Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

"Morning stroll"
Puddin788 31 Mar, 2023 @ 11:43am 
You don't know me, but I know you. Yes, I am your livid, lucid, languid, living, loving, LAUGHING lawyer Gerbinald Archie Reginald V. And I have COME to YOU asking for a request: how is your day? What made today the day it was? Was it the presence of your Goblineer in the inventory slot of your Team Fortress 2 backpack? I know, this is not a request. But Still, Hear Me Out. i am looking for it you have it lets make a deal.anyways nice cubbage cameo there in the picture, I really like the positioning and gradients. Did you do this yourself? It's very impressive. Back to glass tax though:

I will overpay seven molars and a roacjh for that goblineer. Cannot provide metal, I eat all the metal I see.

Your friend,

"Silly" Archie :blue::csgohelmet: