

94 ratings
every ghost guide
By Tymex0
after reading this guide you will know everything about every ghost in the game
spirit will hunt after 180s after being incensed instead of standard 90s
-wraith will not interact with salt at all
-can teleport to a random player leaving emf 2 or 5 where he teleported
-phantom will not appear in ghost photo including dots
-taking a photo of the ghost will cause to ghost to dissapear(event and dosts only)
-lless visible during hunt
-player will lose 0.5% sanity /s while heartbeat range during hunts and ghost events
-can roam(go) to random player leaving emf 2 where it is going
-poltergeist will throw items every 0,5s during hunt
- has a hire chance to throw objects
- can throw objects faster and further
-if there are 3 items + stacked poltergeist can do polter explosion(also called polter boom) throwing every object that there was in every way and decreasing 2% sanity every player nearby
-banshee have 33% chance to give unique scream through parabolic microphone
-hunt is baised on target's sanity instead of average(only if he is inside(so let's say that it can hunt with 87% total sanity or only 12%))
-will only pursure it's target during hunt(if he is inside)
-target lose 15% sanity instead of 10% if they touch banshee during event
-prefers singing events
-will not change favourite room
-will attempt to roam twoards their target without leaving emf
-jinn with braker on will speed up in LOS(line of sight(when ghost see you)) to 2.5m/s if u are 3m away from him and if he get's closer than 3m he will ho normaly again or if he loses LOS with you
-cannot turn off braker(still if too much light is on then brakerr will go off)and the difrence is that ghost when turning off braker will not turn off all switches but if too much light is on then all switches will go off and braker will go off
-can touch braker leaving emf 2 or 5 and dropping nearby players sanity by 25%
-mare won't hun't until 40% sanity if light in the room that she is right now are on if they are off she can hunt at 60% sanity
-will go out off her room if the light in her room are on and try to hunt from other rooms
-prefers turning off lights and light bursting events
-cannot turn on light (excluding computers,tv or this gas stove in camp woodwind)
-if you turn on the light in her room she can immediatly turn off that light (or lamp) if it is turned on within 4m of the ghost
-during hunt revenant will be slow(1m/s) if he doesn't see any player or his electronics and if he does he will speed up to 3m/s untill he get's to the last location where player or his turned on electronics have been seen by the ghost
-does not speed up in LOS
-shade is the only ghost that can appear as a shadow on summoning circle
-prefers shadow ghost model during events
-will not hunt if the player is in the same room as the ghost
-will not do any event if the player is in the same room
-will not do any interactions that result in emf 2,3,5 (because 4 is ghost event)
-cannot do ghost event at 100% sanity and with sanity lower higher chance of ghost event
-does not hunt untill 35% average sanity
-can hunt 60s after being smudged instead of standard 90s
-can hunt every 20s instead of standrad 25s
-crucifix range is increased by 50% per tier(4,5m; 6m; 7,5m)
-can hunt at any sanity if uses it's ability and if didn't can hunt from 70% and lower
-only ghost that can close or interact with exit door outside of hunt/ghost event
-incensing the ghost will trap the ghost in it's room for 90s
-can shut a door and drop sanity of nearby players by 15%
-drains 20% sanity during events(instead of standard 10%)
-will not do "ghost mist" event
-blinks more during hunts
-more likely to appear as a full ghost model during events
-more active around players
-hearing/detection distance is 2.5m during hunt
-more active when talking near it
-talking near yokai can cause it to hunt up to 80% sanity
-will have visible freazing breath during hunts when braker is off
-cannot turn on the braker
-more likely to turn off the braker
-faster in colder rooms during hunts
-always will have freezing temperatures on nightmare/sanity
-does not speed up in LOS
-DOTs will only appear on video camera and will not show if there is any player in the room (you can still see the DOTs if you have camera in your hand and you are outside the room)
-cannot change favourite room
-does not wander from its room often
-will always have DOTs on nightmare/insanity
-footsteps and ghost cannot be heard from 12m away during hunts(normal is 20m)
