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TTT Call of Duty Black Ops II Weapons Pack
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Weapon
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
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22.483 MB
30/nov./2014 às 13:33
2/abr./2017 às 8:15
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TTT Call of Duty Black Ops II Weapons Pack

Hello there,

some small addon that I ported from sandbox over to ttt. Nothing special about it.


Porting to TTT- Deadalus3010
Pictures - Deadalus3010
Ported the models - Megadeth9811

Do YOU want it for Sandbox? There you go -> Sandbox Addon (Original Addon)

Known Errors


Fixed Errors

DSR and Ballista spawn
Sniper Scopes

Update Log

30. November 2014
Version 0.1
-> Upload
-> Scope Fix (Alpha)
25. Dezember 2014
01. April 2017
-> New Swep code

CoD Weapons Include:

DSR .50
Type 95
Skorpion EVO


Q: Ter ar no wold modesl ! MAGE TEM !
A: I dont own Black Ops 2, so yeah if you own it you could help me finish this addon.
143 comentário(s)
zach1575 17/jul./2023 às 19:49 
what ammo does the executioner use?
String123 20/jul./2022 às 12:56 
when i equip is they cant shoot and it says error
Joseph K. [LEO] 24/jan./2022 às 19:33 
when i spawn in one of the guns it creats errors help
ballistA 16/mar./2019 às 15:22 
By the way, you could ask permission to use another author's world models. (If someone made a BO2 weapon SWEP for sandbox)
Deadalus  [autor(a)] 10/mar./2019 às 15:43 

Try picking up guns that look like weapons from CS:S, as @mags stated, you can only tell if you picked up an COD weapon from this pack, if you hold the weapon in your hands.

mags 9/mar./2019 às 15:37 
they are not not spawning @Deadlus3010 has simply problems copying and importing the worldmodels. thats why u dont see them they are invisible

@Deadlus3010 corrcet me if im wrong
ballistA 9/mar./2019 às 15:30 
The weapons aren't spawning. Is there any fix?
『 Jv 』 13/set./2017 às 16:24 
mags 30/abr./2017 às 3:44 
ich hab multiplayer kannst mir den link adde mich einfach auf steam
Deadalus  [autor(a)] 30/abr./2017 às 3:32 
Ein Kollege hat es mir bereits per Familiy Sharing "gegeben", aber der Multiplayer funktioniert (bei mir zumindest) nicht. Den Singleplayer habe ich noch nicht ausprobiert, da ich ihn noch nicht runtergeladen habe.

Das Tool mit dem man Models aus dem Spiel "rippen" kann, funktioniert nur wenn das Spiel gestartet ist, quasi wenn das Spiel die Models in den Arbeitsspeicher ablegt.

Fals du den Singleplayer installiert hast (oder der Multiplayer bei dir funktioniert), kann ich dir einen Link zu dem Tool geben und du kannst es mal ausprobieren und mir -wenn möglich- die Models rippen.