Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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FlamingRingWings #2 (Small) by BumpaNiggl
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24 Thg03, 2015 @ 9:42am
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FlamingRingWings #2 (Small) by BumpaNiggl

Trong 1 bộ sưu tập tạo bởi BumpaNiggl
Bumpa-Niggl's Beautified Assets Collection
40 vật phẩm
Mô tả
FlamingRingWings #2 (Small) by BumpaNiggl

Base used: H3 1x1 Shop13
Actual size: 3x3
Construction time: 30

Everything else was left at basic settings.

Includes hangout areas, building entry points and car parking marks (last applies to 90 percent ob my objects).

Enjoy. =]
2 bình luận
Hawk Tuah 12 Thg07, 2015 @ 12:49pm 
Game thinks it's 2x4
Mrnr1 2 Thg04, 2015 @ 9:08pm 
So is this like an entertainment center or fast food or? Thanks for contributing!