Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

122 voti
UK Retail - Sports Direct
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2.259 MB
4 mag 2015, ore 4:07
30 mag 2016, ore 14:28
3 note di rilascio ( visualizza )

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UK Retail - Sports Direct

In 2 collezioni di rik4000
UK Retail Outlets (32 Stores)
32 elementi
All My Assets
353 elementi
UK Retail Park Outlets - Sports Direct
Sports Direct is a British retailing outlet that supplies anything sports, these are mostly seen around town centres and retail parks.

Updated for the RICO mod
This asset has been updated for the RICO mod, the building stats are:
Service - Commercial
Sub-service - High
Level - 2
Workplaces - 50
Cost - 10,000
UI-Category - comhigh


Can i plop down more than one?
YES you can now thanks to this fantastic mod Not So Unique Buildings

Building Stats
Construction cost : 10,000
Maintenance cost : 320 p/w
Electricity consumption : 30
Tourists High/Med/Low : 120/130/120
Workers Educated/Highly/Uneducated/Well : 10/2/20/10
Attractiveness : 10
Entertainment : 150
Entertainment Radius : 300
Monument level : 1
Noise accumulation : 25
Noise radius : 50

Where can i find this asset in game?
This asset can be found under the unique building section (level 2)

Model Info
  • 279 Polys
  • 658 Tris
  • 1024 Texture res (diffuse, Normal)
  • Currently has auto LOD (which looks ok)

Enjoy :)