Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

2,026 ratings
100% Achievement Guide (by THN)
By The Horror Network
100% Guide by The Horror Network

Note: There have been look-a-like copycat guides popping up. If it's not labeled by THN (The Horror Network), it's NOT one of mine and therefore not up to the quality that I aim to provide.

Welcome to the Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition achievement guide.

Given the popularity of the game, I'm honestly very surprised that this will be the first 100% achievement guide for this game on Steam.

There are videos where needed, and I suggest to at least look through this guide before beginning the game so you will have an understanding of what could potentially take longer if you wait until the end game to finish some things, or vica versa. Especially for the Nightmare in North Point DLC.

This guide is considered COMPLETE
> If you have anything insightful to add, please leave it in the comments below.
> If you're looking for boosting/co-op partners, feel free to use the comment section.

Story Related
Pick a lock, plant a bug, trace a phone, crack a safe, and take over a spy camera.
Story related, cannot be missed.

Take a Bite out of Crime
Complete a Case.
Story related, cannot be missed.

In with the Gang
Complete Night Market Chase.
Story related, cannot be missed.

Successfully perform an action hijack.
Story related, cannot be missed.

A Big Betrayal
Complete Dockyard Heist.
Story related, cannot be missed.

That'll Show 'Em
Complete Payback.
Story related, cannot be missed.

Big Smiles All Around
Complete Big Smile Lee.
Story related, cannot be missed.
***Key note for collectibles that will make your life much easier. Each time that Wei obtains a chick's phone number, go into the contacts on the phone and give them a call. Each girl has one date, and after the date is completed they will unlock collectible icons on your map.
- Amanda will unlock Health Shrine locations.
- Not Ping will unlock Security Camera locations.
- Ilyana will unlock Lockbox locations.

Otherwise, or if you're impatient, here's a video guide of the collectibles map.

Spiritual Healing
Pray at all of the Health Shrines.
In total, there are 50 Health Shrines throughout the game. They're recognized as red, flashing statues and are fairly hard to miss. Praying at a certain amount of shrines will also increase your maximum health, so make sure to pray at them whenever you see them rather than saving them for end game.

Hong Kong Super Hacker
Hack every Security Camera in the game.
In total, there are 26 Security Cameras throughout the game. A lot of them will be unlocked upon completion of Drug Bust events, however a portion of them will need to be found on your own. If you're having trouble locating the hacking panel, attempt to find the Security Camera and trace the orange wire back to the panel.

West End Scavenger
Unlock every lockbox in Kennedy Town and Aberdeen.
There are a total of 15 Lockboxes in each of these locations. View below for the complete Lockbox video guide.

Central Scavenger
Unlock every lockbox in Central.
There are a total of 30 Lockboxes in Central. View below for the complete Lockbox video guide.

North Point Scavenger
Unlock every lockbox in North Point.
There are a total of 40 Lockboxes in North Point. View below for the complete Lockbox video guide.

Events, Jobs, Favors, Races & Cases
Case Closed
Complete all cases.
Simply complete all four cases. Each have multiple parts, and the missions themselves are marked by a blue shield.

Mr. Nice Guy
Complete all Favors.
Favors will be identified as a yellow "chat" circle with a silhouette of a person in the middle. Some favors will only unlock through story progression. Dates also count as favors. There are 36 in all.

Martial Law
Defeat all 4 Martial Arts Clubs.
The Martial Arts missions will become available once you visit the Kung Fu Temple. They're shown as kind of a little explosion looking icon on your map. You'll need to defeat six waves of enemies per club, which is easy enough if you've gotten all or most of the Jade Statues to learn new melee skills. This achievement is best reserved for end game.

Bounty Hunter
Complete all of Roland's Jobs.
After completing the main story mission, "Payback", you will unlock Roland jobs. You will need to contact him via the cellphone, and he will in return give you a mission. There are a total of 5 Debt Collecting missions to complete.

Wei of the Road
Complete all Street Races.
Before wasting your time attempting to complete races, make sure that you have a decent Class A car and motorcycle purchased. Likewise, a fast B and C class of each. Otherwise, you will find yourself getting potentially frustrated at losing races at the last second, or accidentally slamming into tight corners due to poor handling. Experiment with which car/motorcycle of each class works best for you, and these races will become a breeze. There are 18 races in total, two of which unlock after you take Sandra out on a date. This achievement is best reserved for end game.

