Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider 1996 - 2013
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49 commenti
kmicic66 23 mar 2021, ore 12:02 
Można się wzruszyć na wspomnienie "tamtych" czasów ✨1️⃣9️⃣9️⃣6️⃣
FRESHWATER 13 ott 2018, ore 13:11 
you vs the guy she said not to worry about.
Korg 22 gen 2015, ore 10:22 
must be shocking how the lara croft upgraded so Good but the old one is pretty good for a 1996 game anyways but the 2013 one is epic
ZiZi Boy 21 gen 2015, ore 12:11 
^^ exellent meme si graphiquement il etait pas beau il etait super ce jeu quand meme
Haruhi 20 gen 2015, ore 11:57 
console left, pc right
Stående Kat 20 gen 2015, ore 6:11 
Cha2aznab1e 19 gen 2015, ore 7:02 
바옼 19 gen 2015, ore 5:13 
친추하고 싶다
Freely 18 gen 2015, ore 0:04 
Prefer new Lara. No arguing that the original isn't a classic, video game heroine, and as years went by her sex appeal got waaaaaaaaaaay more out there with constant ass-shots for camera.

New Lara just feels more believable, in a sense.

Ah, what the hell, may as well do a breast and ass comparison!
incredible suffering 17 gen 2015, ore 22:42 