Final Fantasy III (3D Remake)

Final Fantasy III (3D Remake)

68 avaliações
1st Playthrough Party
Por boop
This is the party I used during my first playthrough. I never found myself having to ever change jobs throughout the game besides switching to higher-tier jobs.
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1st Crystal (Wind Crystal):
Luneth - Warrior
Refia - Thief
Arc - Red Mage
Ingus - Monk

This party worked really well after grinding a few job levels for my thief and monk. Job levels are required to make monks and thieves useful.

The warrior is a solid job pick, dishing out tons of damage and being able to take hits due to their high defense.

The thief is great for using emergency items since they almost always act first due to their high agility stat. I used the thief to steal many potions and elemental damage items that I ended up using later on for my scholar. Needs job levels to deal significant damage.

The red mage is a very versatile class, bringing a lot of utility to your party. They can be used to heal, tank, or deal damage depending on what's required.

Monk starts off really weak, but once you get those job levels it starts to deal a ridiculous amount of damage. The class can potentially save you a bit of gil since you do not require weapons. Monks deal more damage unarmed than with weapons if you have a high enough job level. I found the retaliate skill to be really useful in later stages of the game.
2nd Crystal (Fire Crystal):
Luneth - Warrior -> Knight
Refia - Thief
Arc - Red Mage -> Scholar
Ingus - Monk

I can't help but think that I chose the optimal job progressions throughout the game since I was running though the game so smoothly.

The knight was a great upgrade to the warrior. I found myself being saved by my knight on many occasions. Great defense and, with enough job levels, good damage.

I kept my thief since it was at quite a high job level and was dealing some pretty good damage.

I decided to change my Red Mage to a Scholar because of the great synergy between my thief and scholar. My scholar had a seemingly unlimited supply of elemental damage items which deal 2x the damage (due to the scholar's passive effect: pots and damage items become twice as effective). My scholar helped me clear bosses with ease.

Kept the monk since it was also at a high job level and was dealing significant damage.
3rd Crystal (Water Crystal):
Luneth - Knight
Refia - Thief
Arc - Scholar -> Dragoon
Ingus - Monk

Once again, a great party setup for me. All of the bosses were quite easy except for Garuda, who took me 3 tries to beat.

I kept Luneth as a knight rather than changing to a Viking. I really liked the knights passive defense ability which helped me out many times, especially because I did not have a healing job in my party. I wanted to keep Luneth as a knight until the end of the game.

I keep Refia at the back as an emergency item user and occasional item stealer. I did not play the game with a walkthough, so I was completely unaware of the fact that if you have a thief that is job level 71 or above, you can steal a Gungnir from the boss 'Odin'. I had a habit of attempting to steal from every boss in the game, hoping for a rare item, and this was the moment I was waiting for. The moment I stole that weapon from Odin was the moment I realised I needed a Dragoon to make use of it. The Gungnir provides 140 Attack, +10 Strength and +10 Agility, making it a really strong weapon.

I switched Arc from a scholar to a dragoon to fight Garuda, and I kept him as a dragoon until attempting to fight Odin, who I stole the Gungnir from. From that point on I realised the Dragoon was going to be in my party until the end of the game.

I kept Ingus as a monk since he was at such a high job level and was dealing great damage.

Final Crystal (Earth Crystal):
Luneth - Knight
Refia - Thief -> Devout
Arc - Dragoon
Ingus - Monk -> Black Belt

The last job changes I made until the end of the game. All characters were at max job level and were equiped with their job's exclusive ultimate equipment before the point of no return.

The knight was a great class to have with all of the weapons that were found in Eureka. The knight became one of my top damage dealers while having the highest defense as well. The knight proved to be a great end-game class to me and worked wonders throughout the game.

I realised I needed a healer during the final stages of the game, and what better job could I have asked for than the Devout. Thus, Refia was changed to a devout. The cute outfit was a plus.

Arc remained as a Dragoon since I had the Gungnir. I liked the dragoon's jump ability since it prevented my entire party from being wiped after a single spell quite a few times.

I finally upgraded Ingus to a black belt and began grinding for job level 99. The black belt is pretty much a complete upgrade to the monk; I found the black belt's 'boost' ability to be pretty much useless.

End Game: (after defeating the final boss, not including the Iron Giant)

Luneth - Knight Lv.60, JL:99
Refia - Devout Lv.59, JL:99
Arc - Dragoon Lv.59, JL:99
Ingus - Black Belt Lv.59, JL:99
12 comentários
Zeithri 24 out. 2023 às 4:23 
Meanwhile Me: Laughs in Red Mage 1 Character only . :owhero:

Also Me: Cries in the number of Insta-Kill, Status Inflicting Enemies . :sleepyjill:
Novah 2 ago. 2022 às 22:51 
I followed this guide's suggestions with the exception of swapping dragoon out for Ninja late game so I could use Shruikens. I never fully maxed the jobs like his though, so mine might have been less optimal.
Miminyan777 16 jul. 2022 às 1:35 
I found that until you get the eath crystal, Dark Knights are useful. Their signature move can be used effectively even from a more defensive formation for whatever character is the dark knight. kinda not needed for the dungeon they are "supposedly needed for" though tbh.

getting ready for the final gauntlet, and this is my team.
Luneth/Kris - Warrior lv49? JobLv99
Arc/Ralsei - Sage lv49? JobLv04 (working on it)
Refia/Susie - Ninja lv49? JobLv04 (working on it)
Ingus/Berdly - Dragoon lv49? JobLv99

Berdly saved me against the optional Bahamut fight, which is insane to me. 9999 damage with jump against flying enemies.
Yeseylon 26 fev. 2022 às 8:02 
So does that make me weird for switching jobs a lot?
Slynx Jewel 2 jul. 2021 às 1:35 
my first party were a "trailer" one: luneth - warrior. arc-black mage, refia-white mage. ingus-red mage.(then upgraded them to advanced versions of their profession: knight, devout, magus)
my second playthrough were: 4 x red mages
my 3rd: 4x onion knights
Scissorman 29 jan. 2021 às 15:38 
I actually found this to be a very useful build during my first playthrough! Only change I made was making Luneth a Ninja in the end for the ridiculous amount of damage he does with Masamune and Muramasa as well as shurikens.
Lars 13 jul. 2020 às 17:17 
Just play it how you like too. This version is boring either way. Dont think it matters what 3D version of this one plays. Its the magnavox odyssey of 3D gaming interms of DS 3D games. Limited and not very well made Final Fantasy games. The famicom original i legit liked atleast when i played it
RYOUGI 6 jul. 2020 às 0:21 
for me, my final party is dark blade master for luneth, sage for arc, summoner for refia and dragoon for ingus, dragoon can easily slay one of those 4 dark crystal boss, and dark blade master have one of the highest attack damage to enemy. also, about using the carrier sage, it is better to use it after you managed to become devout and jl:99.
Pip 5 dez. 2015 às 13:03 
thanks for the guide :t0cactuar:
dado86er 21 jul. 2015 às 9:53 
my final party is knight on luneth, arc as a ninja (cuz ninjas are awesome), refia as devout and ingus aka mr-need-10-turns-to-change as dragoon. just as in the guide, dragoon jumps are brutal lategame, ninja provides much dmg as well (and i didn't like the blackbelt) knight with ultima weapon also nice as well.