Event Driven
Complete half of the open world events.
See Event Planner for further details.

Event Planner
Complete all of the open world Events.
Refer to the below image for the locations of the open world Events. There are a total of 28 events; 17 are Drug Busts (Blue), 4 are Shoplifters (Yellow), 3 are Hit and Runs (Red) and 4 are Junk in the Trunks (Orange).
Drug Busts automatically show on your map, however the other events only show up once you get in close proximity to them. These Events also do not trigger while it is raining, or at night time. So make sure you're looking for them on a clear day.

Triad, Cop & Face Levels
Super Cop
Unlock ten Cop Upgrades.
This will likely come before any other Triad or Face Level achievement. Especially if you have the Top Dog Silver Pack DLC, which gives an automatic 5 level boost to your levels. In order to level the Cop rank, during missions you will have to ensure that you do not kill innocent people, cause property damage, steal cars, etc. The more you do the aforementioned things, the more points the game will take away from the Cop experience you will earn after a mission is completed. You will automatically begin missions with a 3 Cop badge rating, and it will gradually go down over time if you steal, kill innocents, etc.

Ultimate Fighter
Unlock ten Triad Upgrades
If you have the Top Dog Silver Pack DLC, this achievement will be made a world easier for you. A lot of players seem to have an issue obtaining this achievement, because Triad experience is earned much slower than Cop or Face experience. If you're having problems, try putting on a clothing set that boosts your Triad experience gain. Basically, you want to be pretty creative with your kills to earn Triad experience, so grappling into objects and vault kills are your best bet. You will automatically begin missions with no Triad rating, and you will have to build it up gradually over time. If you're still not level 10 by the end of the game, you will need to replay missions.

Minor Face
Achieve Face Level 2.
See Great Face for further details.

Gaining Face
Achieve Face Level 5.
See Great Face for further details.

Great Face
Achieve Face Level 10.
Good news is, you'll probably get this acheivement without even trying. Especially if you have the Top Dog Silver Pack DLC. Your Face level will go up upon completion of Favors, Races and Martial Arts fights. To make it go by quicker when doing these things, equip a set of clothing that increases your Face experience.
Kill Related
Shoot out a cop's tires while fleeing in a police chase.
Not a difficult one, especially if you're on the look out for it before you've completed the game. During the missions, you'll have plenty of opportunity to shoot out the tires on a cop car. If not, go and run one over or steal a car in front of one to get some of them chasing you. All you need to do then is shoot out the tire.

A Slap in the Face
Kill someone with a fish.
This can be obtained during the mission "Club Bam Bam". During the initial fight inside the club, grab an enemy and run them into the aquarium on the right side of the wall; the left side does not drop a fish. Pick the fish up that falls out and perform a heavy attack for a one hit kill. If you miss it, just reload your check point.

Perform 5 unique environmental kills.
If you're actually trying to gain Triad experience at all, this should come naturally to you. Just grapple five enemies and run them into/stand close enough to press the prompt button for environmental kills. These interactable objects will flash red when you grapple an enemy.

Whatever's Handy
Use 10 different melee weapons to defeat enemies.
This should come without much effort. Whenever you see a new melee weapon, grab it and kill someone with it; it can be an enemy or an innocent person.
Baton - Drug Bust: On the basketball courts. Some of the enemies will be holding it.
Briefcase - Run into a pedestrian who is holding the Briefcase for it to fall on the ground.
Butcher Knife - The Death By A Thousand Cuts event will give you a butcher knife.
Crowbar - In the trunks of cars. Some enemies also have this weapon.
Fish - Found in the mission Club Bam Bam.
Handbag/Bag/Purse - All 3 of these look different, in size. These are best found on women pedestrians. Run into them and they will drop the item.
Hand Grinder - Mission: Dock Yard Heist. Story related, cannot be missed.
Kitchen Knife - Some enemies will have this equipped.
Knife - Some enemies will have this equipped.
Machete - Found in mission The Election, towards the end of the level. Story related, cannot be missed.
Meat Cleaver - Drug Bust: Yen Yen Foo Underpass.
Sauce Pan - Mission Vendor Extortion. In the beginning you ill pass a kitchen with cooks in it, either pick one up from the counter or run into a cook and they will drop it.
Tire Iron - In the trunks of cars.
Umbrella - When its raining, walk around and bump into someone who is carrying one.
Eskrima Rattan Stick - Martial Arts Pack DLC

