Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

75 Bewertungen
Myrtle Bio Store (Office Building) by BumpaNiggl
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Assets: Building, Office
3.187 MB
19. März 2015 um 15:47
1 Änderungshinweis (anzeigen)

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Myrtle Bio Store (Office Building) by BumpaNiggl

In 1 Kollektion von BumpaNiggl
Bumpa-Niggl's Beautified Assets Collection
40 Inhalte
Myrtle Bio Store (Office Building) by BumpaNiggl

Another Myrtle Bio Store Building. As usual in green. Keep your people healthy. :)

Enjoy. =]

Level: H2
Type: Office
Size: 4x4
Building time: 30
3 Kommentare
LIDL 2. Juli 2016 um 8:16 
very nice amazing thumbs up :hardhat:
BumpaNiggl  [Autor] 23. März 2015 um 17:05 
Nice to hear you like and can use 'em. :)
Baleur 20. März 2015 um 21:30 
As im always making cities in the tropical biome, your buildings fit so well :D