Hearts of Iron IV
Оцінок: 411
Total Graphic Redux
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15 лют. о 0:21
21 лют. о 23:18

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Total Graphic Redux

Total Graphic Redux is a mod build that completely redesigns and changes the graphics of Hearts of Iron 4.
The mod does not claim any originality and consists of a large number of mods, uploaded to the Steam workshop. I was inspired by the abandoned Vanilla GFX & Aesthetic Overhaul mod, so you can consider this mod a remake. Thanks to its author (mama mia) for his excellent work and permission to use it.

List of changes:
  • New font and textures of map
  • New flags and portraits for states
  • More pronounced weather conditions
  • New buttons and other interface elements
  • New focus icons for some states
  • New party logos

The mod is designed for the original Hearts of Iron 4 and focuses on playing in Ironman mode.

Do not forget that most of the changes are individual mods that you can view in the the list of mods included in the build.

Popular questions:
(A- author, Q - question)

Q: Is the mod compatible with Kaisseredux/ The Road to 56 / any other mod?
A: Partly. Total Graphic Redux is designed to play exactly in the original Hearts of Iron 4, changing many aspects of the graphics in it. When playing with other mods, you may experience bugs with the interface, flags, focuses, and portraits. You can play, but it is not recommended. If you liked a certain element from the mod (Buttons, Map, etc.), then look at the list of mods included in the build and put such mods separately.

Q: Is it possible to remove the historical German flag (swastika) from mod?
A: The historical German flag will always be in mod. In my opinion, it's very stupid to censor what really happened in history, so it will always be a part of mod. But if you need it for some reason, then follow the steamapps/workshop/content/394360/3427656504/gfx/flags and delete 3 files named GER_fascism.tga.

Q: Bruh, I don't like the paper effect of portraits, what can I do about it?
A: Follow the steamapps/workshop/content/394360/3427656504/ gfx/interface and delete the files leader_frame_0_6.dds, leader_frame_0_75.dds and leader_group_frame_unselected.dds, diplo_leader_frame, event_leader_frame. The effect should disappear.
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21 лют. о 11:28
Mods included in the build / Моды вошедшие в сборку
Коментарів: 101
ReCrUsTa 2 год. тому 
бумажный эффект пропал только у ботов, если играть за какую-нибудь страну у неё он будет
Daichin  [автор] 2 год. тому 
@Doctor немного невнимательно написал список файлов, которые нужно удалить. Могу посоветовать перечитать гайд
Doctor 4 год. тому 
Не пропадает бумажный эффект у портретов после удаления файлов.
Daichin  [автор] 5 год. тому 
@Soviet The Cat Thing What English version?
Soviet The Cat Thing 6 год. тому 
English Version?
Za_vcya 9 год. тому 
No way
mister 12 год. тому 
Прекрасный мод!
Vythang 12 год. тому 
I thought it would crash my laptop but it somehow runs smooth
Kinglee 15 год. тому 
It keeps crashing my game once I get past 1940 is anyone else dealing with that too??
ZeroQueen 16 год. тому 
My friend thinks that the map has no difference from FPS map, IDK What to say.