69 คะแนน
Beginner Achievements
โดย Deiru
This guide will get you the following 2 achievements;
  • Beginner - Solve 10 Beginner puzzles
  • Shipping Costs - Solve "Imbalanced Load" by overlapping the line three times.

If you only want Shipping Costs, feel free to skip straight to Imbalanced Load.
1. Draw A Line
2. Box
3. Inception Box
4. Fish Hook
5. Imbalanced Load

While this may seem unnecessarily complex, this ensures that you get the "Shipping Costs" achievement as well, for overlapping the line 3 times.
6. Heavy Hook
7. Dreidel
8. Periscope
9. Hatchet
10. Romance
1 ความเห็น
Bannor 29 ส.ค. 2018 @ 1: 11pm 
Thanks for this - but I really don't get #5 - particularly the bottom-left corner of the puzzle.