Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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How to start trading on ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com (Tips/Toturial)
By karl
This is a guide on how to use ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. In this guide there will also be some tips.
So if you get scammed dont blame me.
My Steam Trading Group
Hey guys, i have made this new steam trading group where you can post trades ask for the price of your items. You can also discuss bets and matches.
It would be very awesome if you want to join my group and invite some friends!!
Getting started on ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
To getting started you open your browser, search: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Then go to the page called ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

First of all you want to log in
When you logged in you have to go to your profile

When you are on your profile you have to find your trade link
to find your trade link, click on the button: Your steam trade URL

that will take you to your steam profile settings, and on the bottom you will see a link. Copy that link and paste it here:

Now you are finnish with your profile and loggin in.
Adding a trade on ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Adding a trade: To add a trade you want to click the button in the top bar: Add trade

It will take you to a site where you can add some trades

Adding items: To make a trade you want to select the items from your inventory by clicking left click

When you have selceted your items you want to select the items you want for your items, just left click the items you want

You can also search for items, select exterior, Quallity and type.
When you have added your items and the items you want it will look like this (You may have other items)

If you want you can add some text to your trade

To add the trade simply click: post trade
(Remember you can only have 6 trade at 1 time!)

If someone offers on your trade you will se a number in a yellow box, just above "my trades"
to see their offer click "My trades" And click the trade in the top. To reply them you can move you cursor over their offer and click: "Reply" Then type your message.
You can also delete their offer mby holdig you cursor over and click: "Delete"
Or you can block them so they cant offer again by click: "block"
Removing a trade or a item
Removing a trade:
All you have to do is click the: "Mark As Done" button

When you have clicked that you want to click the "are you sure?" button, it will be where the "Mark as done" button was before

Removing an item from your trade:
You want to move your cursor over the item or items, you want to delete. Then click the trashcan icon

and click: "are you sure?" That remove the item.
Offering on trades
To offer on a trade you can go to the startpage or going to the "Search" tab
Then you can pick any item to search.
If you go to the homepage you can see some trades. You can click the name of the guy who posted it and then go to the bottom of the new page. Then you can put in some text and then click: "Add items to offer"

Then select your items and click. Post reply

If they answer you you will see a yellow box with a number, the number is the number of how many replies you got. The yellow box will be just over the "My offers" Tab

You will just click the button and you click the trade in the top and you can now see their reply.
Steam offers
You maybe want to send a steam offer to a guy you are trading with. To do that simply click the "Steam offer" button right below on the right where u can offer. It looks like this:
Backpack errors:
If you see this message:

All you have to do is just clicking the yellow text, you might do this a few times before you can see your backpack.
If you see this message when you are offering on a trade there will not be that yellow text, to fix that just reload the page and click add item to offer. You might also do this a few times befor eit will work

Noname Error:
When you are on ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and you see your name is: "noname" all you have to do is just go to your profile

Then click: "refresh" NOT IN THE BROWSER! but on the page!

If you got any questions comment them here below
karl  [author] 27 Mar, 2018 @ 5:23am 
I have no idea mate, wish they made it easier too...
K1tozen 26 Mar, 2018 @ 4:50pm 
Why is the graphical interface so confusing and unintuitive on this website?
TheProfessor 31 Jul, 2017 @ 11:50am 
ok thanks for trying
karl  [author] 31 Jul, 2017 @ 6:26am 
I have no idea then... Sorry man, try to look it up on the internet
TheProfessor 30 Jul, 2017 @ 11:14am 
yes i have
karl  [author] 30 Jul, 2017 @ 5:40am 
Have you put in your steam trade URL?
TheProfessor 29 Jul, 2017 @ 11:25am 
my problem is that i cannot see any items on either side of the trade. (like i can't see my inventory or any items i want to trade for). can you help me fix this?
StormTrooper#SB-261 10 May, 2017 @ 5:12pm 
do you have to trade them your items for the trade to be posted??
karl  [author] 8 Jan, 2017 @ 4:31am 
Try keep refreshing your inventory, and thanks :)
Emerald Edger 8 Jan, 2017 @ 4:19am 
I set up my trading url and my profil link, but when i want to add a trade, i dont see my items from my inventory. Its on public and steam is not down. I'am pretty sure i got the right urls, help ? Nice guide btw.