Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

17,161 人が評価
Timboh's U-Pentagon Interchange
Assets: Intersection
497.652 KB
2015年3月16日 7時55分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Timboh's U-Pentagon Interchange

Timboh 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Timboh's Marvelous Interchange Emporium
34 アイテム
As "[LPG] 7-elephant" requested, here is a new version of my Pentagon Interchange with U-turns! "[LPG] 7-elephant" was kind enough to send me a little sketch where the U-turns were drawn out, and I thought it was such a good idea that I decided to upload a new version with the U-turns incorperated. Big ups for [LPG] 7-elephant!


+ No standard design for five-way interchanges seem to exist at this time. Maybe this will do the job?
+ No weaving
+ Low height making it easier to place on uneven terrain
+ U-turns included, adding additional functionality

- Most ramps are single-lane
- It's one of the largest interchanges I've made, requiring tonnes of space


Cost: 61 870
Upkeep: 704 / week

In-game description:
5-way interchange AND U-turns? You've got to be... Really? What's next? A four-lane subway to motorway transition?
29 件のコメント
Harrow Krodarius 2023年8月3日 8時37分 
No criticism towards your work as it is a great interchange. but I do see that some improvements could be made. Not that I could make something as good looking as this easily but I think some lane mathmatics could help improve the flow through.
BYTEs 2022年7月30日 19時32分 
This is great!
diefool 2021年1月30日 22時03分 
this is a great inter change it moves a ton of traffic
RichAntDav 2020年12月30日 15時17分 
Hi Timboh, Thanks for sharing this nice intersection with us. Just to let you know, this was the second of two of your intersection that I used in my Steam Guide to 5-Way intersections which can be found here:
I found that this intersection performed a lot better than your other 5-Way intersection.
Lucifer69 2019年3月2日 18時31分 
Currently working on making this monster the center piece of my city. I may also add the double clover as well because I'm an evil man who enjoys confusing the piss out of people.
Sidrowit 2019年1月1日 2時41分 
Was zur Hölle? :D Beeindruckende Arbeit !
mrflimflam 2018年7月15日 15時41分 
now, how did you build this?
六氟化氙_XeF6 2018年6月2日 6時27分 
too many roads,I don't need it.?But it's amazing
AwgreeBea 2017年5月23日 19時41分 
Took some screenshots with this in my city. It's in my Artwork.
Oldhip 2016年10月21日 0時03分 
Hmm, no in game icon