Gun Nut
Use 10 different firearms to defeat enemies.
This should come without much effort. Whenever you see a new gun laying on the ground, or dropped by an enemy, grab it and kill someone with it; it can be an enemy or an innocent person.
9mm Pistol - Found on mission Payback. Or from opening certain lockboxes.
.45cal Pistol w/ Taclight - Drug Bust: Central Sewage Outpost.
Machine Pistol - Found on Rouge cops heat levels 3 or higher.
.45cal SMG - Drug Bust: Aberdeen Sewage Outflow.
.45cal SMG w/ Taclight - Mission: The Wedding.
Pump Shotgun - Found in the trunks of cop cars if you have the upgrade unlocked.
Anti-Riot Shotgun - Found in mission Civil Discord.
Anti-Riot Shotgun w/ Taclight - Found in mission Civil Discord.
Assault Rifle - Found in mission The Funeral.
Assault Rifle w/ Taclight - Found in mission The Wedding.
Assault Rifle w/ Grenade Launcher - Found in mission The Funeral.
Stats & Completion
Complete 10% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races.
See Chief Inspector for further details.

Complete 25% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races.
See Chief Inspector for further details.

Complete 50% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races.
See Chief Inspector for further details.

Chief Inspector
Complete 100% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races.
In order to obtain 100%, you will need to complete all 30 missions, 4 cases, 36 favors, 28 events, 30 jobs and 18 races. While this may sound like an exhausting task, it goes by rather quickly. Refer to the other parts of this guide for more details.

Slight Silver
Achieve 5 Silver Stat Awards.
See Pure Gold for further details.

Substantial Silver
Achieve 15 Silver Stat Awards.
See Pure Gold for further details.

Solid Silver
Achieve 30 Silver Stat Awards.
See Pure Gold for further details.

Strike Gold
Achieve 1 Gold Stat Award.
See Pure Gold for further details.

Gold Rush
Achieve 5 Gold Stat Awards.
See Pure Gold for further details.

Golden Touch
Achieve 15 Gold Stat Awards.
See Pure Gold for further details.

Pure Gold
Achieve 30 Gold Stat Awards.
Probably the most grinding and labor intensive set of achievements, you must obtain gold on all 30 stats. To access your stats, pause the game and go to the Social Hub and select "Stat Awards". If you don't already have any DLC, I highly recommend at least investing in the Zodiac Tournament DLC as it adds two new easy Stat Awards; which will allow you to bypass two more that may be giving you trouble.

Silver Requirement | Gold Requirement

Overall: Total Stat Awards: 50 | 75
You will unlock this through natural progression.

Fluid Striker: Freerunning Attacks (Includes vault attacks and disarms): 25 | 50
Replay the mission, "Mrs. Chu's Revenge". During the chase with Ratface, you will be in a garage looking area with enemies that have firearms and are behind cover. Get into cover and then vault over obstacles into enemies. This will both disarm them and kill them. Keep reloading until the award is obtained.

Head Hunter: Headshots: 25 | 50
From the first time you obtain a gun, aim for the head.

Lucky Shooter: Blind-fire Kills: 5 | 10
Take cover and fire, do not aim down the sight.

Fire Starter: Explosive Kills: 10 | 20
Replay the mission, "Funeral". Once you kill the enemy with the grenade launcher, take it and kill everyone with it. Reload if necessary.

Sniper: Accuracy: 30% | 50%
While you are in shooting driving sequences, everything will go into slow-mo giving you an advantage towards your accuracy. Or you can get this by hardly missing any enemy while you have a firearm in some missions, just watch your aim.

Gunman: Firearm Kills: 50 | 100
You will unlock this through natural progression.

Ninja: Sneak Kills - Approaching an enemy from behind and pressing , : 5 | 10
Having the Leg Breaker melee move is essential for this. To perform a Leg Breaker, grapple an enemy and tap X once and then press X and hold. Once the enemy is stunned, go behind them and press B, B to perform the move.

