Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

252 avaliações
M Orthodox Church
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3.970 MB
29 mar. 2015 às 6:16
24 mai. 2021 às 11:51
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M Orthodox Church

Numa coleção por komurka
Moscow Old Town Collection
25 itens
Fictional Russian Orthodox Church, built in XVIII or XIX century.
Works as a not-so-expansive turist destination. Just what do you need for You village.

Вымышленная русская православная церковь, построенная в XVIII или XIX веке.
Работает, как не очень дорогая туристическая достопримечательность. Для какой-нибудь деревеньки самое то!
53 comentários
komurka  [autor] 31 mai. 2021 às 12:54 
you are welcome. I've just overdramatized it, don't mind. Hope it works fine now
Bouks 30 mai. 2021 às 18:51 
Thanks, kowakamurka. I'd been seeing the missing asset message for so long, I thought that whatever asset was broken had been orphaned - I didn't mean to call you out or anything. I do really love the building, and I'm glad to be able to resub it without that.
komurka  [autor] 24 mai. 2021 às 11:52 
Updated. No murka's gazon or any other custom content. Ruined Monday evening. @Bouks, thanks for nothing, hope you are happy
komurka  [autor] 24 mai. 2021 às 11:23 
well, I really don't get how one missing asset can ever break the whole asset, but I'm glad you are not frustrating anymore.
Bouks 24 mai. 2021 às 11:06 
Thank heavens for LSM. I'd been trying to figure out what used Murka's Gazon forever, and had just given up in frustration. Finally I can get rid of that warning by unsubscribing. Beautiful job, but broken download.
komurka  [autor] 6 jan. 2021 às 9:09 
@Bodhbh Dearg welcome to "Murka's Gazon Missing" club, pal.
Bodhbh Dearg 6 jan. 2021 às 8:25 
LSM reports missing asset:
Murka's Gazon
Used by:
M Orthodox Church

Asset bug: Workshop asset uses private asset (Murka's Gazon.Murka's Gazon_Data)
memory.of.a.dream 31 out. 2019 às 13:55 
yepp, has a bug: Workshop asset uses private asset (Murka's Gazon.Murka's Gazon_Data).
hopin8krzys 1 nov. 2018 às 12:07 
Murka's Gazon.Murka's Gazon_Data
Required in: 416023348.M Orthodox Church_Data
Workshop asset requires private content, seems like asset bug
Sol4rSky 30 set. 2018 às 4:21 
God bless you, thx