Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Niwaki Tree Thin
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Assets: Tree
Ukuran File
2.958 MB
14 Mei 2015 @ 1:45pm
14 Jun 2015 @ 12:10am
2 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

Berlangganan untuk mengunduh
Niwaki Tree Thin

Dalam koleksi 1 dari Leo Mystic Magic
Honorable Mentions
Item 1075
Custom made Niwaki trees by request.

These are what I call grooming trees. Just as they are created in real life by pruning and shaping, they are not meant to be plopped down everywhere with a tree brush IMO. They are meant for grooming a street or garden. This is also because the Tri count on this series of trees is higher than normal as well.

Total Tri's = 544

2 Komentar
Leo Mystic Magic  [pembuat] 14 Mei 2015 @ 5:08pm 
You're welcome MrMiyagi. I'm going to be uploading a Japanese Spirit House Garden in a few mins. So be sure to check that out. :)
MrMiyagi 14 Mei 2015 @ 4:15pm 
YES!! Thank you so much Shroomblaze! Now I have to make a better Japanese garden