Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

48 ratings
A Template for self-made Billboards
By Morsh
Quick Guide and Release of my new Billboard Template!
Billboard Template
Hey guys, i quickly wanted to raise some attention to someone i made for people,that don't have the ability to Model objects but still want to bring own creativity into their cities:

This Link includes the model and LoD file for a Billboard, including the Template for the Texture. Just open up Paint or another program and fill in the designated Blanks and save the file ;)

The Blue part will be the big front of everything,having slight Purple edges that you can also fill out with an edge color,to make it seem that someone wrapped the poster around the billboard.
Below you see a Pink area, that will be the Back of the Billboard. Feel free to experiment there ^^

After that all files need to be saved in the Following Location:

C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Import

Important: The game is Case_sensitive, so the Texture HAS to be saved as "billboard_d.png" /.jpg

The minimum of Files you need to have in the Folder is a Texture file (billboard_d.png) and a model file (billboard.fbx). If you dont add the billboard_LOD file the game will try to create an LOD by itself, however this is not guaranteed to give good results and will most likely make your billboard vanish once you go too far away with the camera

If you want to make a Glowing Neon sign, you can also add a "billboard_i.png" file to the folder, with the glowing parts marked in white and the rest being black (it will be a black and white image)

So here a quick Step by Step:
1. Move all files into the above mentioned folder.
2. Go into the ingame asset editor and create a new prop. When you load up an object as a Template your new billboard will be put in the same category as the template object.
3. Set the Availability to "All", just to be sure
4. Save the Asset.
5. If you directly want to put your new Prop onto an existing Building you still need to go to Main menu first, otherwise it wont show up in your Asset list!
6. Load an Existing object and have fun placing your new Prop :)
Alternatively: Get the Mod "More Beautification" and you will be able to just Place the Prop freely in your City!

Tip: If you are in need of textures for the background or sth: provides a ton of free textures :)

You should then be able to import your creation into Cities:Skylines!
hyuntoe 12 Apr, 2022 @ 12:51pm 
@Morsh, Thanks again! I'd forgot how to and Search this article again. LOL
CONFUSE 14 May, 2021 @ 5:04pm 
Hope to get your guidance, thanks
CONFUSE 14 May, 2021 @ 5:03pm 
In other words, I want to make only one board without the two advertising board brackets below. Can this be done?
CONFUSE 14 May, 2021 @ 5:02pm 
Do I have to use the same template? That is, after I modify the png in your file, can I click other templates in the asset editor?
hyuntoe 1 Mar, 2021 @ 12:10pm 
after reading this article, I made a billboard
Thank you very much! @Morsh
Morsh  [author] 29 Jan, 2021 @ 5:43pm 
Moin @rvben
ich habe gerade nochmal in dem Dropbox link geschaut. Dort hast du die .fbx Dateien für beide Arten von billboard :) Dort kannst du sie natürlich auch gerne noch weiter bearbeiten, die Billboards an sich sind sehr simpel.

Falls du dennoch probleme hast kannst du mich gerne Adden
rvben 22 Jan, 2021 @ 4:13pm 
@Morsh Hey, ich würde gerne die 3D-Modelle der Billboards im Game benutzen und nur die Grafik ändern. Wo bekomme ich die Modelle dafür in einer fbx datei her?
goon 13 Apr, 2020 @ 10:19pm 
thanks for those templates. still works like a charm in Sunset Harbour. the only thing i don't get is how to resize those billboards as they are way to big for my use.. is there any instructions out there about resizing? and by resizing i mean a way without making it into a procedural object....

anyone nows any guide or something ty!
Morsh  [author] 25 May, 2017 @ 10:46am 
good tip, thanks!
MrMiyagi 25 May, 2017 @ 7:02am 
Hi Morsh, maybe SingingTurnip means where and how to place the front and back images while in Photoshop or GIMP. I know the wall (vertical) billboard shows an upside down image on its backside, which isnt a problem because it is meant to be on a wall; but honestly I have no idea where I would fiddle with the back side image. So, if you have time for that, an awesome addition to your tutorial video might be watching you take the steps of placing the desired image in Photoshop and where the reverse side of the horizontal billboard would be worked on. It certainly doesn't have to be a tutorial on Photoshop nor even getting the diffuse texture ready, because you can refer us to GCVos' guide which includes reducing saturation and brightness