorite hero in Strife so far : Jin She. Why ? Well she’s a lovely hot lady (on the temperature point of view), she’s fighting with two whips, she can jump in the middle of a fight, and create chaos in a mere second, and her ult makes her super fun to play.

Here I will be giving some indication on how to play Jin She, and some items that I think are core for Jin She as a TANK. Please, take that in consideration : I’m here going to talk about a TANKY Jin She, simply because I think that that’s where she’s the best.

For this guide, I will first talk a little about how her abilities work, about the pet I go with and why, then about some core items, and then about how to play with her in early and mid-late game.

Still here ? Well, here we go !

PS : If you don’t want to read the whole guide, I would advise you to read at least the ‘Advices/Remarks’ and ‘Core items’ sections.
Everthirst Flame : Your stun. And it’s a skill shot. Well you have the general idea : this skill will be the only way for Jin She to stun her target. And since she doesn’t have any slow (at least without specific objects), this skill is absolutely vital for Jin She. Two things are important to consider here : the first is that this skill cooldown doesn’t change through levels, and always stay at 10sec, making it a fairly long cooldown if you miss it. The second one is that, if the base range is rather small, this skill will extend its range after touching an enemy or ally unit (of course we are talking about heroes, minions, but even jungle monsters). As a matter of fact, you always want to have some creeps in between you and your opponent. If you have the mana for, you can always try to harass your opponent with this skill while csing.

Whirling Embers : Your main damage dealing ability. You will apply high damage, and magic armor debuff (and it stacks !!) to all the nearby enemies. Another capital information is that, if its original cooldown is 8sec, it will be reduced by 2 sec every time you autoattack. This is the skill you will max first because of the high damage it provides, and because of its utility overall (the magic armor debuff is insanely good).

2 little advices for this skill :
  • Because the animation takes a little bit of time, if you are pursuing someone, you will need to activate this spell when you are really super super close to the enemy to have a chance to touch him.
  • This spell is reseting your autoattack, meaning that if you autoattack, and then use this spell, you will be able to give another autoattack directly after without the usual cooldown between two autoattacks. It’s a small advice, but this simple Autoattack + Whirling Embers + Autoattack can be super efficient, especially at low level.

Firefall : Your main ability for ganking and engage a fight. Alright, so this skill is a little tricky to use correctly, however, if you use it right, it will give you the ability to pop in any lane, from a relatively far location, and you will have a bonus of both Armor and Magic Armor. I think this skill is super powerful just for the potential it gives you.

2 main problems, though :
  • The other team can see an indicator on the ground showing that you will be landing there. Because of that, when using this skill, consider the fact that they might be running away immediately, so try to land a little bit in between them and their escape path if you can.
  • This skill will be cancelled or unavailable for a few seconds if you take damage. What it usually means is that you can easily use it to engage, and start a fight, but you will nearly never be able to use it to escape a fight !
Another interesting point is that it gives you vision of the zone where you’re going to land. However be very careful of its very LONG cooldown ! You can use it for vision, but be aware that you won’t have this ability for at least 15sec at max level (and 30s at lowest level) !

Firestarter : Your ulti, and a very funny ability, but that might be quite tricky to use correctly. From level 6 (so when you take this ability), all your other abilities will be generating puddles of embers on the ground, damaging enemies that step on it. When you activate this ability, all the embers on the ground will be coming on a straight line to you, healing you and heavily damaging the enemies that are in the way. Several things have to be said on this ability. First of all, you can see that this ability costs no mana at all. That’s super great ! However, remember that, for this ability to be efficient, you need to have embers, and to have embers… You need to use your other abilities which… cost mana. Oh well ! Another thing is that enemies are taking damage only if they are in between you and the original location of the embers, or if they are really close to you when all the embers are coming back to you. As a matter of fact, you always want to be in a position where the opponents are inbetween you and your embers. Not always easy to do so. Don’ underestimate this ability : just the fact of having puddles of embers on the ground, just at level 6 can be very annoying for the opponent, and the 2% heal per ember can be absolutely amazing in good situations.
Alright, to be fair, I think that many pets are okay with Jin She, but I will give you my personal top 3 here :

Luster : My absolute favorite. The reason is that a Jin She ahead (or at the very least, not behind), is an absolute monster. Plus, with your engage being a long jump, you will always be directly in the middle, and if you have no armor (or rather no money to build armor), you’re just going to be destroyed. Honestly, I think it’s a super powerful pet for Jin She. It allows her to cs relatively safely, and gives her a nice little help for gold and thus acquiring items.

Pincer : Also a very powerful pet for Jin She. You will be tankier and you will have a way to break CC (an absolute necessity for Jin She, see in ‘Advices/Remarks’ and ‘Mid-Late game’). If you are confident that you can cs without any problem, definitely go for this one.

Plunder : As it is right now, this pet is really really strong. It helps you csing, it gives you magic armor, and it gives you for a few second a very powerful wave of minions. Nothing really to say, but expect this pet to be maybe nerfed a little in the next patches.
Core items and situational items
Alright, so one of the main point of Strife (and MOBAs in general) is that you are supposed to build depending on what the other team has. As a matter of fact, giving you a build is, I think, not the best solution. However, there are still some items that are absolutely essential to Jin She, and that you should build in every match or so.


