Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

657 ratings
[Guide] Tweaks and Improvements
By CryCel
More Gore, More Blood, Improved Audio, Improved Texture Streaming, Fixes and much more!
Go for High FPS or Fancy looking Graphics! It's up to YOU!
Before starting with anything that is below this Section. Pay attention to where the Config files are located, we will NOT make any changes to the "DefaultXXX.ini" files.

And this is for two main reasons:

1. The Default .ini files will be reset every update there is to Killing Floor 2 because the game thinks something is missing / got replaced, so steam will download the .ini files into your SteamApps folder.

2. You can easily revert to your previous settings if something is screwed up.

3. If you have any problem with the commands missing or performance issues try deleting the .ini files and let Steam re-download them in order to make sure everything is working as intended.

For better understanding I will tell you in every single section where the .ini file is located and which of the .ini files you need to edit.

Every change we make in this [Guide] will be in the same folder as followed:

C:\Users\[Your Computer Name]\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config

The following .ini files are edited in this [Guide]:
  • KFEngine.ini
  • KFGame.ini
  • KFSystemSettings.ini
Do not Rush through this [Guide] take your time to edit things and properly read everything before starting to modify any of those files. Otherwise you will screw things up.

This [Guide] can be used to either improve your FPS or make the game look more fancy! Depending on what you like to do. Just Increase/Decrease or Enable/Disable settings in those .ini's
Unlocking FPS cap
Before starting anything you should remove the FPS cap of 60 FPS

Go to the following folder:

C:\Users\[Your Computer Name]\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config

Open file "KFEngine.ini" with Notepad or Notepad++ and use Ctrl+F for searching. Search for:


Change the following values to your preferences below:


Note: These commands appear twice in this .ini file and should be changed.

  • bSmoothFrameRate Smoothing the Frame Rate yes or no set to FALSE to unlock.

  • MinSmoothedFrameRate Min. Frame Rate leave as default.

  • MaxSmoothedFrameRate Max. Smoothed Frame Rate for example as shown above 144 for a 144Hz monitor.

Note there seems to be another "SmoothFrameRate" Command in the "KFGame.ini" which incase your framerate is not unlocked (Should be due to the fact there is a slider in-game) should be changed as well, to do so open up "KFGame.ini" and do the same steps as we did in the "KFEngine.ini" above. - Thanks to Dobes for finding the third command.
Improve PhysX Flex
Some PhysX Flex settings (GeForce 970 and above only!)

Go to the following folder:

C:\Users\[Your Computer Name]\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config

Open file "KFSystemSettings.ini" with Notepad or Notepad++ and use Ctrl+F for searching. Search for:


Change the following values to your preferences below:


  • FlexInvisibleFramesBeforeSleep Invisibility of the 'Fluid/Blood' before disappearing. (fade out time)

  • FlexDistanceBeforeSleep Distance before the fluid stops moving for you.

  • AllowSPHFluidMipmap Allow the 'Fluid/Blood' to have the mipmap.

  • FlexRigidBodiesCollisionAtHighLevel Enable/Disable body parts to collied with other body parts.

PhysX Flex has been re-enabled as of 14/4/2016 and marked as "Stable" by the Developers.
Improve Audio Quality and possible audio stutter fix
Now lets improve your Audio Quality in the game for a much richer enviroment.

Go to the following folder:

C:\Users\[Your Computer Name]\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config

Open file "KFEngine.ini" with Notepad or Notepad++ and use Ctrl+F for searching. Search for:


Change the following values to your preferences below:


  • MaxChannels tells the game how many audio channels it uses to play sounds. 32 works on majority of even crap Sound Cards but some can do more. My Asus Xonar Essence STX supports up to 128 channels.
    This means for you in-game the scenery becomes more... well Alive due to the fact that more audio can be played at the same time.

Following Values can be assigned to MaxChannels:
  • 16
  • 32
  • 48
  • 64
  • 96
  • 128

If you get some weird noises in the game try lowering this value again and see what works best for you.

