Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Ocen: 409
Quad's Tranquil Turquoise
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3.375 MB
25 marca 2015 o 5:22
13 lipca 2016 o 6:46
Listy zmian: 7 ( zobacz )

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Quad's Tranquil Turquoise

W 2 kolekcjach stworzonych przez Quad Rioters
The Better Tomorrow (OUTDATED)
Przedmioty: 22
Przedmioty: 234
Simple and elegant. Nagas approved.

- Size: 4x4
- Type: Zoning > Residential High - Level 5 (highest)
- Main Tri: 1,076, 1024x1024
- LOD Tri: 152, 128x128
- Description: A luxury condominium.

- v6: Desaturated textures.

Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy.

Komentarzy: 15
Mike_M400 17 lutego 2018 o 21:56 
"Everything looks good in turquoise" - mike
Turjan 9 października 2015 o 19:02 
You probably did this sometime ago, but thanks for fixing the LOD model.
BarbeQ 28 września 2015 o 9:08 
Thnx for the AD update. I love your buildings!
Quad Rioters  [autor] 6 lipca 2015 o 3:35 
The prop is now removed. Enjoy.
tibalt 5 lipca 2015 o 11:41 
Looks like some props from the preorder edition of cs were used. could you please replace them with others?

log file:
Unknown prefab: dog-park-trash-can [Serialization]
Leo Mystic Magic 26 czerwca 2015 o 19:42 
I really like the shape and color of this building, Thanks! :)
Quad Rioters  [autor] 4 czerwca 2015 o 20:05 
Update, update, read all about it.

During the new set, I will keep updating the old workshop content and consistantly fixing them. However, the updating process is rather time-consuming, so my spare time is needed.

No fear, this will not take away time for the new buildings. Best to you.
Cpt Banzai 3 maja 2015 o 0:01 
@Quad Rioters
Thanks for the reply appreciate it.
Quad Rioters  [autor] 2 maja 2015 o 18:43 
@Cpt Banzai - I would say all Residential, Commercial, Office and Industrial are growable. Service buildings, Utility, Unique buildings, Parks and Monuments are ploppable... but anyway, ignore the "Temperate", I used to think that it dictates the growth.
Cpt Banzai 2 maja 2015 o 13:57 
Thanks is this growable or ploppable. This is the most important thing but not to be seen in the description. ;)