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Locations of crystals and starseeds, with pictures and detailed descriptions.
Автор: Ramesh
The aim of this guide is to clearly explain where each of the 100 crystals are, and where the 8 starseeds are.

Because the world is 3D I could not make a simple overhead map. So the locations in this guide will be organised firstly by height, and then the larger locations will be be broken down into smaller subareas to make things easier to follow. I will say how many crystals each location/area has, and say where they are, ilustrating them with screenshots.

There are 4 key milestones in your journey

  1. The ground level
  2. The 1st Big Floating island
  3. The 2nd Big Floating island
  4. Meteor Belt

Between each of these there are a number of different floating islands.

Each section of this guide talks about one of the milestones, or the floating islands between them. The final section will detail the locations of the starseeds.

If there are places where this guide is unclear then please let me know in the comments.
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General advice
  • If you're finding getting to a crystal too difficult then come back later. The control system of the game can be somewhat tricky, but as you play more and get more upgrades by collecting crystals you will find it easier to move around and get to the tricky crystals.

  • Listen for the crystals. You can sometimes tell that a crystal is close by listening for a tinkling sound that it emits.

  • Look out for the blue glow. Sometimes you won't be able to see a crystal but you can see the blue glow that it emits. This can be particularly helpful if the crystals are buried.

  • If you're not sure which crystals you're missing then take advantage of the crystal detector. Once you get 50 crystals you will get an upgrade which tells you if a crystal is close. When you have the upgrade and are close to a crystal, bars will appear in the bottom right of the screen that indicate how close you are to a crystal, the closer you are the more bars (See pic below).
    If you're missing only a few crystals and aren't sure which then a good idea is to use the glide leaf to fly near floating islands and use the detector to help you decide if there's a crystal there or not.
    Thanks to @GeeTee and @Flasky for this last tip.

    Note: I believe this feature was added in an update and wasn't available in the original version (which is why the bars are missing from all the other screenshots), but I cannot find any information about when it was added.

Ground level
This level contains 17 crystals in total: 4 in the rockstacks, 10 in the desert and the surrounding mountain, and 3 in the cave. It also contains teleporter 1 and 2. The map below shows the location of all the crystals in the main area. See below for decriptions and pictures of their locations.

Rock stacks

  1. In front of you as you start the game.
  2. On top of the rock stack that is directly in front of you as you start the game.
  3. At the top of one of the very small floating islands, just after you get your first fall flower. Most easy to get to by falling down to this rock from the higher rock stack/floating island nearby.
  4. At the base of one of the rock stacks, (inside the one that forms an arch).

Desert and surrounding mountains

  1. Attached to the mountain side that is to the right as you fall off the rock stacks. It is on the side facing the sea.
  2. Attached to the underside of a rock arch close to the teleporter 2.
  3. On the side of the small mountain side near the base of the star plant.

    Crystals 4 and 5 are beneath the rock pile that is beneath the star plant.
  4. This one is close to easiest to get to if you move some of the rocks on the side furthest from the mountain out of the way.
  5. This one is close to the mountain side, and is easiest to get to by squeezing between the wall and the rocks rather than trying to move them all out of the way.

  6. Near the roots of the star plant, on the side of the mountain
  7. Near the base of the star plant, beneath an rock outcrop
  8. On top of the mountain to your left after you fall off the rock stacks.
  9. Attached to the mountainside to your left after you fall off the rock stacks.
  10. Near the entrance of the cave that's in the big mountain. The entrance of the cave faces the sea.


  1. On the right as you enter the cave, on the ceiling. On one side of the bridge made from floating rocks.
  2. On the other side of the bridge made from floating rocks.
  3. On ceiling at the very back of the cave.

Floating islands between ground level and 1st big floating island
Running total of crystals: If you have all the crystal from the previous section you should have 17 crystals.

There are 6 crystals in this section. They are spread between the 6 islands as shown below.

(Energy rocks are the green glowing islands that you need to guide the shoots of the star plant to them to make them plant grow)

Floating island (energy rock) – Height 54m
  1. On the side of the floating island, very near the fall flowers.

Floating island (energy rock)– Height 105m
  1. On a rock on top of this island, near a cactus.

Floating island – Height 117m
Contains the 3rd teleporter
  1. Next to the cactus.

Floating island (energy rock) – Height 145m
  1. On the side of the island closest to the star plant – need to retake this picture

Floating island (energy rock) – Height 164m
  1. On a rock on the surface
  2. On a rock on the surface

1st Big floating island
Running total of crystals: If you have all the crystals from the previous sections you should have 23 crystals.

