Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Maple Leaf Gardens
7.448 MB
2015年5月23日 20時07分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Maple Leaf Gardens

Room360 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Canada Collection
17 アイテム
Maple Leaf Gardens, built in 1931 as a large-capacity arena for the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team, has maintained its iconic status as Canada’s “cathedral of hockey,” despite the departure of the Maple Leafs to a new arena.

The Gardens was built by workers paid in company stock, providing an incentive for a quick delivery. Breaking ground in April, the arena was complete only eight months later. The team’s association with the arena made it a revered hockey shrine, both through domestic competition between its home team and their arch rivals, the Montreal Canadiens, and also internationally, through Team Canada’s 1972 Summit Series victory over the Soviet Union.

12 x 13
2048 Map
8617 Tris
Same stats as default arena

The latest addition to the Canada Collection is by far my largest and most difficult one so far. I'm not a hockey fan per se (go Arsenal!) but the architecture of the building and the lack of hockey arenas compelled me to model the Gardens. I don't know if I would tackle another large building like this, but now that it's done, I really hope you enjoy it!

Now if someone could make Emirates Stadium in London....
23 件のコメント
LordDevorkian69 2022年10月29日 16時39分 
Late here, hey sgt. panther if you hate Canada and our hockey, then maybe shut up and keep that to yourself.
LilEhEE 2019年2月27日 16時14分 
Could you please make T&T Supermarket? It is an Asian Supermarket that imports food items, rice cookers, facial masks, lanterns, etc. and it started in Richmond, B.C.
Hawke 2018年5月26日 16時26分 
The Shrine. Saw many Leaf games there in my youth. Sittler and Salming forever.
dugustus 2017年3月22日 2時20分 
Great build, must be a nod to how Canadians use hockey areana's for rock concerts. The noise circel is HUGE, three times that of the hoppiness circle. I know Habs fans are noisy and all
Sgt. Panther 2016年11月3日 7時01分 
I am not a big hockey- or Canada-fan but the 20's/early 30's Deco elements are right up my alley.
sdog 2016年7月2日 20時45分 
I've walked past it countless times, yet I never realized there is any significance to it. Cheers!
shawa 2016年2月19日 3時00分 
An update for AD/Snowfall would be appreciated.
Kimchi 2016年2月8日 9時09分 
Staples Center would be great! GKG!
musical 2015年11月29日 15時53分 
Love your Canada Collection, AD updates would be insane!
kelp 2015年11月19日 8時26分 
anyway at all you can do the Consol Energy Center for the Pitt Penguins?!