Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

229 人が評価
Campus Dorm
9.408 MB
2015年3月21日 15時51分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Campus Dorm

Campus Dorm by Dex4

4 x 2 Ploppable Education Building

Capacity : 500 University Students (It is a university basically)

I made it to have matching building for the old university so i could make my campus area awesome.

50 students version:
36 件のコメント
TurtleShroom 2020年9月7日 8時28分 
Please consider converting this into a Campus DLC version!
unknownfact 2017年6月27日 18時35分 
Needs in-game thumbnail!
jboord44 2016年3月8日 8時01分 
This is so great man. Bravo. I wish more people could use 3D object creating software. Think of all we would have. As it is, we still have alot. Thanks for this
Farago 2015年11月4日 6時38分 
Update for AD?
jflemingwpi13 2015年10月28日 19時10分 
I like this asset for other reasons -- in some cities (say, Boston), some universities are mostly contained within a single multi-story building. This is a great way to simulate that style of college, rather than a sprawling campus
martinpirina 2015年10月16日 8時42分 
dark nigh ?
Cruentus 2015年9月28日 10時31分 
I second the idea of reducing the number of students. But nice asset, tho!
DelicateDelegate 2015年7月28日 1時35分 
Love the asset though. I always use it.
DelicateDelegate 2015年7月28日 1時34分 
I personally agree with @Zangdar, in that from the looks of the building and the number of windows/floors/etc, it should probably house around 200 students, actually. Assuming 2 students per window, while leaving some windows for stairwells/administration/lobby areas.