There are 20 crystals on this island in total: 6 on the underside, 6 inside the cave and 8 on its surface. It contains teleporter 4.

  1. On the underside of the island, same side as waterfall coming from the cave mouth
  2. On the underside of the island, same side as waterfall coming from the cave mouth
  3. On the underside of the island, at the mouth of the cave

  4. On the underside of the island, opposite side as waterfall coming from the cave mouth
  5. On the underside of the island, opposite side as waterfall coming from the cave mouth
  6. On the underside of the island, opposite side as waterfall coming from the cave mouth


    1. If you enter the cave from the waterfall then it is on the wall to your right
    2. If you enter the cave from the waterfall then it is in front of you as you enter
    3. Hanging from a stalactite
    4. On the ceiling above the entrance where the waterfall is
    5. On the wall above the exit to the chain of small floating islands
    6. On the wall on the way to the exit to the top of the big floating island

      Surface of island

      1. On a ledge on the side of the floating island, on the same side as the waterfall that comes from the pool.
      2. On the top of the island, beneath the cluster of tall mushrooms
      3. On top of the island on a ledge, with mushrooms on
      4. On the underside of the rock arch, above the teleporter
      5. On the side of the rocks by the teleporter
      6. On the very top of the mountain on this island
      7. On the side of the rock, beneath one of the ledges.
      8. There is a chain of small floating islands that is accessible from the cave, this crystal is on the one furthest from the big island.

Floating islands between the 1st and 2nd big floating island
Running total of crystals: If you have all the crystals from the previous sections you should have 43 crystals.

There are 12 crystals in this section. They are spread among the 12 islands shown below.

Floating island - Height 421m
  1. Next to the fall flower

Floating island - Height 426
  1. On top of the island on the side of a rock

Floating island (energy rock) - Height 461
  1. On the side of the island

Floating island (energy rock) - Height 469
  1. On top of the island, on a rock next to the giant mushroom.

Floating island - Height 505
  1. On top of the island.

Floating island (energy rock) - Height 536
  1. On top of the island on a rock.
  2. On the bottom of the small floating rock directly beneath the island.

Floating island (energy rock) - Height 549
  1. On top of the island, on the lowest of the three plateux.
  2. On top of the island, slightly jutting off the edge

Floating island (energy rock) - Height 569
  1. On top of the island, on a rock next to the giant mushroom.

Floating island - Height 642
  1. On the wall above the carrots.

Floating island - Height 722
  1. On the side of the island.

2nd Big Floating island
Running total of crystals: If you have all the crystals from the previous sections you should have 55 crystals.

This island contains 24 crystals: there are 14 crystals on the surface of the island, 1 crystal in the cave whose entrance is in the cavern, 5 crystals in the cave whose entrance is by the river (Note: there is another entrance where the plant passes through the island, but using the entrance by the river is much easier), 4 crystals on the underside of the island (Note: a good way to get to three of the crystals on the underside of the island is to go through the hole in the bottom of the cave whose entrance is by the river).

Surface of island
  1. On the underside near where the canyon is.
  2. On top of one of the trees.
  3. On the wall of the cavern.
  4. On the side of the mountain.
  5. On the side of the mountain, next to the pool.
  6. On a rock where the river meets the pool in the river.
  7. On a rock in the river, under one of the floating stone bridges.
  8. On the underside of one of the stone bridges.
  9. On the side of the mountain, near the top.
  10. Near the start of the river, on the underside of a rock outcrop.
  11. On the side of the floating island, near the bottom.
  12. On the top of one of the grassy rocks at the edge, with no trees on.
  13. Down one of the holes, visible from above.
  14. On the underside of the rocks at the edge.

Cave in cavern

How to find the cave in the cavern:

Stand at the point shown where BUD is standing in the first picture below, walk forward to where the arrow is. You should now be standing where the arrow is in the second picture below, you are directly next to the entrance of the cave in the cavern. Turn 90 degrees right and walk forward until you fall off the platform you're standing on. You should now be where BUD is in the third picture below, and directly in front of the entrance of the cave.

Where the crystal is in the cave in the cavern:

  1. Hidden behind a floating rock, push it up from the bottom to move it.

Cave whose entrance is by river
  1. At the back of the cave, above the hole which gives access to the lower level of the cave.
  2. On the lower level of the cave (the level where the bull is)
  3. On the lower level of the cave (the level where the bull is)
  4. Crystal on underside of the top of the entrance from the where the starplant passes through this level
  5. Crystal on underside of one the rocks from the where the starplant passes through this level – this relatively easy to get to from crystal 4.