-increased chance to get a response in parabolic microphone
-will atempt a hunt at any sanity after blowing 3 flames in a row
-flames act like a crucifix so if there is at least 1 flame he will not hunt untill it's out(range for flames are 4m)
-more likely to blow out flame the more players are dead
-can hunt from 60% sanity
the twins
-can do 2 interactions at the same time, one withing it's standard range and other on it's extended range (1.5m on small and medium maps and 3m on large normal range)(8m on small and medium maps and 16 on large maps extended range)
-ghost will have 10% + or - speed if hunts from normal range than it will me 10% less speed ( 1.53m/s) and if hunts from it's extended range it will be 10% + to speed(1.87m/s)
-can only trigger motion sensor and step into salt in normal range
-during hunts raiju cause electronics to disturbance at 15m instead of standard 10m
-increased speed near active electronics when hunting
- can hunt at 65% sanity if any equipment like camera/parabolic/DOTs are active near ghost
-normally goes 1.7m/s but near active elecronic equipment 2.5m/s
-obake can leave special fingerprints (on doors and windows 6 fingers instead of standard 5, on light switch 2 fingerprints, 5 fingerprints on keyborads or cell dors)
-has 25% to not leave uv evidence
-will change models for a single blink during hunts (at least 1 time per hunt)
-can make fingerprints disappear twice as fast
-always have ultraviolet on nightmare/insanity mode
the mimic
-will always show ghost orbs as an additional evidence(so on insanity you will have spirit box or uv or freezing and ghost orbs always)
-changes ghost behaviour every 30s up to 2 minutes
-copies behaviour of currently mimicked ghost(like if mimicking mare will wonder out of the room if the light is on)
-copies speed of mimicked ghost
-copies abilities of mimicked ghost(like demon can hunt at any sanity)
-copies sanity untill hunt of mimicked ghost(so one hunt can hunt at 100% sanity(if mimicked ghost is demon) and second after hunt can start mimicking shade for 2 minutes))
-if the mimicked ghost does not speed in LOS it will not speed up too
-place a curse on a player when heard through spirit box or parabolic microphone which causes sanity to drop twice as fast(can be taken down by just taking sanity pills)
-increased blindness duration during hunt is increased by 50% (7,5s instead of 5s)
-faster when average sanity is lower (can reach 3.71 m/s when in LOS for long enough(player sprint is 3m/s)
-will always have spiritbox on nightmare or insanity
-33% chance to give heavy brreathing through spirit box when within 1m of the ghost
-very fast hunt speed when far away(3 m/s) but will slow down as it nears the targetted player 0,4 m/s m aking it slowest ghost in game)
-much more visible during hunts(even more than oni)
-always has LOS of the player during hunts, meaning you cannot hide from him
-cannot hunt until 40% average sanity
-will always have spirit box on nightmare/sanity
-does not speed up in LOS
-ghost ages every 1-2 minutes while any player is nearby
-more active when younger
-hunts at 75% sanity at its youngest and goes down to just 15% at its oldest
-2.75 m/s at its youngest and 1.0 m/s at its oldest
-with every age down ghost speed is reduced by 0.175m/s
-thaye age is going from 0 to 10
-every age ghost will hunt from 6% sanity less(if at age 2 than will hunt from 63% sanity)
-does not speed up in LOS
the end
that's everything that you can know about ghosts but not every information here is so usefull but i wanted to make sure that everything about ghosts will be in here so thank you for reading this and good luck playing phasmophobia
torioneil2014 8 Mar @ 5:11pm 
what the freak is going on with this things
❤Ph1LnEsS❤ 8 Mar @ 10:20am 
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
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pls commend 8 Mar @ 8:39am 
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ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
+rep Clutch King 👑
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+rep Killing Machine 😈fg
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torioneil2014 6 Mar @ 11:52pm 
uh nice i like tacos and phasmophobia
DimKon 5 Mar @ 5:09pm 
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!

+rep good job
+rep ty for playing
+rep good guy
+rep nice aim
+rep ♡
faithfull-restlessevenings 5 Mar @ 12:28pm 
Bisiagamer 4 Mar @ 1:04pm 
Thanks mate
Kolpak Z Opla Astry 4 Mar @ 5:08am 
ok thx