  • CommonAudioPoolSize is the amount of memory to reserve for always resident sounds, or in other words the amount of pre-buffered audio in your memory so it is instantly ready when it is required.

Following Values can be assigned to CommonAudioPoolSize
  • 32
  • 64
  • 128
  • 256

You can try different values of course
This should also potentially fix audio stuttering issues. Because of the audio being pre-buffered.
Improve Shadow/Reflection Quality
Drastically improve your Shadow Quality
Note: Only use if your average FPS in-game is 80 and above!

Go to the following folder:

C:\Users\[Your Computer Name]\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config

Open file "KFSystemSettings.ini" with Notepad or Notepad++ and use Ctrl+F for searching. Search for the following one by one:


Change the following values to your preferences below: (Values may differ from yours)


  • MaxShadowResolution The max. Shadow resolution.

  • MaxWholeSceneDominantShadowResolution Shadow Resolution for the whole scenery.

  • UseHighQualityReflections Allow of High Quality Reflection.

  • bEnableForegroundShadowsOnWorld Enable your characters shadow on world Objects
    (As of current not recommended, will show only your arms, hands and weapons.)

  • bEnableForegroundSelfShadowing Enable shadows being rendered on your Arms, Hands and Weapons.

Thanks to 🐏 Dobes! 🐶 for finding a couple more commands for the Shadows.
Improve Reflection Quality
Drastically improve your Reflection Quality
Note: Only use if your average FPS in-game is 80 and above!

Go to the following folder:

C:\Users\[Your Computer Name]\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config

Open file "KFEngine.ini" with Notepad or Notepad++ and use Ctrl+F for searching. Search for:


Change the following values to your preferences below:


  • ImageReflectionTextureSize The Texture size of the Reflection on objects

Example of what it can be set to:


Thanks to 🐏 Dobes! 🐶 for finding this command line!
Improve Texture Quality
Drastically improve your Texture Quality!
Note: Only use if your average FPS in-game is 80 and above!

Go to the following folder:

C:\Users\[Your Computer Name]\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config

Open file "KFSystemSettings.ini" with Notepad or Notepad++ and find following commands:
These lines are near the top you can't miss them.

Notepad++ lines 181 - 207
(Might differ from yours)

In these lines you will find all the texture resolutions from the game.
Edit the following to increase the Texture Resolution:

Each individual line which got "MaxLODSize=XXXX" in it.
Change the "XXXX" to "4096".
(Without the " ")

Note: The lines:
  • TEXTUREGROUP_ProcBuilding_Face[...]MaxLODSize=4096
  • TEXTUREGROUP_ProcBuilding_LightMap[...]MaxLODSize=2048
Are bound aswell by "KFEngine.ini's" commands:
  • MaxProcBuildingLODColorTextureSize=4096
  • MaxProcBuildingLODLightingTextureSize=2048
So in order to have them work properly you have to set the size of the texture the same as the one you set in the "KFSystemSettings.ini" file
(Thanks to 🐏 Dobes! 🐶 for pointing this out.)

A little bit further down are a few more lines
(Don't ask me why they are not together)

Which we will edit aswell same as above.

Notepad++ lines 247 - 254

So one more time.
Each individual line which got "MaxLODSize=XXXX" in it.
Change the "XXXX" to "4096".
(Without the " ")

Again go to the following folder:

C:\Users\[Your Computer Name]\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config

Open file "KFSystemSettings.ini" with Notepad or Notepad++ and search following commands:



and change the "0" to "-5" to get higher quality Models/Particles.

Thanks to Vlad for finding these!


Another command for how far you can see these high quality Models is in the "KFGame.ini"

C:\Users\[Your Computer Name]\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config

Open file "KFGame.ini" with Notepad or Notepad++ and search following commands:


Change the "0" to "-5" so you can see the high quality Models/Particles further away from you.

Thanks to Dobes for finding this!
Improve Texture Streaming
Now you got higher resolution textures and shadows improve the Texture Streaming!