Everwinter Charm of virtue : THE best item for Jin She. Because her ‘W’ and ‘R’ both requires good positioning, and because she just has 1 stun available, this item will be a fantastic way for you to stick to your enemies and have a massive influence in team fight.

Components used :

Golden Protecter of adaptation : As it is right now, this item is really really strong in the early game, and building it as a first, or second item is always good for you. Since it will be your first item (or second), you want to craft it with mana regeneration items (2*Clarity Shards + 1*Vitaly stone if it’s your second item, 2*Clarity Shards+1*Clarity stone if it’s your first item), in order to stay longer in lane (and because Jin She needs lots of mana if you want to pressure the opponents).

Components used :

Or, if first object :

Inferno Brand of virtue : Also a very powerful item, just because of the fact that you want to stick to your enemies as much as you can. And with your ability to ‘E’ in the middle of a fight, and if you use your Everwinter Charm, you will be able to inflight a huge amount of damage with this item. Since it’s a fairly late game item, you want to craft it with 1*Health Relic and 1*Power Crystal.

Components used :

Very useful/Situational items :
Here is a list of some items that are maybe not core, but at the very least very useful depending on the situation.

Stone Skin : I seriously considered putting it in the Core items to be honest. The reason is that with your ‘E’, you will arrive in the middle of a fight, and you might get burst very quickly. Activating this item just before landing (or after) gives you the opportunity to absorb all this burst. The reason I didn’t put it in the core items, is that I feel like it’s not always a necessity if you have other tanks in your team. However if you are the main engage/only tank in your team, build it absolutely !

Dampening Cloak : I also really like this item these days. It makes you really strong in the early game. If you have this + Golden Protector, you will be an absolute monster in the early game (supposing that you are ahead or not too behind, of course). Since I build it on first item, I use 2*clarity Shards for mana regen in the early game. Careful though : building it makes you build the other core items later. I feel like this item is a little bit of a gamble : if you buy it, and able to dominate your lane, it’s really worth. However, if you buy this item, and can’t get ahead, you might be into some big troubles.

Cursed wand : Even with a nerf not too long ago, it’s still a very powerful item and it gives you another slow to your arsenal. It’s a really good item, but I don’t think it’s necessary in every situation. Plus, as much as I like the slow given by this object, it’s only a mono-target skill.

And then we have many objects that are situational, but very good. Because I'm already talking quite a lot, I won't talk about them more than that, but you have :

Barrier Token against bursty magic champions

Iceforged Plate against ADC and strong physical damage

Guardian Helm against magic damage

Giant's Visage when I want to be more aggressive
Many boots are somehow viable on Jin She. I could see myself potentially build Fervor boots (for the speed boost), Inertia boots (for the CC break), Power boots (increases the pressure), Rocket boots (for more mobility) or Warp boots (for the TP, and the quick reaction ability they grant you).
However you MUST have a CC break, so if you don’t take Pincer, you should take Inertia boots in nearly every situation. If you have Pincer, you can still go for Inertia boots, or the others if you want, depending on your position/ what you want to do.
Skill order
You want to maximize your ‘W’ as fast as possible. After that, it depends of your play style : I usually max my ‘Q’ second, but I can sometimes put 1 more point into my ‘E’ for better ganks.

Normal order :
Q, W, E, W, W, R, W, Q, Q, E, R, Q, E, E, R

Please note that my build vary sometimes with my ally. If I feel like we don't have enough stun/ we have a stun but it's too short, I might put more points in Q. If I need to gank a lot, or change lane a lot, I will put some points in E earlier (just 1 more at lvl 7 or 8 usually).
How to play
Early game/ Laning phase :

I usually go for a duo lane, because I prefer giving the solo lane to a hero who can snowball better. However, be aware that the solo lane is absolutely okay for you.
During the early game, It really depends on your partner. If you have a bully with you (Malady, Moxy), you can try to put pressure on them (and csing at the same time) with your ‘Q’. If you hit your Q, you might try to go for a AutoAttack + W + AutoAttack, or just a W. Always keep an eye on your mana though. However, especially in the really early game, you are fairly squishy due to the fact that you will craft your first item(s) with mana regen, so don’t hesitate to play fairly passive, and focus on csing. Jin She will always be in the middle of the enemies, and really needs to have enough money to be relevant. Don’t fall behind ! Once you have your ulti, and if you are in a really bad situation, don’t forget that you can use your ulti just for the healing ability. It’s clearly not the best, but it might save you sometimes. If you see that you have some room for ganking, go for it : your ‘E’ will gives you Armor, and you might be able to take some kills/assists or at least help your other lanes snowball.