Bonebreaker: Limbs Broken: 40 | 100
Having the Leg Breaker melee move is essential for this. To perform a Leg Breaker, grapple an enemy and tap X once and then press X and hold.

Environmentalist: Environmental Kills: 25 | 50
When grappling an enemy, check your surroundings for objects that are glowing red. Either run the enemy into the object, or get them close enough so that you are able to press B to trigger the environmental kill.

Handyman: Melee Weapons Kills: 25 | 50
An easy melee weapon to find is the Tire Iron, found in the trunks of cars. Or melee weapons you pick up from enemies. This should come through natural progression.

Disarming: Disarms: 25 | 50
Replay the mission, "Mrs. Chu's Revenge". During the chase with Ratface, you will be in a garage looking area with enemies that have firearms and are behind cover. Get into cover and then vault over obstacles into enemies. This will both disarm them and kill them. Keep reloading until the award is obtained.

Defence: Counters: 50 | 100
You will unlock this through natural progression.

Fast Talker: Fast Talks: 5 | 10
You will unlock this through natural progression.

Deadeye: Thrown Weapon Kills: 5 | 10
Tap the RT button to trigger Wei into throwing his weapon. This can easily be done as a one-hit kill with Tire Irons, which are found in the trunks of cars.

Martial Artist: Melee Kills: 50 | 100
You will unlock this through natural progression.

Enforcer: Total Enemies Defeated: 100 | 200
You will unlock this through natural progression.

Safe Driver: Total Clean Drive Time: 0:15:00 | 0:30:00
Easily done with a class C or D car. Drive on an open stretch of highway and be mindful of other cars and obstacles.

Reckless Driver: Time Driven At Full Speed In Class A Car: 0:15:00 | 0:30:00
Find an open stretch of highway, be mindful of your surroundings and put the pedal to the metal for 30 seconds.

Hijacker: Action Hijacks Performed: 10 | 20
While in a vehicle and near another moving vehicle, hold down the A button. A white arrow will appear, and once it turns green press A again to jump to the other vehicle.

Wrecker: Total Cars Wrecked: 25 | 50
Replay the mission, "Funeral". Once you come to the enemy with the grenade launcher, kill him and take the weapon. Save your grenade rounds for the cars in the parking lot. Reload as necessary until the stat award is completed.

Racer: Races Won: 10 | 17
You will unlock this through natural progression.

Mogul: Total Earnings: 1,000,000 | 2,000,000
You will unlock this through natural progression.

Big Spender: Money Spent: 500,000 | 2,000,000
You will unlock this through natural progression.

Gambler: Gambling Earnings: 500,000 | 1,000,000
Go to the Cockfight in Kennedytown. Save your game before talking to the man at the gate. Bet the highest amount $100, 000 on whatever rooster you picked. If you win the bet, back out and save, and bet again. If you lose, don't save, just load up your previous save. Write this one off if you get the Zodiac Tournament DLC.

Completionist: Total Completion Percentage: 60.00% | 100.00%
You will unlock this through natural progression.

Explorer: Total Collectables Found: 120 | 175
You will unlock this through natural progression.
Stats & Completion Cont'd
Survivor: Total Time Survived above Heat Level 1: 0:10:00 | 0:20:00
You should get this naturally, if not then cruise around Hong Kong looking for a cop car. Crash into it and they should speed after you. Don't attempt to lose them, just keep dragging them with you until the stat award is achieved.

Rogue Cop: Cops Killed Above Heat Level 1: 25 | 50
Punch a cop and run away, this should automatically cause Heat Level 2. If not, walk up to a cop with your gun out. Try to find an area that's populated with many cops, and back yourself into a corner or take cover behind your car. This will come rather quickly.

Public Enemy: Most Kills In One Play Session: 100 | 200
This one will come easily if you're playing a long session and completing a lot of missions. Otherwise, head to the "Death by A Thousand Cuts" event and knock out some enemies in fast succession. Once you die/if you die, no sweat. The amount you've killed still adds to your total, just play the event again until the stat award is achieved.

The two stat awards in the Zodiac Tournament DLC are fairly simple. One is for collecting the Opal statues, and the other is for throwing your opponents into environment props. You will unlock the Opal Statue locations once the DLC story is completed.
Safe Driver
Cruise for 2 minutes straight without damaging your car.
This achievement will be unlocked when you are able to unlock the gold level stat award for Clean Drive. Grab a C or D class vehicle from your garage and head out to the highway, be careful to avoid cars and obstacles for two minutes.

