Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

63 vurderinger
Cities Noire
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2. maj 2015 kl. 22:33
1 ændringsbemærkning ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade
Cities Noire

For depressed Mayors.

A collective short story created on reddit, under the mod's topic:

"It was a dark and stormy night. The dame beside me kept tapping her foot impatiently. Traffic was backed up for 5 miles. The Mayor can't design a decent interchange." - /u/koitenshin

"... As rain fell on and on, the city stop still, as a thundering sound resonated throughout the streets.
The dam was cracking.
If only we hadnt asked for a weather DLC..." - /u/runetranton

"...I sighed to myself, and took a long drag from my cigarette. The tiny light flickered in the darkness, the only sign of life in this dead city. As quickly as it lit, the cigarette disappeared. Guess the mayor decided to implement that city-wide smoking ban policy after all." - /u/dr_fish

"...This, however, did little to change the legalization of other things.
The city may be dead, it's death throes drowned by the flood, but just outside the limits, with a front seat view of the now ruined city, now grew a strange enclave of 'love' where many of the survivors now seemed to enjoy life, not caring their homes where destroyed.
I suppose, I ought to tell the mayor that a raise in taxes may be in order, I dont they will care." - /u/runetranton

Don't forget to rate the mod guys!
6 kommentarer
All-Seeing ErtY'wek 17. juni 2020 kl. 14:41 
@Bread In my case it was over 20 km traffic jam on entrance highway. I'm not sure what was the population.
BreadandYeast 2. juni 2016 kl. 6:22 
Traffic is my nightmare, I have a city were the highway traffic entering the city was about 1km away from the edge of the map
Sunshine 26. feb. 2016 kl. 23:43 
"...I sighed to myself, and took a long drag from my cigarette. The tiny light flickered in the darkness, the only sign of life in this dead city. As quickly as it lit, the cigarette disappeared. Guess the mayor decided to implement that city-wide smoking ban policy after all." - /u/dr_fish"

That one killed me. Brilliant.
eharper256 30. maj 2015 kl. 9:51 
Now we just need a 'Start in the 1920's' mod and we'll be sorted!
burnfirewalls 9. maj 2015 kl. 19:37 
I would have met the dame in my office. Would have, if it hadn't been clear cut for yet another onramp to nowhere. We're up to six this week. The mayor acts like our lives stop and start at his convenience. Just like a politician.
8. maj 2015 kl. 5:16 
I knew the moment I stepped into office this would be a rough road, but not even my expectations could have prepared me for what was to come. As mayor of this town, there was no option but to get my hands dirty, dirtier than the window I was looking through. Even through the muck and grime, I saw there was nothing to be found but traffic problems. Cars and trucks trying to squeeze through, hoping to arrive at their destination sooner, rather than later. The whole thing looked like an orchestra, being conducted by a man with Parkinson's. I glanced over at the houses and shops that were permanently adjoined to the traffic jam, someone was going to lose their home or store tonight to make way for more godforsaken roads that wouldn't solve a damn thing.