Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Zen Garden v1.12
Assets: Park
5.553 MB
2015年3月21日 13時10分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Zen Garden v1.12

Zen Garden v1.12 by Dexter
Same Japanese garden as CO bonus item.
Moved entrance to gate instead of Koi pond so it doesn't look like people are disappearing into the pond

Added gathering points insides the garden for CIMs to enjoy the garden
9 件のコメント
Dexter  [作成者] 2015年3月25日 21時03分 
Not sure, did you check it off under content manager?

It looks like with the removal of the zen gardens by CO, the cherry trees in the garden have disappeared. *if you already have the building installed*
Mahmood 2015年3月25日 20時53分 
how do you add this to your city? even though it's in my Content Manager i don't have the option to add it from the decorations tab. there's still just a blank spot where the old japanese garden used to be, next to the other parks.
Dexter  [作成者] 2015年3月24日 18時40分 
@tfc87ja The preview (thumbnail) doesn't show the details. Nothing I can do about that, but it has everything shown above once you plop it down. Let me know if you have any issues.
tfc87ja 2015年3月24日 18時09分 
I don't see any cherry trees in this? What could be wrong
LittleMikey 2015年3月21日 22時10分 
Cool, no worries!
Dexter  [作成者] 2015年3月21日 22時09分 
@LittleMikey All plobbables downloaded will be separate. It won't replace the in-game park.
LittleMikey 2015年3月21日 21時59分 
Does this replace the Zen Garden in game, or is it a seperate building I'll have to build?
Dexter  [作成者] 2015年3月21日 14時45分 
Thanks! :)
magicalfrog.jpeg 2015年3月21日 13時29分 
Awesome job!