Cities: Skylines
348 оценки
Quad's Sprawl
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5.876 MB
2 юни 2015 в 4:37
30 май 2017 в 5:42
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Quad's Sprawl

В 1 колекция от Quad Rioters
234 артикула
You can hear a baby crying and laughing at the same time.

- Size: 4x4
- Type: Zoning > Residential High - Level 5 (highest)
- Main Tri: 2,086, 2048x1024
- LOD Tri: 86, 256x128
- Description: A luxury condominium.

- v6: Improved models and textures.

Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy.

18 коментара
Croissant 30 юни 2020 в 18:05 
I am proud to announce I do have a real PC now :)
Frog 27 юни 2020 в 20:17 
@croissant lel just download more RAM
NightRaven 11 апр. 2017 в 2:36 
HAHAHA. This fill me with joy
Croissant 23 юли 2016 в 13:10 
Maybe you're buildings will help my laptop die and then they will let me buy parts to build a PC :D
Quad Rioters  [автор] 23 юли 2016 в 9:30 
Laptops must burn.
Croissant 23 юли 2016 в 8:20 
Quad, you are going to kill my laptop some day! Stop making your buildings so beutiful, I can't stop subscribing to them! D:< JK!
Magic Spearmint 12 юли 2016 в 8:17 
Hey now, don't go confusing incompetence with inexperience. <3
Quad Rioters  [автор] 12 юли 2016 в 8:10 
@Yellowfin - Because my past incompetency always haunts me.
Magic Spearmint 12 юли 2016 в 7:56 
Jesus man, every time you've overhauled one of your assets it's ended up looking more professional, beautiful, and realistic while keeping the feel of the original. Felt like pointing that out since it can be really easy to make the mistake of updating an asset horizontally rather than vertically (think tech trees).
SClolstar 17 юни 2016 в 0:03 
Your building assets are amazing, great job!