Geometry Dash

Geometry Dash

평점이 부족합니다.
How to remove the trail and particles in Geometry Dash.
✪ xitri-iwnl- 님이 작성
A short guide on how to remove particles and trails in Geometry Dash.
즐겨찾기 해제
Main part
To remove the particles, open the folder with the game, go to Resources and search for the file square.png . Next, open this file via Paint, fill it with black color and save it.
In order to remove the trail, do the same with the streak_01_001.png file. (P.S. don't forget to select the most standard (first) trail in the game).
Congratulations! You've removed the particles and the trail!
My Socials
YouTube: WXST [GD]
In-game profile: wxst