Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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D_Tor's L4D2 Vanilla+ Addons
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A collection of mods to enhance the default L4D2 experience that I use personally.
Obiecte (11)
Reworked Heads-Up Display
Creată de ihcorochris
A complete rework of the original HUD, this mod gives a complete overhaul and remix to the interface with some visual aspects from the first game, as well as fixing certain bugs on the HUD. FEATURES Scoreboard Added a black background behind campaign title...
Xbox HUD Extra #2: Team Panel + Health Counter
A team panel more closely resembling the one found on Xbox, but with some added luxuries. For use with the Xbox HUD modular pack. Differences from PC Undid most of the bizarre Last Stand changes that stretched and misaligned the panel. Repositioned survivo...
Real, actual HUD icon set (TLS updated)
Creată de Alex_D #NoWar
Note to self: there is a Russian description I will now have to be updating too. FML. What started as a mod that fixed the odd M1911 icon for pistols, is now something else entirely. It used to replace the icon sheets before The Last Stand update (and stil...
Clean Loading Bar
Creată de Gary
Clean loading bar with transparent footer....
Dot Melee Crosshair
Creată de JibbyJib
Replaces the default melee / item crosshair with a small white dot. Red Crosshair Orange Crosshair Yellow Crosshair Green Crosshair Blue Crosshair Cyan Crosshair Purple Crosshair Pink Crosshair ...
Motion Blur Removal Continued
Creată de Rainy
Remove the motion blur of infected and melee weapons. This mod removes the motion blur of Charger, Hunter and all melee weapons. This is an extended support mod for the following mod: Motion Blur Removal. The existing mod is so old that it currently doesn'...
Softer Infected Vision
Creată de honey
Reduces the strength of the infected vision color correction in versus mode. Uses some nicer colors with less saturation that makes playing infected less of an eyesore and allow the player to see a bit better. Since this addon was published, addons have be...
Enhanced Blood Splatter Overlay
Creată de [valeriae]
This mod does exactly what it says on the tin, it improves the blood splatters that get on your view/screen when killing things at close range. (Melee weapons or shooting at point blank) The blood will refract what is behind it, and it does not have any gl...
L4D2 styled portraits + lobby icons [UPDATED]
Creată de devious critter
After nine years in development, hopefully it will have been worth the wait. -Boomer from left 4 dead portraits updated! Sadly i can change the thumbnail its stuck with the shitty portraits being shown sequel to the l4d1 vgui i promised i would i would mak...
Spike's Custom L4D2 Loading Screens
Creată de Spike
WARNING! This mod changes the loading screens of all L4D2 campaigns. CREDITS Cold Stream poster by Querentin. Me for editing and stuff. P.S: I think this is more like "L4D2 Loading Screens (Cold Stream style)" lol...
Spike's Custom L4D1 Loading Screens
Creată de Spike
WARNING! This mod changes the loading screens of all L4D1 campaigns. IMPORTANT UPDATE I have done a major rework to all the loading screens, as well as, I have finally made my own version of the "No Mercy" loading screen. Each of the loading screens allude...