Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

149 voti
Soviet Cinema (Medium) [+AD]
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Assets: Park
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6.219 MB
5 apr 2015, ore 3:57
1 nota di rilascio ( visualizza )

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Soviet Cinema (Medium) [+AD]

[EN] Soviet Cinema (Medium) by AleX_BY

Those Cinemas was built in 60's-70's in first soviet panel districts.

Available in Parks.

Cost: 25k
Maintenance: 480/week
Water: 112/week
Electricity: 320/week
EntertainmentAccumulation: 150
EntertainmentRadius: 750

Note: in-game description on russian!

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[RU] Типовой советский районный кинотеатр.

Такие кинотеатры строились в хрущёвских районах в 60-е и 70-е годы.

Доступен в разделе Парки.

Цена: 25.000
Обслуживание: 480\неделя
Потребление воды: 112\неделя
Потребление электричества: 320\неделя.
EntertaimentAccumulation: 150
EntertaimentRadius: 750

Игровое описание выполнено на русском.

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13 commenti
Captain Toof 3 apr 2020, ore 15:11 
Это же здание и в моем городе есть.
leontis 11 nov 2018, ore 7:41 
Wow, This cinema is the same like on my street
ylij174 12 giu 2018, ore 7:32 
автор обнови версию , ошибки выдает
Turjan 18 dic 2015, ore 16:40 
This one is still without lights unfortunately.
AleX_BY  [autore] 11 nov 2015, ore 23:54 
Biht, oh it's so strange =_____= I'll see today, thank you
Biht 11 nov 2015, ore 18:43 
Oh... I eagerly anticipated it. but update-date is still April. ;__; only large version was updated.
AleX_BY  [autore] 11 nov 2015, ore 8:14 
Biht, it already updated :D
Biht 10 nov 2015, ore 23:45 
when you update for AD?
watertank 1 giu 2015, ore 18:19 
this is perfect
Turjan 15 apr 2015, ore 1:19 
I really like your buildings. Could you make a version without the "Kinoteatr" lettering or with "CINEMA" instead, given the lettering is a stylistic element?