Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

206 ratings
Taunting: How not to get mad because you're bad
By wukie
A guide on how to make players hate and/or love you
Note: If someone has already done this that's okay this isn't any hardcore facts this is just may take on it
The Taunt
Taunting in TF2 has always been a topic amongst players in both positive and negative respects. Taunting is a way for a player to show their outlook on a situation (usually one in their favor). Back then, pressing the taunt key would allow you to perform a weapon specific taunt or you could have an action taunt that provided a wider range of taunting.

Now, since the Love and War Update, Taunting has been broadend to class specific taunts, multiclass taunts, and team taunts.
  • Class specific Taunts: Taunts that are used by a certain class. i.e. Scout's Battin' a Thousand, Demoman's Ooberated, Pyro's Pool Party *new*.
  • Multiclass Taunts: Taunts that can be used by any class. i.e. Director's Vision
  • Team Taunts: Taunts that require a friendly or enemy taunt with you. i.e. High-Five, Skullcracker, Flippin' Awesome, and everyone's favortie CONGA!!

These taunts bring a bigger selelction for the player, and help in expressing a wider arrange of emotions. However, taunts can effect a player's behavior and how they play...

On a side note: some taunts are even useful for combat, these taunts are usually weapon specific. For example, the Sniper's Huntsman's Taunt will not only stun a player but can kill them as well. The Medic's Ubersaw's Taunt does the same however performing a successful taunt kill will give you 100% Ubercharge. Here's a video from popular TF2 player STAR_ showing us how useful taunting is.
The Taunted
You're on a 18 killstre- 19 killstreak just about to hit 20! You see a scout, and you know that he's about to be your 20th kill in this life. Feeling so accomplished you let your guard down a little bi- WHAM! a full scattergun blast to the face. You run back to your spawn hoping to get there in time. Almost made it... just touch the cabine- Owww... your streak is ended... you look back and what do you see? This...

Being taunted is no LAUGHING matter *seinfield track*. It hurts, having another player express their love for your death. You know you tried your hardest but that doesn't matter to them, they're just so happy your life was ended by their hands... Overcoming grief from a taunt can be either quick and painless or you can hurt yourself by self-loathing. "If I had just gotten there faster" "If I had cut that corner a little quick" "i could've surfed that shot all the way to spawn" all this won't help. You have to realize you messed up, and move on. If you can't, just think "it could have always been worse". Some player deaths are so humiliating even they think they deserve to be taunted.

People like to think that taunting is a waste and it will end up getting you killed. To be honest, yes most of the time a player will die because they taunted. you shouldn't hate the person, the taunter does what he does for a reason (That will be explained in the next part). Just remember one thing, being taunted isn't fun but there are some situations where taunting is acceptable even if it gets them killed.
  • A Player has gotten Revenge or Dominated: It is acceptable because it is a feat, especially if the taunter has defeated an extremely good player. i.e. Killing a headshot only sniper, Good Medic, Auto Airblast Pyros.
  • The Taunter is good friends with The Taunted: More than i can count i have taunted friends in my friends list especially if I am in a call with them. It's fun to screw around with them, make them a bit angry with you. Just know it's all in good fun.
  • The Taunter is new: If an F2P Player or a Player that just became P2P taunts you, move on. They're happy they got the kill, they're happy they accomplished something, and they're happy that they didn't die again.

Edit: I'd like to add one more thing, venting anger seems to be an issue with most players. Now I am a rager and i have done some crazy stuff, But I can still explain what to do in these situations. It's usually just calm down, assert yourself as the problem, and realize that it was most likely your fault you got killed. I mean to be honest I can create a WHOLE other guide explaining how not to get to mad. If this one gets comments and views and what nit then i'll do that
The Taunter
Now, I'm not gonna go on the whole "dopamine goes off in your brain because your happy" tangent. However, it is true. You taunt players because you're happy, and you need a way to express that. Taunting in TF2 is your way of expressing it. When you taunt you tell the other person "Hey I just killed you and I am ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ proud of it". It shows that you don't care if that W+M1 Pyro is behind you, you want that other player to know you killed them, it was all you.

Now taunting doesn't always have to be bad. Taunting can be used for fun and joy. For example, you don't always have to taunt after a kill, you can taunt and have fun with players around you. This brings up the team taunts. Team taunts are a cool way to let friends and enemies know "Don't worry I won't kill you i just wanna have fun". Taunts like The Skullcracker, The Flippin' Awesome, and The Conga are great ways to show this.

One team taunt in particular, The RPS, is sorta different. The RPS can be applied in different ways. You and an enemy are both at 30 health and instead of shotgun fighitng across the map you offer an RPS Taunt (Okay look don't do this around corners do this where we can see you cause if you're a pyro and you hide around the corner RPSing I'm going to jump shoot that corner and probably kill without knowing you wanted to RPS). RPS, as some of you may know means rock paper scissors. When RPSing you offer the other player a a game of chance. Will they die or will you die? It's in fate's hands now. Same basic rules apply (accept you don't get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ who don't take the game seriously. Like for real, if we're RPSing in real life and you throw down like Spock, or gun, or some ♥♥♥♥♥♥ other variant I will personally see to it you have no frontal lobe, because obviously you're not using it properly). Anyways, Scissors beats Paper, Rock beats Scissors, and by some holy unannounced force paper beats rock. The RPS taunt is useful in that it provides a way to go out in a fun way, and not some horrific explosion of guts and glory, well.. i guess just in a fun way.. cause.. you do blow up... if you lose...

