Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Landmarks by Tair
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Here are some Landmarks to make your city even more pretty! Hope you enjoy!
Vật phẩm (4)
Jurassic Park Museum
Tạo bởi Tair
Jurassic Theme Park by Tair A Museum about Jurrasic Park so Cims can have a nice weekend! I know you cant see Dinosaurs,but sadly the way the game handles textures,made it impossible. Textures are a bit blurry when zoomed in,but thats the way handles the t...
Mayor's Manor
Tạo bởi Tair
Mayor's Manor by Tair...
Relaxing Gardens
Tạo bởi Tair
Relaxing Gardens by Tair Info Tier 2 Landmark 150 tourists 16 workers 600 yard radius 65k Cost Thanks for subbing and if you feel like it,support me here
Go Karts Course
Tạo bởi Tair
Go carts racing by Tair A Go Kart course for your cims to Enjoy. I wish i could add racing karts,that would be awesome. Hope you like it :) Landmark 300 yard radius If you feel like it support me at Thanks!...