Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

175 Bewertungen
Duff Brewery (ploppable) by BumpaNiggl
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Assets: Park
21.626 MB
16. Mai 2015 um 14:59
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Duff Brewery (ploppable) by BumpaNiggl

In 1 Kollektion von BumpaNiggl
Bumpa-Niggl's Asset Collection
38 Inhalte
Duff Brewery (ploppable park) by Bumpa♥♥♥♥l

A tribute to a beautiful person. :]

This is my makeover of the quite known beer brewery from "The Simpsons", created by Matt Groening.

I do not own any rights on any of the advertisements or companies used and have only made this for free, non-commercial public use.

Double checked and placed ingame to make sure it works; and it does. :]

Description: First of all; the size: Sorry; went a bit over board. ^^ Now to the actual stuff. This is a ploppable park; no limit to the amount. I had to change the colors and make 'em a lot darker so the building wouldn't show up bright as in a comic; after several amounts of changing the color and filters this is what I stuck with.

Includes hangout zones for pedestrians, parking marks and steam coming from the chimneys.


Base: 6x7

Construction Cost: 1000
Fire Hazard: 0
Fire Tolerance: 10
Garbage Accumulation: 5
Maintenance Cost: 30

Electricity Consumption: 20

High Wealth Tourists 25
Low Wealth Tourists 300
Medium Wealth Tourists 200

Sewage Accumulation 10
Water Consumption 50

Entertainment Accumulation 150
Entertainment Radius 500

Ground Offset 0
First Height 150
Other Height 200
Floor Count 150

The object has all maps, including an illumination map.

I am everything else than a pro and just enjoy creating these for public use; so don't expect this to be the "poonz". ;]

If you are interested in my asset collection then please go here:

Also you might wanna look at this; a custom created map:

Feel free to vote this up.

Enjoy. =]
15 Kommentare
supasin13rayong 8. Aug. 2022 um 23:55 
Should get along better with ploppable RICO :D
Exsosus|Cryo| 3. Mai 2021 um 13:04 
In my non-Vanilla version of my city, I have sooooooo many of Duff's Brew Beer places! tyvm Creator: BumpaN! Really appreciate it.

@N v K it's working with After Dark now in my game, please re-sub and give it a test-run! :-)
toby6_73 25. Nov. 2020 um 19:48 
Duff Man approves!
76561198165715092 4. Aug. 2017 um 10:29 
Great asset if your a huge simpsons fan like me
N v K 4. Dez. 2015 um 10:36 
Update for AD please
Uber-n00bie 30. Sep. 2015 um 15:39 
Haven't seen you around in awhile, but I recently saw this and some other fantastic assets from you in my game recently. Do you have any plans to update these with some lighting? Your stuff is too good *not* to have night time lighting. :P

Regardless, thanks for all you've contributed here, and hope you're doing well!
static 29. Mai 2015 um 11:28 
"Duff beer for me, Duff beer for you, I'll have a Duff, you have one too..."
Pineapple the Fruit Dude 22. Mai 2015 um 0:02 
Could you do a growable version aswell?
-AKEVA-BANSHEE- 19. Mai 2015 um 16:55 
Duff beer is the only beer for me :Lotus:
static 19. Mai 2015 um 15:47 

I've been agitating for more Simpsons businesses in Skylines for quite some time. Thank you!

Here's my "original" request thread, with some links for inspiration.