Unlike other people may tell you to disable Texture Streaming completely, I am telling you to keep it on and improve it.

Go to the following folder:

C:\Users\[Your Computer Name]\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config

Open file "KFEngine.ini" with Notepad or Notepad++ and use Ctrl+F for searching. Search for:


Change the following values to your preferences below: (Values may differ from yours)


  • PoolSize the max. VRAM of your GPU in MB.
  • MemoryMargin amount of MB to reserve for new Textures incoming, should be 10-20% of your VRAM.

Possible Values can be set for PoolSize:
  • 1GB = 1024 = MemoryMargin=128
  • 2GB = 2048 = MemoryMargin=256
  • 3GB = 3072 = MemoryMargin=768
  • and so on

If you experience Textures popping up, make the Streaming system a little bit more aggressive.

In "KFEngine.ini" search the following commands: (Values may differ from yours)


  • MipFadeInSpeed0 Mipmap fade-in time for when you are in First-Person-Mode.

  • MipFadeOutSpeed0 Mipmap fade-out time for when you are in First-Person-Mode.

  • MipFadeInSpeed1 Mipmap fade-in time for when you are in Spectator mode or you are dead.

  • MipFadeOutSpeed1 Mipmap fade-out time for when you are in Spectator mode or you are dead.

Try lowering the values by your liking these settings are in Seconds. Lowering them all to 0.0 will result in Texture Streaming not working Properly.

The above listed values are tested by myself and work perfectly.

Another setting in the same .ini file which might be a possible fix for people using SLI.
Fixed Textures pop-up for my test setup with two GTX970

Open file "KFEngine.ini" with Notepad or Notepad++ and use Ctrl+F for searching. Search for:



  • FLightPrimitiveInteractionInitialBlockSize These two values should be set to around 10-20% of your availabe RAM.

  • FModShadowPrimitiveInteractionInitialBlockSize

If you disabled Texture Streaming already, enable it again
In the same .ini file seach for:


and change its value again to "True"

For a GPU with 3GB VRAM you can use the settings up there.
Disable Texture Streaming (At your Own Risk)
The following might break your Game, some people say it is helping and other people say it works better.

Due to a request in the comment section here the way to disable Texture Streaming completely.

Go to the following folder:

C:\Users\[Your Computer Name]\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config

Open file "KFEngine.ini" with Notepad or Notepad++ and use Ctrl+F for searching. Search for:


Note: the same command can be found in "KFGame.ini" which you need to change aswell.




  • bUseTextureStreaming Simply means the textures are being loaded whenever they are needed.

  • bUseBackgroundLevelStreaming This setting is related to the streaming textures in the game, and appears to control whether streaming occurs in the background or not.

  • AllowStreamingLightmaps Streaming the Lightmaps yes or no.

  • UsePriorityStreaming Basically telling the engine to prioritize the Streaming system.

  • UseDynamicStreaming Dynamically Stream the textures as you move around the level.

Simply remove the "True" and replace it to "False" this disables the Texture Streaming.
(Without the " ")

Make sure you have a High-End GPU with a minimum 6GB VRAM, tested by a couple of people including myself without problems, yet it might cause some problems for your setup. So be mindful of what you do and if it does not work just go back by turning it back on.
More Gore and Dead Bodies
Don't set the following values to high, or you'll risk crashing the game.

Go to the following folder:

C:\Users\[Your Computer Name]\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config

Open file "KFGame.ini" with Notepad or Notepad++ and use Ctrl+F for searching. Search for:


Change the following values to your preferences below: (Values may differ from yours)

  • MaxImpactEffectDecals Max amount of impact Decals on Objects (Bulletholes, Melee Cuts)

  • GoreFXLifetimeMultiplier Controls how long Gibs and Gore stay before vanishing.

  • BodyWoundDecalLifetime Value for the lifetime of bullet impacts/holes.

  • BloodSplatterLifetime Value for the lifetime of the splatters on the ground/walls.

  • BloodPoolLifetime Value for the lifetime of blood pools.