Look taunting is what you make it whether it be harmless fun, or you want to make someone mad. I, personally do not care if you taunt me. If you see me and you kill me congrats you killed a bad TF2 player woopty friggin do. Just rememeber... taunt at your own risk it could be glorious
or it could end poorly
"Mr. I Taunt After Every Kill"
This is a short section dedicated to those of you who feel like you need to tell everyone you are better than them. Look just please do it in moderation that's all I'm asking. Taunting after every kill not only makes you open to attack it also makes you a ♥♥♥♥. If you taunt after almost all of your kills I will make it my goal to taunt everytime I kill you and I will make sure it's a different taunt everytime. Sometimes when you taunt you open youself to ONE OF THESE

Oh you're feeling tough huh? then how about ONE OF THESE

Anyways look, point is don't over do it. Please?
Well we went over a lot today. i uploaded this because I felt like it was necessary for players to leabr when and when not to taunt. Look it's okay to taunt after you kill someone just do it in moderation. Taunting is in the game so there's a bit of fun and not just mindless violence. Also, a small note:


Alright have fun in TF2 everybody!

Here are some interviews I dd with some players:
Amateur Interview
Player: Onii

Me:So what do you think of Valve's decision to add more
taunting features to the game?
Onii:I believe taunting shows shows emotion, not better than chat but yeah.
It can show that you're friendly, happy you got a kill,
or just to press the g and have something cool happen.

Me:So does taunting make you feel like you need to kill the taunter?
Onii:No, I believe they have the freedom to taunt after a kill. They're
happy? It's okay. It's just when they taunt after every kill isn't cool.
They are open to attack, which is fine by me.

Me: Final question, that scenario I put up in the "Taunted" about the
scout killing and taunting how would you react?
Onii: "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ god, another cocky scout. Only got that kill 'cause of his
force-a-gayture, but it's just a game. I'll get revenge later."

Pro interview.
His Youtube

Me:So what are your thoughts on Valve expanding the taunt base?
With new taunts and new taunt mechanic etc.
Dosllɛ。:They're fun. They add a little spice to the game and
are welcomed by me. It can be a little annoying when everyone
is doing the conga and not playing but to each to their own.
So yeah, keep em coming Valve.
I think that there should be more killer taunts though :3

Me:You played since 2007? So as the game has grown how have
taunts grown?
Dosllɛ: Yes, I was quite happy when they added the huntsman taunt
especially. I found it very useful in certain situations like when getting backed into
a corner and having the taunt as a last resort. Like I said,
I'm a fan of the killer taunts!
I've put a taunt kills strange part on my festive huntsman just for this
reason. The taunts have grown considerably in the last year or
so though or months. I have a few of the new taunts which I like using to
make my killed enemies annoyed. But I'm not a 'taunt after every kill'
kind of guy'. Just use them when it's warranted.

Dosllɛ。: Also I have a script I use for spy so I can do the spycrab/cig
flick to really annoy
Me: why don't we expand on that. Please go into more detail. Can you please
explain a script to our audience?
Dosllɛ。: A script lets you do things that may be hard or slow to do but much easier/faster.
For example the cig flick script I use lets me press one key and it will automatically equip
the disguise kit and then use the taunt key.
basically it shortcuts things making them much easier to do.
So if I kill an annoying pyro, I will press the scripted key and bang,
spycrab taunt :3

Me: So does scripting taunts make it seem more cruel or more fun for
the taunted?
Dosllɛ: Oooo it's much more cruel and more satisfying for me. It says
'don't F with me'. But each to their own. I guess some might smile at seeing the
spycrab. Amiright?

Me: Hey thank you so much for the interview I really appreciate it
Dosllɛ。: Twas fun

Well thank you all some much for this. This was my first guide and I love it so much that the steam community is willing to help me with interviews. So many people helped me. My friends and steam friends. All of you thank you for letting me share with you. Next guide will be coming soon hope you are ready. Bye all
Dr_Klown 15 Jul, 2019 @ 4:46am 
I think most likely I get upset because sometimes I feel like they’re mocking me. Saying that I’m weak and I’m there bitch. That’s not something I want to feel when I play game being mocked is like saying you suck. Now I got one question when someone kills you and they taunt for no reason and they do it to no one else and I literally never did anything to them and then they leave the game running my chance of killing them and doing the same. what does that mean? Also it really does suck when someone is dominating you and they told you at the end of the game and leave. I think some of them are just trying to be douche bagS
wukie  [author] 1 Nov, 2015 @ 12:54pm 
I fixed broken stuff
idk about another guide
I mean do people really carea about guides?
anyways tell me what you think about me doing another guide or maybe updating this one
wukie  [author] 26 Mar, 2015 @ 4:18am 
Not really. Like I said don't over do it. Anyways idk about the other guide I was gonna write it but I forgot what I was gonna write about. Anyways happy taunting and I'll see about that next guide in the near future. Meanwhile you can dd me for whatever, I play a lot (tfw no job :'^( ). i am bad so don't go to hard on me.
Killdeer 25 Mar, 2015 @ 6:47pm 
Is it bad that I have a rep:ins: rifle named, "I taunt after every kill"? :cgrazz:
kino 7 Jan, 2015 @ 3:18am 
fucking taunters hate em
get яekt. 27 Dec, 2014 @ 2:08am 
ESPECIALLY DEM :spycon::spycon::spycon:'S

wukie  [author] 25 Dec, 2014 @ 10:51am 
Btw Happy holidays merry christmas and whatever :B1:
Eldritch Panda 24 Dec, 2014 @ 8:18pm 
Because free items come from people who are level 0, who don't have a profile, and who's profiles are private.
Major Mari 24 Dec, 2014 @ 8:08pm 
free items l giveaway@ stop trying.
Toy Story 2 on the PS1 24 Dec, 2014 @ 1:57pm 
As an aggressive combat Engineer, I love to taunt after killing those cocky Scouts who underestimate me!