Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

97 arvostelua
Bumpa's Burger Box (color corrected, updated, growable, votes appreciated)
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3.382 MB
21.4.2015 klo 7.42
1 muutos ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
Bumpa's Burger Box (color corrected, updated, growable, votes appreciated)

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä BumpaNiggl
Bumpa-Niggl's Asset Collection
38 luomusta
Bumpa's Burger Box

Custom made.

A tribute to my sunshine.

Type: Commercial
Level: L2
Size 4x4
Construction time: 30
Ground offset: 0
First height: 4
Other height: 4.3
Floor Count 8.3

Includes parking and pedestrian markings.
No smoke or steam.

If you are interested in my asset collection then please go here:

Also you might wanna look at this; a custom created map:

Feel free to vote this up.

Enjoy. =]
3 kommenttia
Occitània 3.11.2015 klo 13.19 
after dark ?
BumpaNiggl  [tekijä] 22.4.2015 klo 2.15 
Will do. Thaks for the hint. The idea was to prevent people from downloading my old screwed up versions. But the deleting probs are a part I didn't think off. Sorry for the inconvenience.
GordonDry 21.4.2015 klo 19.46 
Please do not delete old assets when people are still subscribed to them - they're still in the workshop contents folder and it's a pain to get rid off them.

Do hide the items instead.