Man Around Town
Visit Aberdeen, Central, Kennedy Town and North Point.
You shouldn't even bother making this achievement a priority, as it will come naturally during your visit in Hong Kong. However, if you just can't wait, get in a car and drive around the city.

Fashion Statement
Change all your clothes in your wardrobe or a clothing store.
Simply go to one of your apartment locations and change your clothing; hat, eyes, necklace, torso, pants, left arm, right arm, shoes.

Fashion Victim
Purchase all clothing.
Simply visit every clothing store in the game and purchase every item from every one. I suggest that, in the beginning, buy the sets that increase your Face and Triad experience and then wait until the end of the game to buy the rest of the clothing; that way you don't forget items that you couldn't afford yet and have revisit every store again.

Auto Enthusiast
Purchase all vehicles.
Money shouldn't be an issue for you if you've completed every event, job, favor, race, etc in the game. Unlock cars as you progress, or save it all until the end. The choice is yours. Don't forget to equip the clothing set that makes your vehicle purchases 15% cheaper.

Karaoke Superstar
Achieving 90% and above for all songs at the Karaoke Bars in HK.
The 8 karaoke songs will be unlocked throughout the game; 4 from the main story, 2 when you take Tiffany out on a date and 2 when you perform the "real Men Don't Karaoke" favor. To 'sing' karaoke, move your joy stick up and down to follow the vocal pattern on the screen.

Hijack 5 trucks and collect their cargo.
You will eventually get a call from Roland Ho, where he will ask you to hijack the Knox trucks; which are blue armored bank trucks. These trucks are indicated with an orange shield above them while you're driving. You will need to perform an action hijack on five of these trucks, lose the cops and then deliver the truck to the garage.

Win a bet on a cockfight.
See Infowlable for further details.

Win 50,000 on a single cockfight.
This one can be frustrating, and is more luck based than anything; despite the guides here that attempt to say otherwise. It's suggested to make a save before you attempt this achievement just in case you lose. The Kennedy Docks cockfighting is where you will obtain this achievement.

Try 10 different foods or drinks.
There are a ton of food and drinks to try around Hong Kong, and just stopping at random kiosks throughout the game will net you this achievement. However, if you're having a problem, check out the video guide. And remember, a man who never eats pork bun is never a whole man!

Nightmare in North Point DLC
Pet Cemetery
Send Dogeyes, Ratface and Ponytail back to Hell.
Story related, cannot be missed.

I Can Haz Banishment
Banish Smiley Cat.
Story related, cannot be missed.

Ghosts and Stuff
Complete all secondary content.
You will need to complete all of the secondary missions within this DLC. They will be marked on your map as blue and purple icons. Just complete them as they appear.

Cursed Gold
Achieve 5 Gold Awards.
The most tedious achievement of this DLC pack, you must obtain all five gold stat awards. Note that missions cannot be replayed, and this achievement will be made easier while grinding during some missions.

Vampire Hunter: Kill 200 Jiang Shi - These are the skinny dead guys that bounce around. Kills with cars do not count, you must melee kill these enemies. The easiest method is to find an energy source and grind there, as the enemies will continually respawn so long as you do not get rid of the source by throwing the enemy inside of it. The energy sources appear in main and secondary missions. If you've already completed the missions, six Jiang Shi spawn in an ally near the North Point apartment. Kill them, save and reload your game until the gold stat award is achieved.

Demon Hunter: Kill 20 Yaoguai - See Demonic Exorcism for further details.

Demonic Exorcism: Kill 15 Yaoguai with the Peachwood Sword - While completing story missions ans secondary content, you will see Peachwood Swords. Kill the Yoaguai (large demons) with the sword. if you still do not have this by the end of the DLC, refer to the below image for some locations of Peachwood Swords around North Point. ***Thanks to N'ours for the picture guide.

Hard to Get: Avoid 100 Jiang Shi bites - You can grind this one out while doing Vampire Hunter. Just keep mashing the counter button, I found that doing this opposed to waiting for them to attempt to bite you will prompt them to bite you almost every time.

Underworld Offering: Find all 10 Hell Shrines - See Hell Money for further details.

