Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Castle Tower Arch 4L
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3.539 MB
6 apr 2015, ore 13:36
31 lug 2016, ore 18:32
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Castle Tower Arch 4L

In 1 collezione di Daimond
Modular Castle
13 elementi
Castle Tower Arch 4L - Used for crossing 4 lane roads 1x1 ( rest of model not phisicaly there, so stuff can be placed and spawn there)

Found under Electrical

For best effect, use on flat ground.

Requires to be places next to roads, and roads can be deleted after or during construction.

by Daimond

See Change Notes for details of update
3 commenti
monguinassassin 25 lug 2017, ore 23:27 
Thank you so much for this asset! The Carcassonne Walls are a bit buggy, and I hated them.
Daimond  [autore] 18 giu 2015, ore 18:10 
accualy been out of town for work for some time. Labtop not good running 3d programs :(
Leo Mystic Magic 17 giu 2015, ore 21:05 
You made such a great modular castle set. Where did you go? I would like to see more cool stuff from you. :)