79 ratings
Communicating on Strife, a beginners guide.
By Senakhtenre
In this guide I'll explain the three ways we can use to communicate with our team. If you want to know how can you use the ping/chat wheel or the commands, this guide it's made for you.
Hello, and welcome. In this guide I'll try to cover the basics about the commands you can use to communicate with your teammates (and the classic "ping/wheel" commands).

All the binds I'll explain here are by default and tested on Windows, if for some reason you can't make the action I'm explaining, check on your Controls/Keybindings tab (on the Options panel) and see what's the key you have to use.

Remember that communicating in games like this makes everything better. This is really important. If you know that your lane mate want to attack the enemy, you'll follow him and maybe get a kill, if mid says a enemy it's missing you know you have to be careful of possible ganks.

Remember that all these commands (ping wheel, chat wheel and the commands) translates to the languague you have set on your game, this means if I have the game on Spanish (because I'm from Spain) and you have your game on English, you will read/hear (the last one, in case your game has voices on your languague) the command on your languague, me on Spanish, you on English.
Ping Wheel
The ping wheel it's the most common way of communicating with your teammates, if you came from League of Legends or Dota 2 you'll be a little bit familiar with this.

To use it you just simply need to press and hold the ALT key and press the Left Button of your mouse while you're looking to an area and then move the cursor to the action you wanna call.

All the players of your team will hear a sound and see a ping on the minimap and an indicator on the floor where you did the action.

At this momment, we have 4 actions:
  • Danger: Call of danger on a lane or about a possible gank trough the jungle.
  • On My Way: Alerts to your mates about where are you going (for example to tell you're going to a lane to defend/gank)
  • Assistance: Request help.
  • Enemy Missing: Warn about a enemy missing, uselful if you lost your lane-enemy and wanna warn about possible danger to other people.
Chat Wheel
The Chat Wheel it's more focused on things you're planning to do, rather more than things that are happening right now (in the case of the ping wheel for example)

To use the Chat Wheel you just have to press and hold the V key and then move your cursor to the action you wanna say and click with the Left Button, this will send a chat text to tell something.

You can say 8 things with the Chat Wheel:
  • Push!: Push this lane.
  • Stick Together
  • Get Back!
  • Spread Out: Spread out and farm!
  • Thanks
  • Well Player
  • I'm Retreating: I'm heading to our well
  • Help!: Requesting Assistance
And now, the not so known commands, in the middle of a teamfight, if you can't type fast enough this can make you to lose the teamfight, anyways, there is a few commands that aren't on the previous forms of communication. It's up to you choose wich way it's better to you, :)

If you type any of this commands your hero will send a text to your team and in case your hero has it, the voice command to the action. Remember that all the commands start with a slash ( / ) for example /assist

Sometimes you can specific a lane on your command, you will know what commands allow this because you will see [top/mid/bot] on the command (it's optional).

A few commands have a shortcut because they're long, you will know this because I'll add the other command with the | character. Both commands will be valid aswell.

  • /assist: Requesting Assistance!
  • /back: Get Back!
  • /careful [top/mid/bot]: Be Careful top/mid/bot (if you don't specific a lane, you'll say the lane you're on or a generic message if you're on the well)
  • /farm: Spread out and farm!
  • /helpme [top/mid/bot]: Help me out top/mid/bot (if you don't specific a lane, you'll say the lane you're on or a generic message "help me out here" if you're on jungle/well)
  • /krytos: Unleash Krytos!
  • /missing [top/mid/bot] | /mia [top/mid/bot]: Enemy Missing top/mid/bot (if you don't specific a lane, you'll say the lane you're on or a generic message if you're on the well)
  • /onmyway [top/mid/bot] | /omw [top/mid/bot]: On My Way top/mid/bot (if you don't specific a lane, you'll say the lane you're on or a generic message if you're on the well)
  • /push: Push this lane
  • /thankyou | /ty: Thanks.
  • /together: Stick together!
  • /watchout: Watch Out!
  • /well: I'm heading to our well!
  • /wellplayed | /wp: Well played.
The End
Now you have don't excuse! Communicate and win games!

This is my first guide here on Steam (and my first guide on English too) so... If you have any feedback about the guide or you think I missed something, leave a comment and I'll read it! All the good feedback it's greatly appreciated! :-)
Just I say Anybody play this game?
DaFireGuy 12 Nov, 2015 @ 3:57pm 
Thanks a lot man, getting back into Steam after a long while with crap school computers (which I made into a steam machine xd) so thanks! :D
angry lemming 28 May, 2015 @ 6:47am 
with an "a" srry
angry lemming 28 May, 2015 @ 6:46am 
you are awesome andiluz1....
︻デ 一--٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ 22 May, 2015 @ 1:44pm 
Основа геймплея в Strife та же, что и в других боевых аренах: три разделенные джунглями дорожки на карте, башни, управляемые компьютером солдаты-«крипы» и по пять героев с каждой стороны, которые стараются сломить врага и разрушить его базу. Чем Strife отличается от других представителей жанра — так это тем, что он, условно говоря, повернут к игрокам лицом. Разработчики постарались очистить игру от всего, что мешает получать удовольствие.

На карте Strife творится привычный фанатам жанра хаос. Заклинания летают туда-сюда, каждая сторона старается
Cik 9 May, 2015 @ 3:17pm 
Very nice basic guide, and necessary. /ty
U F Sleepy 24 Apr, 2015 @ 8:05am 
thanks for the guide. it helped me alot.
Pedo-Van-Helsing 21 Apr, 2015 @ 2:12pm 
Good guide but comminication is useless here, most of the players have dead brain cells.
Its like all the fail players from DotA 2 and LoL decided to change the MOBA they play and came to Strife
Kasumi 13 Apr, 2015 @ 1:54pm 
Great guide, I came from Dota but forgot how to ping and call missing via the wheel because I've not played in a long time.

Now if people in game would stop being toxic...