Underside of the island.
  1. On the island with a fly leaf, very close to one of the stalagtites on the underside of the big floating island
  2. Near the tip of one of the stalagtites near crystal 1
  3. Near crystal 2, high up
  4. Where the star plant passes through the rock, near the smaller nearby floating islands which have lots of mushrooms on them i.e. floating islands of height 642 and 722
    I think the easiest way to get this crystal is to use the fly leaf to fly from island 642 or 722 toward where it is, stop using the leaf while you're still in the air and you’re about to hit the island, then grip on and climb to the crystal is.
Floating islands between 2nd Big Floating island and Meteor Belt
Running total of crystals: If you have all the crystals from the previous sections you should have 79 crystals.

There are 13 crystals in this section. They are spread among the 10 islands shown below. Note that there are two islands at height 1257.

Floating island – height 769m
  1. On the side of the island.

Floating island (energy rock) - height 933m
  1. On the top of the island, on the wall up to the highest plateu.
  2. On the side of the floating island.

Floating island - height 965m
  1. Under the pink bushes.
  2. At the bottom of the island with the spoon plant.

Floating island (energy rock) - height 1035m
  1. On the side of the big rock on the island.
  2. Just above the lower plateau.

Floating island (energy rock) - height 1257m
Does not contain a teleporter
  1. Inside a snapdragon.

Floating island - height 1257m
Contains teleporter 7
This is really 3 islands (the top one's hight is 1257)
  1. On the side of the middle of the 3 islands. Just below the edge.

Floating island (energy rock) - height 1319m
  1. On the side of the island.

Floating island (energy rock) - height 1368m
  1. On top of the island inside one of the snap dragons.
  2. On the underside of the island.

Floating island - height 1390m
  1. Beneath a pile of rocks, and inside a snap dragon.

Meteor Belt
Running total of crystals: If you have all the crystals from the previous sections you should have 92 crystals.

The meteor belt contains 8 crystals and teleporter 8.

  1. Medium meteor right next to meteor with the teleporter
  2. Small meteor very close to meteor with the teleporter
  3. Small meteor near and at (roughly the same height as) the meteor with the teleporter on it.
  4. On one of the small rotating meteors below the energy rock meteor that is closer to the teleporter
  5. On the side of the big meteor near the energy rock meteor that is closer to the teleporter
  6. On small meteor near the energy rock meteor that is further from the teleporter
  7. Small meteor above the energy rock meteor that is further from the teleporter
  8. Large meteor above the energy rock meteor that is further from the teleporter,

Location of Starseeds
Note: if you drop a starseed in the sea then it will wash up on the shore.

  1. Ground: sitting on a floating rock just above the beach
  2. Floating island height 117: in the arms of the cactus
  3. 1st Big floating island: on a ledge just above the chain of small floating islands.
  4. Floating island height 421: where all the little floating rocks are
  5. 2nd Big floating island near the forest, where all the spikey bouncy bushes are.
  6. 2nd Big floating island in the canyon.
  7. Floating island height 1257m (not energy rock): on the lower level, inside a snapdragon
  8. Meteor belt: On the meteor with a teleporter on it.

Коментарів: 92
单身冠军阿镜(●'◡'●) 6 січ. 2024 о 6:54 
Thanks a lot ! I finished finally with this guide !!! Love you:kisscat:
Ramesh  [автор] 11 трав. 2023 о 1:43 
@EVILsc1entist_3 have you checked the beach?

If a star seed drops into the ocean then it won't respawn in it's original location it will wash up on the shore.

Hope that helps!
HOODLUM!!! 9 трав. 2023 о 17:13 
I looked in all of the starseed locations. not seing them.
help please
Zac3000 7 жовт. 2020 о 15:59 
@Ramesh thanks
Ramesh  [автор] 6 лип. 2020 о 11:05 
@Zac3000 I'm not sure I understand.

Are you talking about starseeds? If a star seed drops into the ocean then it won't respawn in it's original location it will wash up on the shore.

Hope that helps!
Zac3000 5 лип. 2020 о 19:08 
the one next to the third teleporter fell into the water and its not respawning
varialles 5 черв. 2020 о 15:16 
Your guide is excellent! Thank you very much. :caster_happy::caster_happy::caster_happy::cozybethesda:
mou suppe 28 лют. 2020 о 15:36 
Thank you so much man! This was a true life saver. If you hadn't pointed out the floating island aaaaaalll the way at the top of the meteor belt, I would have been stuck doing this forever. Once again, thank you!
Ramesh  [автор] 1 лют. 2020 о 5:46 
@ewokjedi06 did you find it?
I BRING BOOM 30 січ. 2020 о 17:20 
true pain is not knowing where the last crystal is and being at 99%