  • GibletLifetime How long it will take before Giblets disappear.

  • MaxBodyWoundDecals How many "wounds" Decals are applied to Enemies.

  • MaxBloodSplatterDecals Value for the lifetime referring to individual decals/textures in one splatter.

  • MaxBloodPoolDecals How many blood pools you can have generated at one time.

  • BloodSplatSize Size of a splatter. (Don't put it to high)

  • BloodPoolSize Size of a blood pool. (Same as above)

  • MaxDeadBodies Max amount of Ragdolls (Corpses) before they start to vanish.
    Note: There's no Timer on Ragdolls, they stay forever but are limited by the above amount.

  • MaxBloodEffects Max amount of Blood Effects.

  • MaxGoreEffects Max amount of Gore/severed Body Parts at the same time before they start to vanish.

  • AllowBloodSplatterDecals Enables additional non-permanent Blood Splat decals.

  • PersistentSplatTraceLength The length the Splats get.

  • MaxPersistentSplatsPerFrame Controls how many permanent Blood Splats are allowed per one Frame.

  • bAllowBloodSplatterDecals Allowing extra Splatter Decals.

Now set the values to your liking and figure out what works best for you!
Increase Decal Life Span
Now that you have more Blood and Gore you want the Decals to stay longer aswell.

Go to the following folder:

C:\Users\[Your Computer Name]\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config

Open file "KFGame.ini" with Notepad or Notepad++ and use Ctrl+F for searching. Search for:


Change the values to your preferences below:


  • DecalLifeSpan Sets how long Decals stay for in Seconds.

Set the above number to how ever long you want your Decals to stay.
QUAKE like Field Of View
Adjust the FOV for a QUAKE like experience

Go to the following folder:

C:\Users\[Your Computer Name]\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config

Open file "KFEngine.ini" with Notepad or Notepad++ and use Ctrl+F for searching. Search for:


Change the following command:


  • AspectRatioAxisConstraint=AspectRatio_MaintainXFOV Changing your FOV from Vertical- to Horizontal+

FOV explained for better understanding what Vert- and Hor+ actually means and does.

  • The first way is called "Vert-", which indicates that the vertical angle is reduced in 16:9/16:10 screens compared to 4:3 screens. So for example:
    Playing in 1920x1080 (16:9) would apply the 90 degrees horizontally, and it would calculate a vertical FOV of around 59 degrees vertically, which is less than the 74 degrees you would have in a 4:3 screen.

  • The second way is called "Hor+", which indicates the horizontal angle is increased in 16:9/16:10 screens compared to 4:3 screens. So for example:
    Playing in 1920x1080 (16:9) will apply the 90 degrees horizontally, and will calculate a vertical FOV of around 106 degrees vertically, which is more than the 74 degrees you would have in a 4:3 screen.

For better understanding here is a simple picture to show how it is affecting your Game.

Please keep in mind that this change of FOV is optional and not necessary, it will give you more to see but it will give the game a more of a QUAKE like feeling with a slight fisheye view around the edges. So only change this if you like it.

Here are some Screenshots of the change in the actual game!

Vert- Settings

Hor+ Settings
Skip Intro Movies
Make Killing Floor 2 Start-up faster

To skip all intro movies simply go to:

Your Steam Library and Select Killing Floor 2
Right click onto Killing Floor 2 so the Extra Options show up
Select "Properties" and in there select "Set Launch Options..."
Simply put this command "-nostartupmovies" in and Select "Ok" then "Close" and Enjoy your Killing Floor 2 without any of the intro movies.
Submitted Fixes
Texture Pop-Up possible Solution

There has been a problem with Textures Popping up in the game while walking around corners and such.
There is a Solution to this, simply unlock your Framerate and disable VSync in-game.
This especially occured while using SLI / Crossfire.
While a single GPU might be happy with some of the settings in the section:
[Improve Texture Streaming]

Thanks to - Sandman Eh Docholiday332 - for his trial and error run with those settings.
DxTory game crash fix
Ok I've had this problem quite awhile now and I found a fix for this issue here is how

Fix for DxTory version 2.0.130 and up

For everyone out there if you have DxTory version 2.0.130 installed and your game crashes on start up simply select a Delay Hook of ~7 seconds. How?