Mid-Late game :

Your main role here is going to be pressuring the backline of the other team. Whenever you can, use your ‘E’ to be near the ADCs or Mages of the other team and start attacking them. If they flee or burst you down that’s good : that means that your backline is untouched, and will be able to destroy them. Don’t forget to use your ulti to recover some HPs and to help you escape : chances are, if you jump, inflict damage, and then flee while activating your ulti, your pursuers will get hit by the embers. Also, since you are a main engage, don’t really try to splitpush too much : unless you have Inferno Brand, you won’t have a really good wave clear, or you will have to use your ‘W’ quite often (and thus use quite a lot of mana) to do it. This is the main role of a tank, but always remember that you are suppose to be the one taking damage. Of course, avoid dying, but if you die tanking the burst of 4 out of the 5 members of the other team, chances are your teammates will be able to clean that pretty well. Also, be the shield of your teammates : try to be in between your teammates and opponents, especially when fleeing (well unless you have no HP of course). Since you always have to jump into the fight, you will be able to understand how your team is doing through time : if you fall too far behing, you will be deleted quite quickly, and your position is going to be quite difficult. If you are ahead, you should be able to tank enough damage to give the upper hand to your team !
Possible combo
It’s difficult to clearly give a combo that works everytime, but I will give you an example of what you can try to do. We suppose here that you have Everwinter Charm, and some good boots :
‘E’, ‘W’, AutoAttack, ‘Q’, Autoattack, ‘R’, Everwinter Charm, AutoAttack, ‘Q’

Okay, so let’s try to explain it : You will first jump on your target, and, if you land well, you will have the time to AA or W before having to Q to stun him. Try to keep your Q for when your enemy starts to flee. Once you hit your Q, it’s time to do another AA and activate your R, to have all the embers generated by your E, W and Q to come to you. But because your target will flee once again (or he’s crazy !), you will have to activate your everwinter charm to go in front of him, and makes all the embers hit him.
Of course, you won’t always be able to do that. I guess my main point here is : try not to activate Everwinter Charm or to use you Q before your target starts fleeing !
Advices/ Remarks
Here are some general info on how to play Jin She. Since I think it’s the most important category, I will sometimes rewrite what I said in some previous parts :
  • You need absolutely some CC break because of the fact that you’re literally jumping in the face of the backline of the other team 99% of the time. If you are stun after landing, your gank was just useless.

  • Don’t miss Everthirst Flame : it’s your stun, and it’s necessary to put a lot of pressure !

  • Always try to have monsters, heroes or minions in between you and your target when using Everthirst Flame : its range increases.

  • Because the animation of Whirling Embers takes a little bit of time, if you are pursuing someone, you will need to activate this spell when you are really super super close to the enemy to have a chance to touch him.

  • Whirling Embers is reseting your AutoAttack, meaning that if you autoattack, and then use this spell, you will be able to give another autoattack directly after without the usual cooldown between two autoattacks. It’s a small advice, but this simple Autoattack + Whirling Embers + Autoattack can be super efficient, especially at low level.

  • Don’t forget to AutoAttack to reduce the cooldown of Whirling Embers

  • Especially for Whirling Embers, the number of embers generated is linked with the number of opponents you're hitting. Because of that, especially when ganking, don't be afraid to land on a whole pack of creeps + heroes : you will create a large amount of embers, making your ulti even
    better !

  • The other team can see an indicator on the ground showing that you will be landing there with Firefall. Because of that, when using this skill, consider the fact that they might be running away immediately, so try to land a little bit in between them and their escape path if you can.

  • Firefall will be cancelled or unavailable for a few seconds if you take damage. What it usually means is that you can easily use it to engage, and start a fight, but you will nearly never be able to use it to escape a fight !

  • Firefall gives you vision of the zone where you will land : if you really need to, you can check bushes with that. However, keep in mind that its cooldown is really LONG !

  • Firefall doesn’t make you untargetable when you are in the air : if you fly over a turret with no minions to tank the turret, you will take some damage !

  • Firefall gives a clear indicator of where you’re gonna land, and people can stun you easily just when you arrive. Always be prepared to use your CC break in that situation, or your gank is going to be useless.

  • Firestarter doesn’t cost mana. But you need to use your other abilities to generate embers, so be careful.

  • When activated, Firestarter damages the enemies when your embers go back to you on a straight line. Because of that, always try to have your target in between you and the embers. Or at least try to have them really close to you when the embers come back (they will get hit)

  • For Firestarter to be really efficient, it needs embers. Don’t activate it with only 2 embers on the ground !

  • Try to avoid using your slows and stuns directly after landing. In the best scenario, you want to use them to prevent the enemies from escaping.
The end
Thank you for reading this guide, I hope it gave you some interesting information about Jin She, and what she can potentially do. You have a remark, a question, something you disagree on ? Just let me know.

Have fun on Strife !
drewbabe 12 Jun, 2015 @ 6:38am 
Great guide! I used to be a Jin She main so it's nice to see her get some love. Just a nitpick: when talking about her skills, you say armor and magic armor, but in patch 0.9 they merged the two stats into one called Resistance. And I would definitely always buy Rocket Boots because it helps you land your ult. I saw aG bone using Rocket Boots too, and he's really good with Jin She :)