Homeworld_PC - Opt-in build +11555 required
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2015年4月14日 6時54分
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Homeworld_PC - Opt-in build +11555 required

Spiderweb 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Godus Maps
5 アイテム
Homeworld_PC - please check for patches below
My take on Homeworld (using Spiderworld Mechanics) - Will mean a restart to play it, it also requires the opt-in build 11555 or greater as the 22cans devs recently added new functions to allow what I do with the wheat and ore :)

join opt-in with password 22canstester (be warned the main game\this map may have other bugs) - I don't support crashes.

To start a new game you may need to backup your
\Steam\SteamApps\common\Godus\windows\prf1* (saves folder) and delete it.
-to clarify, I suggest this method as due to the bugs in the world editor, card progress and gems seem to stick from world to world.

Key Gameplay elements:-
1. Auto belief/wheat/ore collection based on population/farms/mine via regular daily (in game days) worship events.
2. Progression based on shrines, no chests for stickers, not even any stickers!
3. Familiar homeworld map with twists and additional expansion areas.
4. Lots of wandering champions to defeat.
5. Constant day count plus message that auto refreshes each (in-game) day, no need to close it unless its in the way.
6. 3 Astari settlements to conquered.
7. Some initial Gems to help out at first shrine, use them wisely!
8. Manual collection of wheat and ore is possible, but it upsets your followers making them unhappy and give less at daily worship.

Astari Beacon problem - Edit this file

Shrine_OreLandExp,132,320,,10,20,,,1017,Card_ExpansionOre,20,8,LOC_TemplePos_Title_Beacon,LOC_TemplePos_Descrip_Expansion,# Unlock for Expansion FOUR.B

Replace with
Shrine_OreLandExp,148,328,,10,20,,,1017,Card_ExpansionOre,20,8,LOC_TemplePos_Title_Beacon,LOC_TemplePos_Descrip_Expansion,# Unlock for Expansion FOUR.B

Please check it out and rate it, feedback is welcome.


FYI - I have no problems with anyone using my lua script for their own worlds (credit would be nice!)

13 件のコメント
Spiderweb  [作成者] 2023年5月14日 12時09分 
bit late lol
gorathtar 2023年5月13日 9時23分 
great news lol they started updating it again
Spiderweb  [作成者] 2022年4月13日 11時23分 
I've not touched it in 7 years lol, I don't even remember how to run the mods to be honest and as its a dead game, don't really want to put any effort into it, sorry.
Cookiesnm1lk 2022年3月22日 0時24分 
soooo.... how do i get to the right version of the game to get this to work? or does it simply not exist anymore?
Spiderweb  [作成者] 2015年7月24日 4時17分 
I've added a youtube video of the first bit of the gameplay so you can see how different it is.
Spiderweb  [作成者] 2015年7月24日 2時43分 
I would suggest you use 5 of you initial gems to get some belief. Then sculpt a path and leash a follower to the first visible temple/pillar.
Spiderweb  [作成者] 2015年7月24日 2時04分 
You need to build the first temple, it gives you some resources.
Quest4Fire 2015年7月22日 20時11分 
I started the game over with the opt in build. I have two stranded followers, 0 gems 30 belied and 1 wheat. Sculpting works occasionally but there are no gems, so no way to earn cards and build. Novice at this please suggest.
=Skleebz= 2015年7月3日 14時34分 
ha, alright, ty
Spiderweb  [作成者] 2015年7月3日 13時37分 
Apologies, I see what you mean, impossible to sculpt and impossible to climb.

Edit this file

Shrine_OreLandExp,132,320,,10,20,,,1017,Card_ExpansionOre,20,8,LOC_TemplePos_Title_Beacon,LOC_TemplePos_Descrip_Expansion,# Unlock for Expansion FOUR.B

Replace with
Shrine_OreLandExp,148,328,,10,20,,,1017,Card_ExpansionOre,20,8,LOC_TemplePos_Title_Beacon,LOC_TemplePos_Descrip_Expansion,# Unlock for Expansion FOUR.B

It will shift the temple to a lower accessible area.