Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

441 valoraciones
Low Pedestrian Overpass - 2 Lanes (Overhang)
Assets: Park
Publicado el
Actualizado el
6.735 MB
6 MAY 2015 a las 9:51
7 MAY 2015 a las 4:33
3 notas sobre cambios ( ver )

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Low Pedestrian Overpass - 2 Lanes (Overhang)

This lot uses an overhanging model, so it suits any 2-lane road. It is placed on the road side.
Surface height: 5.3m
Clearance height: 4.4m

Category: Park

Size: 2 long, 2 wide.

Entertainment Accumulation: 10
Entertainment Radius: 100
Tourists: 10/10/10 (Low/ Mid/ High Wealth)

Water, Electricity, and Sewage free.

Construction Cost: 500
Maintenance Cost: 25
Garbage Accumulation: 1
Fire Hazard: 0
Fire Tolerance: 20

No color variation available. (A limitation placed on park assets.)

Model Info:
Maps used: Diffuse, specular, UV maps (1024 x 1024)
Raw model triangle count: 5032 tris
LOD model triangle count: 158 tris (LOD texture auto-generated)

Note: Any crossroads near enough can prevent people from choosing the overpass to cross the street.

When Cims want to cross the road from the pedestrian paths, they will walk to the sidewalks first, then turn around to take the overpass. Unfortunately, I cannot fix this behavior.

The other version that suits any 4-to-6-lane roads:

Original 2-lane version [Deprecated]:

This file is also available on Simtropolis:

All you need to know on hex editing paths:

Steam version:

Simtropolis version:
30 comentarios
zin 13 JUN 2023 a las 17:41 
I hope this can be fixed!
WeebSlayer 11 ABR 2023 a las 7:17 
4-to-6 lane version is working fine. 2-lane version one is now broken and the citizens walk under/across the road instead of on the bridge and over the road. :(

Such a shame as this was the best pedestrian bridge out there.
𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑣𝑦 30 MAR 2023 a las 6:26 
Yeah, I really wish C.O would of made one of these in vanilla, they're SO useful. Pray for author to fix :)
turquoisefox90 30 MAR 2023 a las 2:56 
This used to work great for me but now my people aren't actually going over it, they're walking underneath it. By far the best looking pedestrian bridge so would love it to get a fix if possible?
𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑣𝑦 25 MAR 2023 a las 7:38 
Unfortunately, the peds aren't walking over it for me - instead they're just walking across the road under it. Any ideas?
thedave25 14 FEB 2023 a las 16:44 
Love these, thank you!
simchr71 17 FEB 2020 a las 10:04 
First off: Thanks for making my favorite ped. overpass of all time!

Second: In snowfall the snow at the bottom of the bridge pillars spills on to the street.
Is it possible to make a model where the pillars are a little further apart?
DJ 21 ENE 2020 a las 5:53 
Like the overpass. Suggestion: add a version without the little garden/seats. Quite often I don't have space for that.
Sky 12 JUL 2019 a las 7:13 
how to donload that? i was subscribe. Have not buttom "download'
onlineleon 6 MAR 2018 a las 8:14 
Thank you, lokks very nice!!