Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

27 Bewertungen
[Deprecated] Kill the Seagulls!
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31. März 2015 um 6:49
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[Deprecated] Kill the Seagulls!

--- Deprecated ---

This mod has been replaced by a more efficient and responsive version. Please consider upgrading. With that said, this mod will not be removed to maintain existing users' expectations.

[ARIS] Remove Seagulls


Unleash your murderous rampage and cleanse your city of those screaming little flying abominations!

If you want them back, just disable the mod. C:S spawns seagulls like there's no tomorrow. You will get a few hundred back within seconds.
27 Kommentare
Soda  [Autor] 5. Apr. 2015 um 15:16 
@Ypuh, well, that depends on what you mean by "improve performance". The AI will be better, but your game will take a performance hit. The hit might be small or even negligible, but it will be there.

The new version aims to do a few things:

1. Immediate reinterpretation of the game world with almost no extra burden on the system
2. Allow other mods to use its data, instead of collecting the data on their own

#2 is the more important part. Currently, mods either collect data on their own with varying degrees of efficiency or modify the code behind the game. The former would cause your system to slow down more than necessary. The latter would cause your game to break, as many players are experiencing right now.

If other mods can start using the new overwatch module, players should be able to enjoy a very noticeable improvement in both performance and reliability from the mods. However, it is unlikely that a game running with mods will outperform a game running without mods.
Ypuh 5. Apr. 2015 um 5:50 
Can this mod help improve performance? Or should I wait for the new version?
Lord Rato 5. Apr. 2015 um 1:02 
Thanks Soda.
Soda  [Autor] 4. Apr. 2015 um 22:29 
To put it in perspective, the existing versions puts a very noticeable burden on the game, especially if it's a large city (20+ FPS drops have been reported), AND cannot guarantee a creation-to-detection time. This is why some seagulls will fly around for awhile before getting eliminated and hearses completely ignoring a corpse right next to them.

The new overwatch library puts nearly 0 burden on the C:S engine and has an immediate reaction time. The new one can guarantee that, if the game engine knows something occurred, it will as well.

When the release day comes, I'll post an announcement under the deprecated mods, as well as on /r/citiesskylines and /r/citiesskylinesmodding
Soda  [Autor] 4. Apr. 2015 um 22:29 
@Lord Rato, oh BTW, just wanted you to be one of the first to know, this mod as well as SOM might become deprecated soon. I won't remove them, but also won't be updating them anymore.

I'm restructuring the entire approach at the moment, and I'm very close to releasing a city overwatch library that adds nearly no burden on the game engine, i.e., extremely high efficiency. This library will be the foundation of the new versions of seagull remover and SOM.

Lord Rato 4. Apr. 2015 um 18:53 
I will still try looking into that, if it is doable, its definetely worth the try, will look for someone to help me with that. Thanks friend
Soda  [Autor] 4. Apr. 2015 um 15:54 
@Lord Rato, well, it is definitely possible. But I'm not sure they will be able to wonder around, since their pathing AI requires some kind of road to walk on. Without overriding that, you'll end up with either people who just stand around forever, or would walk away and never come back.
Lord Rato 4. Apr. 2015 um 15:11 
Hey soda, i had an idea, just wanted to know from you if its is doable: If a beach park spawns random seagulls from nowhere, and they are considered people, cant you spawn people random people as well? Thanks.
Soda  [Autor] 3. Apr. 2015 um 23:55 
@GordonDry, I'm not sure if that's due to this mod. This mod doesn't actually modify the sound of seagulls. All it does is checking for seagulls periodically; and if found, call the seagull's removal function. Could you disable this mod and see if this error message goes away?
GordonDry 3. Apr. 2015 um 16:20 
My log is full of these:

(Filename: Line: 25)

Function class SoundChannelInstance *__cdecl SoundChannel::operator ->(void) const may only be called from main thread!