

149 ratings
A Short Guide to Good Mods
By SeriouslyDave
My answer when people ask about which mods to use.
These are the ones I recommend most often. All links are to downloads from the original authors. None are to the many unauthorized (I assume) duplicates found in the Workshop.

I have grouped the mods under headings that are based on what your goal might be when searching for mods. Also, one warning - mods disable achievements.

Add Lots of Content
Colonial Charter adds a huge amount of well-designed content both for game play and decorative purposes. You can even get addons[] for this mod directly from the Colonial Charter website.
The New Medieval Town Mod adds beautiful buildings, unique businesses, a better-looking boarding house (a hostel) and an approach to houses that lets them be three stories high.
There is also a beta of a Medieval Castle mod[]. However, the developer, red-ketchup, has a post on World of Banished that says he has abondoned the project :( If this mod continues to be available even though abandoned, I recommend giving it a try. I made the following small castle with it:
Find Websites with Mods
These sites have at least a few mods not currently found in the Steam Workshop for Banished:
  • The Colonial Charter Forums[] - this has some nice add-ons to Colonial Charter and excellent discussions about mods and Banished in general.

  • Banished Info[] - a large collection of mods that are much easier to browse and search than Steam since it doesn’t have duplicate mods.

  • World of Banished[] - a handful of mods not found elsewhere.

Get Mods from Good Authors
These are developers who have multiple mods that many people seem to like. The following are links to the mods they have uploaded to Steam:
Make the Game Harder
If you want the game to be harder, you can try any or all of the following mods:

Determine Mod Compatibility
Mods can be compatible even if the game flags them as 'conflicting'. In other words, the red isn't necessarily bad, it just means that the mods touch some of the same areas of the game. For most of the major mods, like Colonial Charter (CC) and the New Medieval Town Mod (NMT), the developers are very quick to answer questions about mod compatibility. For example, here is a quote from @red-ketchup about NMT's compatibility with CC - Excellent Adventure:

Originally posted by red-ketchup:
CC:EA compatible although a little red warning. Flour, Bread and Honey files have been shared between the mods to allow full compatibility. you can use my flour and do their bread, you can take their flour and do my cherry pies :)

dont worry it wont crash your game. if you crash, it is NOT the fault of this mod :)

Here are a couple of screenshots that show the two mods can be used together. The first is NMT buildings with CC quay walls and bridges:
The second shows NMT icon (and a little bit of NMT buildings) along with CC market stalls

Zoom In (Hack)
Okay, this isn't a mod, but it's something people want to add to the game - a zoom hack[] (details can also be found on imgur[]). It can be a lot of fun. However, if you play any game on VAC servers, make sure you check the Steam community forum discussions about whether cheat engine (the software used to hack Banished's zooming) is allowed or will get you in trouble.

A few points:

Make Updates to this Guide :)
I'll update the guide based on questions or comments. However, no guarantee when updates will happen... I'll get to them as soon as I have time.

  • 2015-11-02: Added a link and note about the beta of the Medieval Castle mod.
  • 2015-10-26: Added a link to the guide called A Tour of Banished
  • 2015-08-19: Colonial Charter 1.5 is live. Wow! :)
  • 2015-07-05: New Medieval Town Mod 1.1a went live :) Excellent new content
  • 2015-07-04: Added Road 45.
  • 2015-06-21: Added a section about mod compatibility.
  • 2015-06-17: Added list of websites with mods and a section for related Guides
  • 2015-06-14: Added Owlchemist as an author to follow. Corrected some typos.

maryd2303 8 Jan, 2022 @ 2:35am 
this is just the info I've been looking for. Thanks so much - it's seriously helpful.
epicgamer 23 Apr, 2020 @ 10:08pm 
Poli, don't do that. if you have, say, a chinese themed town you might want asian citizens.
mistikkal 1 Apr, 2020 @ 11:13am 
Thank you, very helpful. I see I'm not the only one wondering about the Megamod.
Hate Bear 9 Mar, 2020 @ 9:24pm 
>muh diversity
I definitely thumbed those down, lol.
TheSnoozer 11 Jul, 2018 @ 7:38pm 
You should mention Megamod. baisically combines 5 well known mod authors including Red ketchup and black liquid
Lay 26 Jul, 2017 @ 10:38am 
I have version, so i don't have acheivements anyway :P will these work with version?
MonkeyMan2104 26 Jul, 2017 @ 10:30am 
colonial chapter is an amazing mod just as the guide says
gnag 14 Mar, 2016 @ 10:31am 
@Layarion It is fixed in the vanilla game already!
Lay 7 Nov, 2015 @ 11:54pm 
are their any mods that get rid of the micromanaging of houses and their families? or is that no longer a thing?
Eucyon 25 Jun, 2015 @ 4:44pm 
Mods affects on achievements ? In my case yes.... so sad :/