Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

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3.439 GB
2. feb. kl. 13:05
11. feb. kl. 9:53
6 ændringsbemærkninger ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade

Its an ALPHA version of the map so there is not so much to do.
i decided to post an alpha version of my upcoming map because i have lost all the files i had before about my previous map so i wanted to keep a trace of the map somewhere.

map will be deleted in a few months and will change A LOT its just a test !

all music are free copyright, ambient music from Jedi fallen order.
the music ee is copyrighted shoot all 3 golden helmet to trigger it.
90% of the weapon are UNIQUE

Bigger map
More weapon
New boss ai
Easter egg
Boss fight

UPDATE: gibs added for stormtrooper
if you go out of map you can find what im doing next.

The tool dont want to allow me to put a picture for the map so thats why there is no picture
18 kommentarer
NGcaudle 20. feb. kl. 23:27 
londonjoshua1994 11. feb. kl. 22:24 
IN_YOUR_THROAT 9. feb. kl. 10:57 
very bright
MoiCestTOM  [ophavsmand] 9. feb. kl. 4:13 
@AngryButt thank you, about the margwa i will remove them as you said the hitbox is broken but i plan to replace them with something better and yeah the e11 paped is broken at the moment i will patch it in next update
AngryButt 9. feb. kl. 2:49 
For someone who loves less complicated custom maps to chill to and just kill zombies this was awesome. Decent big open area, fun more rare weapons you don't really see used alot in other maps, satisfying wonder weapon, nice theme with good zombie models and the music is great and really fits the map. My only real critiques are that the hit detection for the margwa heads is spotty. also less of a critique but more of a personal note the starting blaster while not very strong is SUPER satisfying to use especially with infinite ammo, but when you PAP the blaster it isnt really that much stronger which would be fine if the infinite ammo aspect was nullified by PAPing it. you only get 60 rounds after PAPing and thats it it's empty. But overall i really enjoy this map and look foward to your work in the future.
iSithkillz 7. feb. kl. 13:41 
Man got the WW from the box..... 1 word about it, Amazing!

Can't wait for the official release bro! Map is really good!
MoiCestTOM  [ophavsmand] 5. feb. kl. 15:22 
@Ticksy yes an hud will also come !
Ticksy 5. feb. kl. 12:49 
Really good map for an Alpha! Looking forward to future updates! Would be amazing to have a star wars HUD to match with the map! Good luck and all the best. P.s Enjoy your points.
Spartan01 5. feb. kl. 8:24 
ok bro, sorry for the confusion. I will be attentive, greetings
MoiCestTOM  [ophavsmand] 5. feb. kl. 6:27 
@TodayTV thank you !