Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

368 avaliações
Small Car Park 4x4
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Assets: Park
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511.659 KB
10/mar./2015 às 12:04
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Small Car Park 4x4

Small Car Park 4x4 by Lucki_lady
12 comentário(s)
GttiqwT 4/set./2021 às 15:45 
Icon in-game selection is missing, but otherwise great job!
MatteCosta 18/fev./2021 às 10:58 
Thank you! Great work!
AJW20 10/ago./2019 às 9:17 
Same, I had a space rock plow in to the downtown area of my city! Only about... 100 people left after it, and none even have legs anymore!
Kokocoffeecup 15/jun./2018 às 7:28 
Thanks for all the handicapped spots! My city is crawling after that last tsunami, phew..
LilEndian 17/dez./2016 às 16:00 
It wold be a great asset if only you had used the non-hanidcap space decals!
hawkera_prime 3/dez./2016 às 10:20 
way too many places for disabled people, also they should not be everywhere but right next to eachother
cousin stizz 26/abr./2015 às 9:57 
good work !
Varana 22/mar./2015 às 9:27 
great job!
you should create a collection with all your parks/work, easier to check/subscribe.
desertrose0601 12/mar./2015 às 23:57 
Most objects can be flipped by right-clicking the mouse. I'm not sure parks can be flipped though.
Monte Plays Games 11/mar./2015 às 15:40 
Looks nice. good start with the mods. My citizens are happy to have their cars off the streets