Go to the "Advanced" Tab in DxTory and under "Hook Option" tick the "Delay Hook" box and set a timer of around 7 seconds or more depending on when your game stops crashing.

Delay Hook what this basically does is setting a Delay in seconds to hook to the game. Meaning it will give the game time to start-up before it starts showing you the FPS counter.

PS.: This fix works for all Games out there who are crashing on start-up with DxTory running.
It however does not work if you have any SweetFX or ReShade mod running with your game.
Noteworthy user Guides
//Updated// 02/09/2015
'Incinerate ‘N Detonate Update'
  • Added PhysX Flex settings!
  • Updated some contents

//Updated// 29/03/2016
  • Update on PhysX Flex Please read!!
  • Added information about DxTory
  • Added possible fix for SLI / Crossfire Texture Pop-Up (Thanks to Sandman Eh Docholiday332)

//Updated// 08/05/2016
  • Re-added PhysX Flex tweaks
  • Added some more content (Thanks to Dobes)
  • Edited some contents

//Updated// 25/08/2016
  • Added Section for:
    Noteworthy user Guides

//Updated// 05/01/2017
  • Added some more commands to the [Guide]

//Updated// 05/01/2017
  • Added some more commands in
    Improve Texture Quality
Last Words
I will add more tweaks and Improvements to this guide as Killing Floor 2 Develops and gets more features.

I hope you enjoyed my guide on how to Improve your Killing Floor 2 experience.
If I fixed any of your bugs or issues you were having with the game please let me know in the comments below so I can add this to the Guide.
If you need help with anything feel free to comment aswell.
Lakinos 13 May @ 1:16pm 
Thank you for the guide, lot of detail in this one :praisesun: Out of curiosity is there an option somewhere in the .ini files to disable the Scrake/Fleshpound announcement you hear each time they spawn in the later waves? Thanks a bunch in advance
PoorPocketsMcNewHold 30 Jan, 2021 @ 2:50am 
From the proton Github KF2 issue page, in order to resolve a crashing issue on GNU/Linux with voice. [] (Not happening anymore with the new voice engine).

How to turn off voice-chat.
In KFEngine.ini

In KFGame.ini
EiranKisotsu 28 Sep, 2019 @ 6:07pm 
Epic Guide !
i never think There is a game that let player change this FOV things easily.
bbl riry 21 Dec, 2018 @ 4:09pm 
v AFAIK the "QUAKE like Field of View" is the only way to
CryCel  [author] 28 Sep, 2018 @ 3:25am 
@null what you are looking for is [Increase Decal Life Span]

And set your decals to about 5 seconds or 10
That should do the trick.

I my self haven't played for a very long time so they might've changed something to do with the blood. Of this is the case and it does not work for you please let me know so I can download the game and check again for you
null 8 Sep, 2018 @ 10:24pm 
I don't want blood to be permanent. I want it to go away about the same speed as the bodies disappear or 20 seconds or so. How do I do that?
CryCel  [author] 15 Jun, 2018 @ 3:29pm 
I haven't touched the game in a while, I did have stutters and crashes when I initially tested it.

No Idea how it works these days
M4rhun 15 Jun, 2018 @ 6:03am 
I did that and even reinstalled the whole game too. Are you crashing with texture streaming disabled as well? It must be the new update.
CryCel  [author] 14 Jun, 2018 @ 11:07am 
Try the following:

copy all .ini files and then delete them out of the folder. Let the game create them again and see if this stutter still persists.

If so copy your .ini files back into the folder so you don't have to do all the tweaks again.

Try increasing the
or lower them by a bit depending on what you currently have them.

M4rhun 13 Jun, 2018 @ 2:31pm 
Yeah i did that, but i have this strange stutter now