Hell Money
Find all the money shrines.
Unfortunately there is no way to make these shrines appear on your map. There are 10 shrines in total. Refer to the video guide for further details.

Year of the Snake DLC
Bomb Squad
Complete the first mission.
Story related, cannot be missed.

Cult Master
Defeat the cultists.
Story related, cannot be missed.

Hong Kong's Finest
Complete all Secondary Content.
The secondary content in this DLC will appear as Favors and Drug Busts (yellow speech bubbles and light blue badges). There are a total of 4 Favors and 8 Side Jobs to complete. Do them as you progress through the DLC to make it easier on yourself.

Goodie Monster
Find all Evidence Collectibles.
Once you complete the main story of the DLC, you will unlock the ability to see the Evidence Collectibles on your map. There are a total of 20. If you are having issues, refer to the video guide.

Wrap Up
Good luck in your achievement hunting!

Achievement Guide written by The Horror Network / Deathless Void.
Do not redistribute this guide without my express permission.

This guide is considered COMPLETE
> If you have anything insightful to add, please leave it in the comments below.
> If you're looking for boosting/co-op partners, feel free to use the comment section.

Note: There have been look-a-like copycat guides popping up. If it's not labeled by THN (The Horror Network), it's NOT one of mine and therefore not up to the quality that I aim to provide.

zackypratamaputra 18 Jan @ 6:24am 
check tran mission from your phone
awfyy 15 Jan @ 10:33am 
I've been stuck on chief inspector, my completionist stats show 99.48% and all the missions, evens, etc I've done. any suggest what should i do or something can help?
godfaceproportions 7 Sep, 2024 @ 6:13am 
Couldn't have done it without this guide, thanks!
MagicPudding 6 Sep, 2024 @ 10:52am 
Disarm gold medal can be grind in dojo, choose knife guys, then use combo x, x and hold x to stun them then wei automatically disarm them on grab (keep in mind, that you need those upgrades for disarming and stun combo)

In dojo you can also fast grind bonebreaker, just choose the smallest second guy from the left, you can easily grab them and break the leg twice per guy (so every run = 6 for the medal count)

Ninja can be easily perform on pedestrians from behind

Wrecker you can buy outfits with weapon come to your apartment then put it on and start to shoot cars around you till you out of ammo, then back to apartment put on some other outfit then put back weapon one to reset your ammo (legengary outfiter also has granade launcher outfit but it cost around 300k)

Fluid striker I made using car and thug places near lockboxes, just park near them and try to bate them arond the car to perform it using a
tyttöilijöiden venyttäjä 30 Aug, 2024 @ 12:07am 
great guide, many thanks!

for Safe Driver achievement i recommend turning the "world density" to low in advanced graphics settings. the streets will be entirely empty. drove the highway around the map twice and only a few cars passed by.

when killing 200 Jiang Shi in the DLC, it doesn't seem to count frontal "Fury Attack Finishers" on stunned opponents, as well as some (finishing) counters, as kills, for whatever reason. doing the finishers from the back does count. it's very inconsistent.
JosephToastar 6 Jun, 2024 @ 10:58pm 
When you're farming for golds, I'd recommend doing The Election for sneak attacks, disarms, environmentals, and fluid attacks. In the first fight room you can hop off the balcony and sneak attack one of the guys looking at the TV, then there are like, 5 or 6 objects you can throw people on. Then later, there's the part where you have to disarm the fatty with the auto shotgun, which lets you do a vaulting disarm, which counts as both a disarm and a fluid attack. Obviously on both of these, reload from checkpoint as necessary. The disarm one is especially good, I was doing it fast enough that I was getting a killstreak off the one guy (since killstreaks persist through loads for some reason?)
vasilije. 30 May, 2024 @ 5:35am 
This guide is good, it helped me to get all of the achievements, but its kinda outdated. For Definitive Edition achievement Chief Inspector you need to do all 21 races, do all derby and cruise missions (with the doctor's car) and do Zodiac Tournament.
Krille D 22 May, 2024 @ 10:01am 
Thanks man, good guide and good game.
Doctor Long 92 6 Apr, 2024 @ 8:01pm 
After Play Story For A Bit You Guys Should Play DLC For Clothes For The Main Game
16 Mar, 2024 @ 8:39pm 
does this work in definitive edition?