Dead Island: Epidemic

Dead Island: Epidemic

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Septian Guide
By paleontologist, phd
Ever want to learn how to play Septian? At first he may seem lackluster with very little mobility, but take a look at this guide and you will see that he is a very sticky character that is very difficult to kill...
Septian is a fantastically fun champion that has a lot of innate lifesteal built into his kit. Although he may not offer a lot of initiating ability besides his ultimate, once Septian is in a fight, it is very difficult to kill him. However, although this guide may bring you success with the character Septian, it is not guaranteed that you will win all your games. Games are won by objective control and teamwork, not solo kills and legendary weapons.
Primary melee attacks has a chance to inflict Venom.

This is a great passive. It gives you innate life steal while weakening the enemy. You'll heal more than they can damage!

Viper Sting (Q)
Swing with your venom-coated machete, dealing damage and inflicting venom to the main target and dealing area damage to surrounding enemies.

Hunting Instinct: Adrenaline builds up as you strike a target. Your hunting instincts peak and you gain increased movement speed.

Double-headed Viper: Recast to perform another Viper Sting.

Crocodile Fang (E)
Throw your knife toward enemies, dealing damage and inflicting venom. Pierces Walkers and Infected.

Disabling Cut: Your knife will cripple the main target.

This is a knife!: Your knife deals increased damage to an enemy with its health below a certain percent.

Venom Skin (R)
Whenever you are hit by a physical or ranged attack by a close-by enemy, the attacker has a chance of being affected by venom. The Venom effect is consumed dealing damage and healing you when stacked up, leaving the target weakened. Activate to increase your life leech for a short duration.

Reptile: Next primary melee attack after activating Venom Skin deals bonus damage and inflicts Venom.

Camouflage: Blend in like a chameleon and take reduced damage for the duration of the active effect.

Snake Attack (F)
Throw 'Snake' at target location. She will chase and entangle an enemy in the area or, if no enemy is in range, continue forward in a straight line looking for an enemy. Entangled enemies are stunned and infected with venom. Damage is dealt when 'Snake' releases her enemy. 'Snake' chooses another victim after biting her first target.

Solid Snake: You restore health every time an enemy is bitten by your Snake.

Skill Order

Getting the second augment on R as soon as you can is pretty important for Septian. This allows him to deal a steady stream of DPS (damage per second) in the middle of the fighting while allowing himself to life steal and take reduced damage. In essence, he does a lot of damage while taking (40%) less.

For the next skill to max, it really depends on your personal preference. Personally, I like the second augment on Q first because it allows me to shuffle my opponent into the fight or back into a vulnerable position. However, I can imagine someone getting second augment on E first to catch escaped kills if the opponent is very mobile.
Life Leech Build (Basically Unkillable)
This build aims to stack Life Leech, Attack Speed, and Critical Strike to maximize damage and survivability at the same time thanks to Septian's innate life steal.

The Weapons

Three Point

Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
70 critical strike
40 attack speed
28 life leech
# 33% Critical Toxin


Acid Injectors

Acid Injectors

Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 life leech
62 attack speed
14 critical strike
# 25% Blight

Critical Advantage
Charge: Life Leech or Critical Strikes

Both of these weapons have all the stats we want. The secondary attack gives Septian a means to stick onto opponents or escape from a fight gone bad. The passives just add helpful damage. Personally, I highly prefer Three Point much more due to higher Critical Strike and higher Attack Speed. When these two stats are combined with the legendary mods Critical Advantage and Lethal Strikes, you will make up for the Life Leech that is lost from not using Acid Injectors. CRITICAL ADVANTAGE IS SUPER IMPORTANT. It gives you a crazy amount of life steal on your crits, which you will be doing a lot of with this build.

12-Gauge Grass

Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 life leech
48 attack speed
28 critical strike
# 20% Leeching Acid

Lethal Strikes
Charge: Attack Speed

This weapon is amazing for Septian. It has all the stats he needs for this build, and the passive is really nice when you want to step back from a fight and do some ranged damage while healing up.
If you don't have this gun, here are some replacements:

The Conductor: This would be my first pick if I didn't have 12-Gauge Grass. It's passive is excellent for chasing and initiating. With high Critical Strike, it is a great second choice.

The T-Wrecks: It gives a great amount of Critical Strike and some Attack Speed. However, it doesn't have Life Leech.

Bleach Sprayer: It's got what Septian needs: Critical Strike, Attack Speed, and Life Leech.

No Aegis or Survival Adaptation Legendary Mods?

Meh, these mods aren't necessary when you life steal more health than your opponent deals (if you're not outnumbered).

You want Critical Strike and Life Leech.
You want to pop your R before you enter a fight. Hopefully, this fight has been started already by your teammates or by the other two teams fighting. Try and use your Q to separate one enemy out of the fight and kill them with your crits and attack speed. Your Envenom passive will weaken them as you beat them up.

You can solo Looters once you have the second augment on R and you have cleared surrounding areas for Elites that might disrupt you. I don't suggest this unless you know the other teams are occupied and your teammates don't need you.
To Be Continued
This guide will be updated more as I continue to explore ways to play Septian. Meanwhile, enjoy this build and I hope you can win some games :)
MonoShade 14 Aug, 2015 @ 12:40am 
Well actually I played a game where I killed Septian in one vs one twice. So he is actually very killable. But S.Amber destroys most melee characters to begin with since she is "Anti-Melee" essentially.

But it was hilarious to out damage and heal a Septian even after he used his Ulti. Having Smoke Granade that disarms and then reduces damage and you can weaken Septian by using Q and heal yourself by using E.

So I suppose I advice you to not pick fights with S.Ambers. They can literally go DPS build and out damage you.

Or atleast don't try to kill the good ones.
Blurred Object 30 Jul, 2015 @ 5:13am 
what do you prefer with the mods, life leech or crit strike

i have the other mods already on the weapons
Pierrg 13 Jul, 2015 @ 12:58pm 
how could you separate someone with the Q skill? because it's not that easy to get in 1vs1 in a team fight...
paleontologist, phd  [author] 20 May, 2015 @ 10:47pm 
you could use aegis for survivability
Bossy_Blonde 19 May, 2015 @ 6:02pm 
Crap I dont have Critical advantage what can I use instead of that?
paleontologist, phd  [author] 17 May, 2015 @ 2:45pm 
I haven't tried knife roulette, but I prefer more attack speed and crit for this build
Warung Tony Soprano 16 May, 2015 @ 8:37am 
how would you recommend the knife roulette?
OddBall 14 May, 2015 @ 3:11pm 
Momentum can help you get closer to the enemy or dodge a skill then gives added Crit chance for a few seconds to make use of the Critical Advantage.
paleontologist, phd  [author] 5 May, 2015 @ 12:29pm 
Yeah that's a good suggestion. One could place the charge mod for crit or leech in place of initiator. I should have clarified that one could initiate with your 12 gauge grass from a distance, proc the passive and then engage if you chose to use the initiator mod.
Djenzy 5 May, 2015 @ 11:41am 
Iniator hmm, I'd suggest a boost or charge more, iniator doesn't help that much imo when you can get the boost or charge to be more dealy.